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Belgian open data portal, harvesting data from federal, regional and local portals in Belgium datasets available on official portal for European data

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social center overview Open Data

SOCIAL_CENTRUM_OVERVICHT SSO/STAT The geo-layer shows the exact locations of the social ce

Issued on 2018-12-06

social center overview details >

G3Dv3.1 Isopachen Open Data

The isopaches, isolines of the thickness, are modelled for each package. The Geological 3D model was

Issued on 2021-03-10

G3Dv3.1 Isopachen details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 27/10/2021 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to stimulate and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned business pa

Issued on 2021-11-10

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 27/10/2021 details >

sports hall Open Data

SPORT_OVERVIEW BZ/SSO Summary: Localisation and documentation of the sports infrastructure

Issued on 2018-12-06

sports hall details >

dog walking zone overview Open Data

HONDENLOOPZONE City development/Designation A dog walking zone is a city-defined terrain:

Issued on 2018-12-06

dog walking zone overview details >

usage Square Open Data

 City Development/Space Places we mean publicly accessible paved spaces without surface re

Issued on 2018-12-19

usage Square details >

DSI — Regional RUP — Special contour Open Data

This dataset series contains the enveloping outline of the finally approved regional spatial impleme

Issued on

DSI — Regional RUP — Special contour details >

RWZI overview Open Data

RWZI_OVERVICHT City of Antwerp Summary: The contours of the water treatment plants were a.

Issued on 2018-12-06

RWZI overview details >

centre for Youth Care Open Data

CENTRUM_VOOR_JEUGDZORG_OVERVICHT SSO/STAT The geo-layer gives the exact locations of the y

Issued on 2018-12-06

centre for Youth Care details >

meeting Finder Room Open Data

ZAAL SEARCHER_GAINING Sale seeker Overview of all rooms and spaces known to the urban serv

Issued on 2019-11-21

meeting Finder Room details >

reach experience green water square neighborhood Open Data

BEREIK_BELEVINGSGREEN_WATER_PLEIN_BUURT City development/Space Low with range zone of neig

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach experience green water square neighborhood details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 01/02/2021 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to stimulate and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned business pa

Issued on 2021-02-12

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 01/02/2021 details >

STAT sec 2019 Open Data

STAT_SECTOR_2019 Studiedienst/GIS Summary:The definition of statistical sectors within the

Issued on 2020-03-11

STAT sec 2019 details >

heavy Metal Zone Open Data

zone_heavy_metalen Logo Antwerpen The company Umicore emits heavy metals such as lead. Sma

Issued on 2018-12-06

heavy Metal Zone details >

drinking fountain Open Data

STRAATOBJECTEN_DRINKFONTEIN City development/Management_and_Operations Drink fountains are

Issued on 2018-12-06

drinking fountain details >

Business parks OSLO, Condition 29/03/2022 Open Data

The dataset contains the following components: Business park: These are the designated areas as they

Issued on 2022-04-07

Business parks OSLO, Condition 29/03/2022 details >

Air traffic noise Lden 2011 Open Data

Sound_air traffic_Lden LNE — Department of Environment, Nature and Energy — Air, Hinder, Risk M

Issued on 2018-12-06

Air traffic noise Lden 2011 details >

district nature agriculture water (more than 10 ha) Open Data

BELEVING_NATURE_LANDBOUW_WATER_STADSDEEL City development/Space Low with district nature,

Issued on 2018-12-27

district nature agriculture water (more than 10 ha) details >

range of recycling park district Open Data

BEREIK_RECYCLAGECENTRUM_STADSDEEL City development/Space Low with range zone of recycling

Issued on 2022-02-21

range of recycling park district details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 23/10/2018 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to stimulate and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned business pa

Issued on 2018-10-31

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 23/10/2018 details >

shortage zone Dentist district Open Data

TEKORTZ_TANDARTS_WIJK City development/Space Low with deficit zone of dentists at district

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone Dentist district details >

shortage zone pharmacy neighborhood Open Data

TEKORTZ_APOTHEEK_BUURT City development/Space Low with deficient area of local pharmacists

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone pharmacy neighborhood details >

local sports area Open Data

BUURTSPORTTERREIN City of Antwerp Overview of the outdoor sports grounds in and around Ant

Issued on 2018-12-06

local sports area details >

Interpretations Open Data

The subsoil descriptions and interpretations include lithological descriptions, formal stratigraphy,

Issued on 2017-03-28

Interpretations details >

green% building block 2015 Open Data


Issued on 2021-06-22

green% building block 2015 details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 25/02/2022 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to encourage and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned industrial

