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Prussian Urmess Table Sheets 1: 25 000 Open Data

The production of the Prussian Urmesstischblatt began in 1822 for the entire territory of Prussia. T

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:38:50.866319Z

Prussian Urmess Table Sheets 1: 25 000 details >

Ammonium (NH4-N) in seawater 2022 Open Data

The parameter “Ammonium (NH4-N) in seawater” was determined within the framework of the joint federa

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:05:49.025628Z

Ammonium (NH4-N) in seawater 2022 details >

3613 Echo sounder data — North Sea Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:05:53.130912Z

3613 Echo sounder data — North Sea details >

Dichlordiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p) in dry sediment 2020 Open Data

The parameter “Dichlordiphenyl dichloroethylene (p,p) in dry sediment” in the sediment was determine

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:05:56.291968Z

Dichlordiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p) in dry sediment 2020 details >

Time series of wind direction 2017 Open Data

Time series of wind direction from the MARNET measuring network. The MARNET measuring network consis

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:02.727109Z

Time series of wind direction 2017 details >

Time series of salt content in sea water 2020 Open Data

Time series of salinity from the MARNET measuring network. The MARNET measuring network consists of

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:12.820883Z

Time series of salt content in sea water 2020 details >

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2018 9161800 Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:14.730430Z

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2018 9161800 details >

Alkane, Oktacosan, aliphat. Hydrocarbons (28 C atoms) in seawater 2017 Open Data

As part of the joint federal/state measuring programme for the North and Baltic Sea + further monito

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:16.342836Z

Alkane, Oktacosan, aliphat. Hydrocarbons (28 C atoms) in seawater 2017 details >

Time series of direction scattering of surface waves 2021 Open Data

Time series of direction scattering of surface wave data from the MARNET measuring network.

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:19.281700Z

Time series of direction scattering of surface waves 2021 details >

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2016 9151602 Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:21.233447Z

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2016 9151602 details >

Visibility depth (Secchi depth) 2022 Open Data

As part of the joint federal/state measuring programme for the North and Baltic Sea + further monito

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:21.859637Z

Visibility depth (Secchi depth) 2022 details >

classified road network Brandenburg Open Data

The data set is kept for the public roads of the road classes Bundesautobahn, Bundesstraße, Landesst

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:38:49.964031Z

classified road network Brandenburg details >

Time series of flow velocity in seawater 2018 Open Data

Time series of water temperature from the MARNET measuring network. The MARNET measuring network con

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:28.017123Z

Time series of flow velocity in seawater 2018 details >

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2015 9241500 Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:29.865390Z

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2015 9241500 details >

Oxygen saturation — Series Open Data

The parameter “oxygen saturation” in sea water was determined as part of the joint federal/state mea

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:36.113898Z

Oxygen saturation — Series details >

CS-137 in seawater Baltic Sea June 2017 Open Data

CS-137 in the seawater of the Baltic Sea — For radioactivity in the North and Baltic Sea, the Federa

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:42.317367Z

CS-137 in seawater Baltic Sea June 2017 details >

Benz(b)fluoranthene in seawater 2021 Open Data

The parameter “Benz(b)fluoranthene in sea water” was determined as part of the joint federal/state m

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:46.835495Z

Benz(b)fluoranthene in seawater 2021 details >

1-methyl naphthalene in dry sediment 2017 Open Data

The parameter “1-methyl naphthalene in dry sediment” was determined within the framework of the join

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:49.693822Z

1-methyl naphthalene in dry sediment 2017 details >

Digital Orthophotos — DOP Open Data

Digital orthophotos are digitally equalised aerial images and represent all air-visible objects and

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:35:49.739868Z

Digital Orthophotos — DOP details >

Proportion of sediment fraction < 20 µm — series Open Data

Within the framework of the joint federal/state measuring programme for the North and Baltic Sea + f

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:06:52.771994Z

Proportion of sediment fraction < 20 µm — series details >

Time series of flow velocity in seawater 2022 Open Data

Time series of water temperature from the MARNET measuring network. The MARNET measuring network con

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:19.259195Z

Time series of flow velocity in seawater 2022 details >

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2017 9301700 Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:19.699531Z

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2017 9301700 details >

EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamics 2014 (WCS) Open Data

The EasyGSH-DB coverage service: Hydrodynamics 2014 (WCS), includes the products of hydrodynamic ana

Issued on 2022-05-02T10:01:54.352806Z

EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamics 2014 (WCS) details >

Strategic noise maps for roads 2012 for the state of Brandenburg Open Data

The database contains the isophonic maps of traffic noise.All municipalities in the state of Branden

