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Mannelijke voornamen 2007 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2007.

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Mannelijke voornamen 2007 details >

Mannelijke voornamen 2008 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2008.

Issued on

Mannelijke voornamen 2008 details >

Mannelijke voornamen 2009 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2009.

Issued on

Mannelijke voornamen 2009 details >

Mannelijke voornamen 2010 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2010.

Issued on

Mannelijke voornamen 2010 details >

Mannelijke voornamen 2011 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2011.

Issued on

Mannelijke voornamen 2011 details >

Mannelijke voornamen 2012 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2012.

Issued on

Mannelijke voornamen 2012 details >

Mannelijke voornamen 2013 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2013.

Issued on

Mannelijke voornamen 2013 details >

Mannelijke voornamen 2014 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2014.

Issued on

Mannelijke voornamen 2014 details >

​Mannelijke voornamen 2015 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2015 (tot 27 oktober).

Issued on

​Mannelijke voornamen 2015 details >

Mannelijke voornamen 2015 Open Data

Mannelijke voornamen geregistreerd bij de Stad Brussel in 2015.

Issued on

Mannelijke voornamen 2015 details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Games Aires Open Data

Playgrounds on the municipality

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Marche-en-Famenne/Games Aires details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Library Open Data

Communal libraries

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Marche-en-Famenne/Library details >

March-en-Famenne/Cinema Open Data

Cinema on the commune

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March-en-Famenne/Cinema details >

Walk-in-Famenne/Events Open Data

Events organised in the municipality of Marche-en-Famenne

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Walk-in-Famenne/Events details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Museums Open Data

List of museums in the municipality

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Marche-en-Famenne/Museums details >

Walk-in-Famenne/Wi-Fi points — outdoors Open Data

Wi-Fi points — exterior on municipality

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Walk-in-Famenne/Wi-Fi points — outdoors details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Wi-Fi Points — Interior Open Data

Wi-Fi points — interiors on the town

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Marche-en-Famenne/Wi-Fi Points — Interior details >

Walk-in-Famenne/Rues Open Data

List of streets in the municipality

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Walk-in-Famenne/Rues details >

Marche-en-Famenne/statues + journey Open Data

Statues — Fresques on the municipality + swing of small steps in the centre of Marche-en-Famenne

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Marche-en-Famenne/statues + journey details >

March-en-Famenne/Brasserie-Bar Open Data

Breweries — bar on the town

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March-en-Famenne/Brasserie-Bar details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Camping Open Data

Campsites in the town

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Marche-en-Famenne/Camping details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Houses Open Data

Bed and breakfast in the municipality

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Marche-en-Famenne/Houses details >

Marche-en-Famenne/friterie — Snack — sandwich bar Open Data

Friterie — Snack — sandwich shop on the commune

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Marche-en-Famenne/friterie — Snack — sandwich bar details >

Marche-en-Famenne/tourist islands and furniture Open Data

Tourist accommodation and furniture on the municipality

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Marche-en-Famenne/tourist islands and furniture details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Glacier — Tea-room Open Data

Glacier — Tearoom on the town

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Marche-en-Famenne/Glacier — Tea-room details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Hotel Open Data

Hotels in the town

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Marche-en-Famenne/Hotel details >

March-en-Famenne/Restaurants Open Data

Restaurants in the commune

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March-en-Famenne/Restaurants details >

Marche-en-Famenne/Caterer — chef at home Open Data

Caterer — head at home in the municipality

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Marche-en-Famenne/Caterer — chef at home details >

Inventaire des marchés publics 2019 Open Data

Marchés publics (avec publicité) attribués par la Ville de Bruxelles en 2019 art 7, § 1 Ordonnance

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Inventaire des marchés publics 2019 details >

Markets Open Data

Location of the markets on the territory of the City of Brussels.

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Markets details >

Markten Open Data

Locatie van de markten op het grondgebied van de Stad Brussel.

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Markten details >

Mayors Open Data

Mayors of the City of Brussels, with indication of the date of birth and date of death, the date of

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Mayors details >

​Mise à jour des jeux de données Open Data

Flux RSS avec la mise à jour des jeux de données de la plateforme : opendata.b

Issued on

​Mise à jour des jeux de données details >

Monument classified as Mons Open Data

All the listed monuments of the city of Mons. The file also includes a photograph of the monument

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Monument classified as Mons details >

Monumenten 1914-1918 Open Data

Monumenten van de Stad Brussel die de Eerste Wereldoorlog herdenken

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Monumenten 1914-1918 details >

Monuments commémoratifs de la guerre de 1914-1918 Open Data

Monuments de la Ville de Bruxelles commémorant la Première Guerre mondiale.