Issued on 2022-03-07

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 25/02/2022 details >

Noise railways eve 2016 Open Data

Strategic noise map — 2016 — Antwerp — railway — Leve LNE — Department of Environment, Nature a

Issued on 2018-12-06

Noise railways eve 2016 details >

G3Dv2 Open Data

The Geological 3D model was drawn up under the management agreement of the Flemish government with V

Issued on 2013-11-12

G3Dv2 details >

Shallow Model of Antwerp, v1 (2021) Open Data

The shallow geological 3D layer and voxel model of the Antwerp region (OA v1, 2021) shows the variat

Issued on 2021-01-09

Shallow Model of Antwerp, v1 (2021) details >

Deflection map Open Data

The flow map shows the lines in the landscape where the water flows potentially concentrated after a

Issued on 2014-08-01

Deflection map details >

school’s turn cluster Open Data

SCHOOL_AAN_DE_BEURT_CLUSTER SL/STC Samenvatting:Deze dataset shows the cluster zones of th

Issued on 2018-12-06

school’s turn cluster details >

reach Bank Neighborhood Open Data

BEREIK_BANK_BUURT City development/Space Low with reach zone of local banks (400 m and 5 m

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach Bank Neighborhood details >

OAv1 Density Cards Open Data

Per modeled unit, a map layer is available with density of the interpreted boreholes and probe rings

Issued on 2021-01-09

OAv1 Density Cards details >

SRSA 04b railway city bike route network li Open Data

SRSA_04B_SPOORSTAD_FIETSROUTEN_L City development/Space Summary: The s-RSA presents the fu

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA 04b railway city bike route network li details >

building block Open Data

Building block City of Antwerp Summary: A building block is a collection of adjacent plots

Issued on 2018-12-06

building block details >

Business parks, Condition 29/05/2020 Open Data

The dataset contains the following components: Planning zones with economic destination: overview of

Issued on 2020-06-05

Business parks, Condition 29/05/2020 details >

Sound industry Lday 2011 Open Data

Sound_industrie_Lday LNE — Department of Environment, Nature and Energy — Air, Obstacle, Risk M

Issued on 2018-12-06

Sound industry Lday 2011 details >

Bluebike Open Data

Bluebike Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: Locations of stations shared bikes, ideal f

Issued on 2018-12-06

Bluebike details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 03/01/2022 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to encourage and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned industrial

Issued on 2022-01-12

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 03/01/2022 details >

berth city port Open Data

STADSHAVEN_LIGPLAATS City antwerp City for specific ships & Management: Team Data, GI

Issued on 2022-02-18

berth city port details >

Depth model of the seabed — Belgian Continental Plate — North Sea Open Data

Team Flemish Hydrography (TVH) has a survey database, which contains detailed data from the Belgian

Issued on 2020-03-02

Depth model of the seabed — Belgian Continental Plate — North Sea details >

Noise rail traffic Lday 2011 Open Data

Sound_rail traffic_Lday LNE — Department of Environment, Nature and Energy — Air, Hinder, Risk

Issued on 2018-12-06

Noise rail traffic Lday 2011 details >

zone 30 Open Data

ZONE_30 Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: The map “zone 30 areas” locates zone 30 area

Issued on 2018-12-06

zone 30 details >

sports concession Open Data

sports concession  Overview of all sports concessions. A sports concession is land or spor

Issued on 2018-12-06

sports concession details >

reach waterbus upper room Open Data

range_waterbus City development/Space Low with reach zone of water bus stops at district l

Issued on 2022-02-21

reach waterbus upper room details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 01/09/2020 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to stimulate and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned business pa

Issued on 2020-09-04

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 01/09/2020 details >

Business parks OSLO, Condition 29/07/2021 Open Data

The dataset contains the following components: Business park: These are the designated areas as they

Issued on 2021-08-09

Business parks OSLO, Condition 29/07/2021 details >

Bedrijventerreinen OSLO, Toestand 30/08/2021 Open Data

De dataset bevat volgende onderdelen:Bedrijventerrein: Dit zijn de bestemde terreinen zoals deze in

Issued on 2021-09-01

Bedrijventerreinen OSLO, Toestand 30/08/2021 details >

district-use green (more than 10 ha) Open Data

USER_STADSPART City Development/Space Low with district-use green (>10ha) By district-u

Issued on 2018-12-27

district-use green (more than 10 ha) details >

BPA RUP subareas Open Data

BPA_RUP_PARTMENTS City development/Space This data is kept daily and is therefore always u

Issued on 2018-12-06

BPA RUP subareas details >

SRSA 05b porous city green pg Open Data

SRSA_05B_POREUZE_STAD_GROEN_PG City development/Space Summary: The s-RSA presents the futu

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA 05b porous city green pg details >

space accounting for all years Open Data

ruimteboekhouding_allejaren Stadsontwikkeling/Ruimte Kaart met veralgemeende inkleuring va

Issued on 2018-12-06

space accounting for all years details >

Plastic soils Open Data

This dataset series collects map layers, vector maps and grids, derived from the Soil Map of Belgium

Issued on

Plastic soils details >

cadaster building block 2019 Open Data

 City development/Space Kadaster data aggregated at building block level,according to the

Issued on 2021-10-21

cadaster building block 2019 details >

Changes Atlas der Buurtwegen Flemish Brabant Open Data

Axis lines of the roads in the Atlas of Neighbouring Roads where a change file applies.