Issued on 2023-03-23T23:16:30.759719Z

Strategic noise maps for roads 2012 for the state of Brandenburg details >

Areas of water development concepts according to WFD in Brandenburg Open Data

The database shows the areas for which water development concepts have been drawn up in accordance w

Issued on 2023-03-23T23:16:27.938150Z

Areas of water development concepts according to WFD in Brandenburg details >

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2015 9381500 Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:28.911923Z

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2015 9381500 details >

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2015 9441504 Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:31.766991Z

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2015 9441504 details >

Print 2018 Open Data

The parameter “pressure” in sea water was determined as part of the joint federal/state measuring pr

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:34.989539Z

Print 2018 details >

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2018 9321850 Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:35.474660Z

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2018 9321850 details >

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2016 9161601 Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:39.974554Z

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2016 9161601 details >

Total alkalinity in seawater 2020 Open Data

As part of the joint federal/state measuring programme for the North and Baltic Sea + further monito

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:41.533211Z

Total alkalinity in seawater 2020 details >

Time series of oxygen saturation in seawater 2021 Open Data

Time series of oxygen saturation from the MARNET measuring network. The MARNET measuring network con

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:42.357605Z

Time series of oxygen saturation in seawater 2021 details >

Time series of oxygen saturation in seawater 2020 Open Data

Time series of oxygen saturation from the MARNET measuring network. The MARNET measuring network con

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:44.087170Z

Time series of oxygen saturation in seawater 2020 details >

SR-90 in seawater Baltic Sea June 2017 Open Data

SR-90 in the seawater of the Baltic Sea — For radioactivity in the North and Baltic Sea, the Federal

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:45.059394Z

SR-90 in seawater Baltic Sea June 2017 details >

Groundwater monitoring stations of the State of Brandenburg Open Data

The database (gw_basis_mn.shp) contains the groundwater measuring stations currently held by the Sta

Issued on 2023-03-23T23:16:30.823462Z

Groundwater monitoring stations of the State of Brandenburg details >

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2014 9261412 Open Data

The available echo sounder data were collected as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:49.324730Z

Echo sounder data — North Sea 2014 9261412 details >

Time series of wave direction of surface waves 2022 Open Data

Time series of the mean seagoing direction of surface waves from the MARNET measuring network.

Issued on 2023-03-25T01:07:51.009729Z

Time series of wave direction of surface waves 2022 details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 25 000-4249 Calau Open Data

The digital topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:37:55.969300Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 25 000-4249 Calau details >

Technical backdrop for the designation of nitrate-loaded areas in accordance with § 13a... Open Data

§13a of the Fertilisation Ordinance contains, inter alia, an obligation on the Land governments to i

Issued on 2023-03-23T23:16:27.697457Z

Technical backdrop for the designation of nitrate-loaded areas in accordance with § 13a... details >

Soil benchmark datasets Land Brandenburg 2019 Open Data

Ground benchmark datasets are issued annually in the standard file formats Text (CSV) and XML in rel

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:35:48.987519Z

Soil benchmark datasets Land Brandenburg 2019 details >

Water Framework Directive 2. Management cycle 2015 — Data collection Open Data

Data collection: 2. Water Framework Directive 2015 Geometries and tables on the following topics a

Issued on 2023-03-23T23:16:28.103134Z

Water Framework Directive 2. Management cycle 2015 — Data collection details >

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — State edition (1979-1989) Open Data

The topographic maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes an

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:49.355395Z

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — State edition (1979-1989) details >

Soil benchmark datasets Land Brandenburg 2012 Open Data

For the ground benchmarks with the reference date 1.1.2012 data are published in the data formats Sh

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:35:48.907529Z

Soil benchmark datasets Land Brandenburg 2012 details >

Strategic noise maps for roads 2017 for the state of Brandenburg Open Data

The database contains the isophonic maps of traffic noise.All municipalities in the state of Branden

Issued on 2023-03-23T23:16:30.926701Z

Strategic noise maps for roads 2017 for the state of Brandenburg details >

Sentinel-2 MSI — Vegetation Indices (AGRO-DE) — Germany, Monthly Composites Open Data

This product comprises monthly composites and temporal statistics of selected vegetation indices (VI

Issued on 2022-12-23T01:14:00.658406Z

Sentinel-2 MSI — Vegetation Indices (AGRO-DE) — Germany, Monthly Composites details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 25 000-3746 Zossen Open Data

The digital topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:37:51.402886Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 25 000-3746 Zossen details >

Topographical map 1: 50 000 L3746 King Wusterhausen Open Data

The map movement TK50 depicts the different manifestations of the Earth’s surface in scale-based gen

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:42:04.095638Z

Topographical map 1: 50 000 L3746 King Wusterhausen details >

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 2847-NW Templin — Klosterwalde Open Data

The Digital Basic Landscape Model (ATKIS Base DLM) is a digital, object-structured vector dataset. I