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Monuments commémoratifs de la guerre de 1914-1918 details >

Monuments funéraires du cimetière de Laeken Open Data

Quelques monuments et tombeaux du cimetière de Laeken à Bruxelles.

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Monuments funéraires du cimetière de Laeken details >

Motorized two-wheelers Open Data

Parking spaces for motorized two-wheelers in the City of Brussels

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Motorized two-wheelers details >

Municipal contests Open Data

RSS feeds of the municipal contests on the website of the City of Brussels: http://www.brussel.

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Municipal contests details >

Municipal elections (number of votes) Open Data

Results of the local elections in Brussels since 2000 (number of votes per list). 

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Municipal elections (number of votes) details >

Municipal elections (percentages) Open Data

Results of the local elections in Brussels since 2000 (number of votes per list). 

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Municipal elections (percentages) details >

Municipal elections (seats) Open Data

Results of the local elections in Brussels since 2000 (number of seats per list).

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Municipal elections (seats) details >

Municipal News Open Data

RSS feeds of the municipal news on the website of the City of Brussels:

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Municipal News details >

Municipal news Open Data

News published on the website of the City of Brussels.

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Municipal news details >

Musea in Brussel Open Data

Locatie van de musea op het grondgebied van de Stad Brussel (waaronder de musea van de Stad Brussel)

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Musea in Brussel details >

Municipal museums Open Data

The dataset includes geolocations, postal addresses, telephone contact details and e-mail for the mu

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Municipal museums details >

Musées à Bruxelles Open Data

Localisation des musées présents sur le territoire de la Ville de Bruxelles (y compris les musées de

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Musées à Bruxelles details >

Museums Open Data

Locatie van de Musea van de Stad Brussel

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Museums details >

Museums in Brussels Open Data

Location of the museums on the territory of the City of Brussels (including the museums of the City

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Museums in Brussels details >

Museums Open Data

Location of the museums of the City of Brussels

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Museums details >

Namur 3D — Textured buildings by 200 m slab Open Data

Modeling of the whole municipality of Namur in 3D LOD2.2 All sides of buildings are textured in colo

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Namur 3D — Textured buildings by 200 m slab details >

Namur 3D — Citadel and bridges Open Data

3D modeling of LOD2.2, train station bridge and Citadel bridge. The files can be downloaded in CityG

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Namur 3D — Citadel and bridges details >

Namur — Namur Aerodrome Open Data

Location of Namur Commune Aerodrome

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Namur — Namur Aerodrome details >

Namur — Agenda of events Open Data

The data from the agenda include information provided by the administration and the citizens themsel

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Namur — Agenda of events details >

Namur — Cultural Actors Open Data

Contacts of cultural actors on the commune. Extraction of the directory of the City of Namur websi

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Namur — Cultural Actors details >

Namur — Playgrounds Open Data

Communal playgrounds. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

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Namur — Playgrounds details >

Namur — Libraries Open Data

Libraries on the commune. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

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Namur — Libraries details >

Namur — Cultural Centers Open Data

Cultural centres on the municipality. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of

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Namur — Cultural Centers details >

Namur — Sports Centers and Fields Open Data

Swimming pools on the town. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

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Namur — Sports Centers and Fields details >

Namur — Cinemas Open Data

Cinemas on the commune. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

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Namur — Cinemas details >

Namur — Churches Open Data

Places of worship (Churches) in the commune. Extraction of the directory from the website of the

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Namur — Churches details >

Namur — Defibrillators Open Data

Contacts with municipal public buildings with a defibrillator. Extraction of the Yearbook of the we

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Namur — Defibrillators details >

Namur — Schools Open Data

Buildings related to education in the territory of Namur. Extraction of the directory of the City o

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Namur — Schools details >

Namur — Homework schools Open Data

Homework schools on the municipality. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of

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Namur — Homework schools details >

Namur — Hospitals Open Data

Hospitals on the commune. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

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Namur — Hospitals details >

Namur — Rest homes Open Data

Rest houses on the commune. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

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Namur — Rest homes details >

Namur — Youth Houses Open Data

Young people’s houses on the commune. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of

Issued on

Namur — Youth Houses details >

Namur — Museums Open Data

Museums on the town. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

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Namur — Museums details >

Namur — Parks and Gardens Open Data

Parks and Gardens in the commune. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Nam

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Namur — Parks and Gardens details >

Namur — Swimming pools Open Data

Swimming pools on the town. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

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Namur — Swimming pools details >

Namur — Re-employment associations Open Data

Associations relating to the re-employment in the municipality. Extraction of the directory from