Issued on

Changes Atlas der Buurtwegen Flemish Brabant details >

location of the worldview Open Data

LOCATION_LEVENSCOMMENDATION_OVERZ City of Antwerp Summary: Localisation and documentation

Issued on 2018-12-06

location of the worldview details >

the Dentist Open Data

Dentists City of Antwerp All locations of the Dentists in Antwerp, coded at address, sourc

Issued on 2018-12-06

the Dentist details >

high-rise exclusion criterion Open Data

PLANNENREGISTER_PLANDETAILS_GRONDVLAK City development/Space This data is kept daily and i

Issued on 2021-05-31

high-rise exclusion criterion details >

district House Open Data

DISTRICTSHUIS_OVERVIEW Team Data/GIS Summary: Localisation of the district houses of the c

Issued on 2018-12-06

district House details >

reach Primary Education Neighborhood Open Data

BEREIK_BASIS EDUCATION_BUURT City development/Space Low with range zone of the regular pri

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach Primary Education Neighborhood details >

FluvFlood climate2100 T20 Open Data

FluvFlood_climate2100_T20 SW/EMA The flood maps were drawn up as part of the river impact

Issued on 2021-02-02

FluvFlood climate2100 T20 details >

paper basket Open Data

 SB/SD Summary: All the paper baskets on the public road. The dataset contains paper baske

Issued on 2018-12-06

paper basket details >

Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Modelling (REMSEM dataset) Open Data


Issued on

Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Modelling (REMSEM dataset) details >

INRAM data (Integrated Risk Assessment and Monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal... Open Data


Issued on

INRAM data (Integrated Risk Assessment and Monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal... details >

PMPZ: Phytoplankton inventory in the Southern Bight of the North Sea 1971-1975 Open Data


Issued on

PMPZ: Phytoplankton inventory in the Southern Bight of the North Sea 1971-1975 details >

PMPZ: Diatom abundance in the Southern Bight of the North Sea 1971-1976 Open Data


Issued on

PMPZ: Diatom abundance in the Southern Bight of the North Sea 1971-1976 details >

PMPZ: Copepoda in the Southern Bight of the North Sea 1971-1974 Open Data


Issued on

PMPZ: Copepoda in the Southern Bight of the North Sea 1971-1974 details >

PMPZ: Alkalinity measurements in the Southern Bight of the North Sea 1970-1976 Open Data


Issued on

PMPZ: Alkalinity measurements in the Southern Bight of the North Sea 1970-1976 details >

PMPZ: Instrumentation and Navigation 1970-1976 Open Data


Issued on

PMPZ: Instrumentation and Navigation 1970-1976 details >

ADCP, CTD, chlorophyll and turbidity data from REMUS100 AUVs operated by the Belgian Navy Open Data

Since 2006, the Belgian Navy (NMWMSC) operates 5 Hydroid REMUS 100 Autonomous underwater vehicles. F

Issued on

ADCP, CTD, chlorophyll and turbidity data from REMUS100 AUVs operated by the Belgian Navy details >

PMPZ: Distribution of phytoplankton pigments by ULB, 1971-1976 Open Data


Issued on

PMPZ: Distribution of phytoplankton pigments by ULB, 1971-1976 details >

CRA: Nutrients in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, by VUB, ULB and MUMM (1976-1982) Open Data


Issued on

CRA: Nutrients in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, by VUB, ULB and MUMM (1976-1982) details >

PMPZ: Salinity measurements by FN-ZM Open Data


Issued on

PMPZ: Salinity measurements by FN-ZM details >

Monitoring the Belgian Continental Shelf and the Scheldt estuary (MONIT_SEAWATER_MUMM) Open Data


Issued on

Monitoring the Belgian Continental Shelf and the Scheldt estuary (MONIT_SEAWATER_MUMM) details >

SRSA tram line Open Data

sRSA_TRAMLIJN City Development/Space Summary: In the s-RSA, a future spatial policy for th

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA tram line details >

Meetnet Flemish Banks Open Data

The Meetnet Vlaamse Banken consists of a measuring network at sea, meteo parks ashore and a computer