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:34:57.318189Z

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 2847-NW Templin — Klosterwalde details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 2742-NW Krümmel Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:40:05.493652Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 2742-NW Krümmel details >

Topographical map 1: 25 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 4148 Luckau Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:22.232612Z

Topographical map 1: 25 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 4148 Luckau details >

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Edition State (1979-1989) M-33-3-C Herzberg (Elster) Open Data

The topographic maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes an

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:49.549817Z

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Edition State (1979-1989) M-33-3-C Herzberg (Elster) details >

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 2947-SW Templin — Big Fathers Open Data

The Digital Basic Landscape Model (ATKIS Base DLM) is a digital, object-structured vector dataset. I

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:35:01.337782Z

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 2947-SW Templin — Big Fathers details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 25 000 — Preliminary edition 3141 Wildberg Open Data

The preliminary issue DTK25-V consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:38:01.183220Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 25 000 — Preliminary edition 3141 Wildberg details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3242-SO Königshorst Open Data

The preliminary edition consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1: 10 0

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:37:12.662471Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3242-SO Königshorst details >

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Edition Economics (1974-1982) 0808-2 Berlin-Mitte Open Data

The topographic maps, known as the “Economy Edition”, were primarily intended to serve as a map for

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:58.898105Z

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Edition Economics (1974-1982) 0808-2 Berlin-Mitte details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 2747-NO Boitzenburg Open Data

The preliminary edition consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1: 10 0

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:36:56.874987Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 2747-NO Boitzenburg details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 25 000-3548 Rüdersdorf near Berlin Open Data

The digital topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:37:50.977644Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 25 000-3548 Rüdersdorf near Berlin details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3745-NO Ludwigsfelde — Wietstock Open Data

For the digital topographic maps, vector data from the basic DLM are generalised and processed accor

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:36:30.832928Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3745-NO Ludwigsfelde — Wietstock details >

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Edition State (1981-1989) M-33-5-C-d Glinzig Open Data

The topographical maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:27.154219Z

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Edition State (1981-1989) M-33-5-C-d Glinzig details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 50 000 — Preliminary edition L2740 Röbel (Müritz) Open Data

The preliminary edition consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1: 50 0

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:38:16.960225Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 50 000 — Preliminary edition L2740 Röbel (Müritz) details >

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Issue State (1981-1989) N-33-125-B-d Seelow Open Data

The topographical maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:36.156910Z

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Issue State (1981-1989) N-33-125-B-d Seelow details >

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 3548-NO Rüdersdorf near Berlin Open Data

The Digital Basic Landscape Model (ATKIS Base DLM) is a digital, object-structured vector dataset. I

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:35:14.592509Z

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 3548-NO Rüdersdorf near Berlin details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3652-SW Jacobsdorf Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:40:35.420331Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3652-SW Jacobsdorf details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3849-NO Kehrigk Open Data

The TK10 is the cartographic implementation of a comprehensive topographical country survey (photogr

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:47.523937Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3849-NO Kehrigk details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3648-NW Wernsdorf Open Data

The TK10 is the cartographic implementation of a comprehensive topographical country survey (photogr

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:43.186386Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3648-NW Wernsdorf details >

Topographical map 1: 25 000 3746 Zossen Open Data

The TK25 is a basic scale (TK10) technologically derived map. It represents the various manifestatio

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:04.154993Z

Topographical map 1: 25 000 3746 Zossen details >

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 2843-SO Rheinsberg — Beerenbusch Open Data

The Digital Basic Landscape Model (ATKIS Base DLM) is a digital, object-structured vector dataset. I

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:34:57.134354Z

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 2843-SO Rheinsberg — Beerenbusch details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3851-SW Ranzig Open Data

The preliminary edition consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1: 10 0

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:37:27.196289Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3851-SW Ranzig details >

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 3946-SW Lynow Open Data

The Digital Basic Landscape Model (ATKIS Base DLM) is a digital, object-structured vector dataset. I

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:35:30.753493Z

ATKIS — Digital Basic Landscape Model — 3946-SW Lynow details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3339-SW Großwudicker... Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:40:24.951980Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3339-SW Großwudicker... details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3754-NW Maczkow Open Data

The preliminary edition consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1: 10 0

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:37:26.592047Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3754-NW Maczkow details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 100 000 — C3130 Hansestadt Salzwedel Open Data

The digital topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:35:54.068680Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 100 000 — C3130 Hansestadt Salzwedel details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3951-NW Trebatsch Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:40:44.455761Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3951-NW Trebatsch details >

Prussian Urmess Table Sheets 1: 25 000 2449 Pasewalk Open Data

The production of the Prussian Urmesstischblatt began in 1822 for the entire territory of Prussia. T