Issued on

Namur — Re-employment associations details >

Namur — Municipal halls for rent Open Data

Communal rooms for rent. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

Issued on

Namur — Municipal halls for rent details >

Namur — Showrooms Open Data

Showrooms on the town. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namur

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Namur — Showrooms details >

Namur — Exhibition rooms Open Data

Exhibition rooms on the commune. Extraction of the directory from the website of the City of Namu

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Namur — Exhibition rooms details >

Namur — Urban Atlas Open Data

European Urban Atlas which provides accurate data on land tenure and urban expansion in Europe. Conc

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Namur — Urban Atlas details >

Namur — BeWaPP — Ashtrays Open Data

Inventory of furniture for cleanliness: ashtrays. The data is managed and encoded by the Public Prop

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Namur — BeWaPP — Ashtrays details >

Namur — BeWaPP — Public garbage bins Open Data

Inventory of furniture for cleanliness: the garbage cans. The data is managed and encoded by the Pub

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Namur — BeWaPP — Public garbage bins details >

Namur — Extraordinary budget by function Open Data

Extraordinary budget by function: this document contains the various revenue and investment expendit

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Namur — Extraordinary budget by function details >

Namur — Extraordinary Budget — Levies and Priors Open Data

Extraordinary Budget Levies and Priors: this document contains the various revenue and expenditure o

Issued on

Namur — Extraordinary Budget — Levies and Priors details >

Namur — Ordinary budget by function Open Data

Regular budget by function: this document contains the various revenues and expenses allowing the Ci

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Namur — Ordinary budget by function details >

Namur — Cartography Open Data

Citizens can consult a multitude of data in the form of map layers on the Namur Municipality via the

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Namur — Cartography details >

Namur — Cemeteries Open Data

Namur — Location of Public Cemeteries

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Namur — Cemeteries details >

Namur — Municipal College Open Data

Municipal Administration — Political life: The Municipal College consists of the Bourgmestre, the Ec

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Namur — Municipal College details >

Namur — Pedestrian counters — Accounts Open Data

The meters are owned by asbl Gau Namur, which acquired them in 2012. Data processing is handled by t

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Namur — Pedestrian counters — Accounts details >

Namur — Pedestrian counters — positions Open Data

The meters are owned by asbl Gau Namur, which acquired them in 2012. Data processing is handled by t

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Namur — Pedestrian counters — positions details >

Namur — Municipal Council Open Data

Municipal Administration — Political life: The Municipal Council is the deliberative assembly, the “

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Namur — Municipal Council details >

Namur — Definition of statistical neighbourhoods Open Data

Definition of statistical quarters — List of roads and their odd and even-sided numbering in the nei

Issued on

Namur — Definition of statistical neighbourhoods details >

Namur — Wired roadways by section Open Data

See by section, axes between crossroads. With, in attribute, regional or communal, the number of ho

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Namur — Wired roadways by section details >

Namur — Forts Open Data

Location of forts, fortifications in the municipality of Namur

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Namur — Forts details >

Namur — Railway Stations Open Data

Location of railway stations on the Commune of Namur

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Namur — Railway Stations details >

Namur — Lands of plots Open Data

Merging of joint cadastral parcels serving essentially as a light plan background

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Namur — Lands of plots details >

Namur — Lands of inhabited plots Open Data

Merging of cadastral parcels in ilots. CHEMIN-type plots are not merged. In attributes: the area, th

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Namur — Lands of inhabited plots details >

Namur — Public Road Interventions Open Data

Inventory of requests for action on the public highway since the end of 2009. Each request is charac

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Namur — Public Road Interventions details >

Namur — La Namourette Open Data

Location of the Haltes de la Namourette, river shuttle on the Sambre and the Meuse in Namur

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Namur — La Namourette details >

Namur — Addresses Open Data

A building may have several addresses represented by points placed approximately on each entrance do

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Namur — Addresses details >

Namur — Buildings Open Data

Online mapping: the buildings in the territory of Namur with their addresses or addresses.

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Namur — Buildings details >

Namur — Last Names Open Data

The list of surnames encountered at least 3 times throughout the territory of the Commune of Namur,

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Namur — Last Names details >

Namur — First names Open Data

All the female and male first names encountered in the territory of the commune of Namur., of all ag

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Namur — First names details >

Namur — Woods and so-called places Open Data

Places and names of the Woods on the commune.

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Namur — Woods and so-called places details >

Namur — Limits of 46 neighborhoods Open Data

Division into 46 districts of Namur Territory. The limitations of this dataset are the basis used in

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Namur — Limits of 46 neighborhoods details >
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