Issued on

Meetnet Flemish Banks details >

cemetery overview Open Data


Issued on 2018-12-06

cemetery overview details >

LiDAR Digital Height Model Flanders I, raw remote sensing data Open Data

This dataset contains the LiDAR points clouds that were collected under the Digital Height Model Fla

Issued on 2015-11-03

LiDAR Digital Height Model Flanders I, raw remote sensing data details >

RSA soft spine Open Data

sRSA_ZACHTE_RUGGENGRAAT City Development/Space Summary: In the s-RSA, a future spatial pol

Issued on 2018-12-06

RSA soft spine details >

Road traffic noise Lday 2011 Open Data

Noise_road traffic_Lday LNE — Department of Environment, Nature and Energy — Air, Hinder, Risk

Issued on 2018-12-06

Road traffic noise Lday 2011 details >

shortage zone experience green water district Open Data

TEKORTZ_BELEVINGSGREEN_WATER_WIJK City development/Space Low with deficit zone of district

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone experience green water district details >

carpool parking Open Data

Carpool_Parkings Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: An overview of the carpool parkings

Issued on 2018-12-06

carpool parking details >

Sound trams den 2016 Open Data

Strategic noise map — 2016 — Antwerp — trams — Lden LNE — Department of Environment, Nature and

Issued on 2018-12-06

Sound trams den 2016 details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 16/07/2018 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to stimulate and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned business pa

Issued on 2018-07-16

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 16/07/2018 details >

shortage zone use green district Open Data

TEKORTZ_UseGREEN_ STADSDEEL City development/Space Low with deficit zone of district-use g

Issued on 2022-02-21

shortage zone use green district details >

sandbox Open Data

Sandbox City Development/Management_and_Maintenance Summary: Locations on the public domai

Issued on 2018-12-06

sandbox details >

FluvFlood climate2050 T100 Open Data

FluvFlood_climate2050_T100 SW/EMA The flood maps were drawn up as part of the river impact

Issued on 2021-02-02

FluvFlood climate2050 T100 details >

population Density Neighborhood Open Data

Number of inhabitants officially written in Antwerp (populations, foreigners, waiting and other regi

Issued on 2018-12-19

population Density Neighborhood details >

evening parking Open Data

AVOND_PARKING Mobility and Parking Antwerp Summary: Locations where paying parking applies

Issued on 2018-12-06

evening parking details >

reach experience green square building block Open Data

BEREIK_BELEVINGSGREEN_PLEIN_BOUWBLOK City development/Space Low with range zone of experie

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach experience green square building block details >

district nature agriculture water (more than 5 ha) Open Data

BELEVING_NATURE_LANDBOUW_WATER_WIJK City development/Space Low with neighbourhood-nature,

Issued on 2018-12-27

district nature agriculture water (more than 5 ha) details >

project area krotspot Open Data

KROTSPOT_GRENS SL/STC Samenvatting:Deze dataset shows the boundaries of all Krotspot areas

Issued on 2018-12-06

project area krotspot details >

city Open Data

City Stuency/GIS Summary: Delimitation of the territory of the city of Antwerp (large-scal

Issued on 2018-12-06

city details >

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 24/05/2019 Open Data

The Flemish Government wishes to stimulate and facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned business pa

Issued on 2019-05-24

Brownfield Covenants, Condition 24/05/2019 details >

SRSA shopping street Open Data

sRSA_WINKELSTRAAT City Development/Space Summary: In the s-RSA, a future spatial policy fo

Issued on 2018-12-06

SRSA shopping street details >

reach use green square building block neighborhood Open Data

BEREIK_UseGREEN_ PLEIN_BOUWBLOKBUURT City development/Space Low with range zone of use gre

Issued on 2022-02-18

reach use green square building block neighborhood details >

range of use green neighbourhood Open Data

BEREIK_UseGROEN_WIJK City development/Space Low with area zone of district-use green (>

Issued on 2022-02-18

range of use green neighbourhood details >

H3Dv2.1 Isopachen Open Data

The isopaches, isolines of the thickness, are modelled for each package. The Hydrogeological 3D mode

Issued on 2021-03-10

H3Dv2.1 Isopachen details >

reach supermarket superette neighborhood Open Data

BEREIK_SUPERMARKT_SUPERETTE_BUURT City development/Space Low with reach zone of supermarke

Issued on 2022-02-21

reach supermarket superette neighborhood details >

Sound total eve 2016 Open Data

Strategic noise map — 2016 — Antwerp — total- Leve LNE — Department of Environment, Nature and

Issued on 2018-12-06

Sound total eve 2016 details >
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