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:38:50.889695Z

Prussian Urmess Table Sheets 1: 25 000 2449 Pasewalk details >

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Edition State (1979-1989) M-33-6-A Wilhelm-Pieck-Stadt Guben Open Data

The topographic maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes an

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:49.656964Z

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Edition State (1979-1989) M-33-6-A Wilhelm-Pieck-Stadt Guben details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3144-SO Kremmen — Hohenbruch Open Data

For the digital topographic maps, vector data from the basic DLM are generalised and processed accor

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:36:14.974315Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3144-SO Kremmen — Hohenbruch details >

Water Framework Directive data on draft 3. 2020 Management Cycle — Data Collection Open Data

In accordance with the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), the data underlying the updated man

Issued on 2023-03-23T23:16:28.791268Z

Water Framework Directive data on draft 3. 2020 Management Cycle — Data Collection details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3551-SO Falkenhagen Open Data

The preliminary edition consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1: 10 0

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:37:21.911698Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3551-SO Falkenhagen details >

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Edition State (1979-1989) N-33-100-D Greiffenberg Open Data

The topographic maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes an

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:49.797183Z

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Edition State (1979-1989) N-33-100-D Greiffenberg details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 50 000 — L4148 Lübben (Spreewald) Open Data

The digital topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:38:16.565155Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 50 000 — L4148 Lübben (Spreewald) details >

Topographical map 1: 100 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — C3942 Potsdam Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:09.859571Z

Topographical map 1: 100 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — C3942 Potsdam details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3038-NO Kunow Open Data

The TK10 is the cartographic implementation of a comprehensive topographical country survey (photogr

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:27.508197Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3038-NO Kunow details >

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Issue State (1981-1989) N-33-113-A-c Oderberg Open Data

The topographical maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:35.336044Z

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Issue State (1981-1989) N-33-113-A-c Oderberg details >

Topographical map 1: 25 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 2449 Pasewalk Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:08.594847Z

Topographical map 1: 25 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 2449 Pasewalk details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3141-SW Nackel Open Data

For the digital topographic maps, vector data from the basic DLM are generalised and processed accor

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:36:14.818325Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3141-SW Nackel details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 2647-SO Arendsee Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:40:04.938585Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 2647-SO Arendsee details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-4053-NW Pinnow Open Data

For the digital topographic maps, vector data from the basic DLM are generalised and processed accor

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:36:41.735095Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-4053-NW Pinnow details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 4247-SO Zeckerin Open Data

The preliminary edition consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1: 10 0

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:37:35.730952Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 4247-SO Zeckerin details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3147-SW Ruhlsdorf Open Data

For the digital topographic maps, vector data from the basic DLM are generalised and processed accor

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:36:15.259045Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3147-SW Ruhlsdorf details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3045-NW Gransee — Kraatz Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:40:15.608124Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3045-NW Gransee — Kraatz details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3843-SO Niebel Open Data

The TK10 is the cartographic implementation of a comprehensive topographical country survey (photogr

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:47.327433Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3843-SO Niebel details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 2735-SW Semmerin Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:40:05.184555Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 2735-SW Semmerin details >

Topographical map 1: 25 000 4249 Calau Open Data

The TK25 is a basic scale (TK10) technologically derived map. It represents the various manifestatio

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:08.057943Z

Topographical map 1: 25 000 4249 Calau details >

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Edition State (1981-1989) M-33-3-B-c Hohenseefeld Open Data

The topographical maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:26.683277Z

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Edition State (1981-1989) M-33-3-B-c Hohenseefeld details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3242-NO Dechtow Open Data

For the digital topographic maps, vector data from the basic DLM are generalised and processed accor

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:36:15.628757Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-3242-NO Dechtow details >

Prussian Urmess Table Sheets 1: 25 000 3543 Ketzin 1839 (Plot) Open Data

The production of the Prussian Urmesstischblatt began in 1822 for the entire territory of Prussia. T

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:38:59.797386Z

Prussian Urmess Table Sheets 1: 25 000 3543 Ketzin 1839 (Plot) details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 50 000 — Preliminary edition L3950 Beeskow Open Data

The preliminary edition consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1: 50 0

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:38:20.976562Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 50 000 — Preliminary edition L3950 Beeskow details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3141-NO Wildberg Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:40:20.349358Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 3141-NO Wildberg details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-2950-NO Mark Landin Open Data

For the digital topographic maps, vector data from the basic DLM are generalised and processed accor

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:36:10.073233Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000-2950-NO Mark Landin details >

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Issue of State (1979-1989) N-33-126-A Kostrzyn Open Data

The topographic maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes an

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:54.261652Z

Topographical map 1: 50 000 — Issue of State (1979-1989) N-33-126-A Kostrzyn details >
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