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Database of resources and valorisation of mountain areas — Deposits of travertine in Limestone... Open Data

Geo-referenced database of vector type, containing areas reporting travertine deposits, mainly assoc

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Database of resources and valorisation of mountain areas — Deposits of travertine in Limestone... details >

Mountain resources and valorisation database — aquifers potentially located in travertine Open Data

Geo-referenced vector type database containing hydrogeological complexes permeable by fracturing and

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Mountain resources and valorisation database — aquifers potentially located in travertine details >

Mountain resources and valorisation database — tectonic structures Open Data

Tectonic structures for tematism dressing on aquifers in the Apennines Emiliano-Rommagnol. Geo-refer

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Mountain resources and valorisation database — tectonic structures details >

Mountain resources and valorisation database — permeable hydrogeological complexes of the mountain... Open Data

Vector-type geo-referenced database, composed of multiple information layers, which are described be

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Mountain resources and valorisation database — permeable hydrogeological complexes of the mountain... details >

Geological Heritage Database — Geosites paras Open Data

Vector-type geo-referenced database containing information on the location and characteristics of pl

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Geological Heritage Database — Geosites paras details >

Geological heritage database — punctual geosites Open Data

Vector data base, georeferenced, containing information on the location and characteristics of place

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Geological heritage database — punctual geosites details >

Geological Heritage Database — Geosites Areas Open Data

Vector-type geo-referenced database containing information on the location and characteristics of pl

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Geological Heritage Database — Geosites Areas details >

Geological heritage database — Area geosites Open Data

Vector data base, georeferenced, containing information on the location and characteristics of place

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Geological heritage database — Area geosites details >

Map of the natural-anthropic fund at a scale of 1: 250.000 from the Miliano-Roman plain — Cadmio... Open Data

The ‘Map of the natural-anthropic background content’ represents the area distribution in the topsoi

Issued on 2019-01-01

Map of the natural-anthropic fund at a scale of 1: 250.000 from the Miliano-Roman plain — Cadmio... details >

Technical structures with expertise in seismic matters Open Data

Regional map with legend on the monitoring of technical structures competent in seismic matters, Reg

Issued on 2019-03-27

Technical structures with expertise in seismic matters details >

Application maps — Current water rollout — Edition 2019 Open Data

The current water erosion map is based on the regional application of the RUSLE model (Renard et al.

Issued on 2019-01-01

Application maps — Current water rollout — Edition 2019 details >

From Lagoni to Monte Matto, on the trail of ancient glaciers — Edition 2018 Open Data

The map is a product produced by the Sismico and Suoli Geological Service in collaboration with the

Issued on 2018-01-01

From Lagoni to Monte Matto, on the trail of ancient glaciers — Edition 2018 details >

2019 II Cycle Floods Directive — Emilia-Romagna Region Open Data

Updating and revising the flood hazard maps and flood risk maps drawn up pursuant to Article 6 of Le

Issued on 2019-12-17

2019 II Cycle Floods Directive — Emilia-Romagna Region details >

Cartography of flying Vulnerabilities — Battenti — Beach Open Data

The dataset ‘Battenti — Beach’ is a classification of the expected doors on the beach in the event o

Issued on 2019-03-11

Cartography of flying Vulnerabilities — Battenti — Beach details >

Historical hydrocarbon events Open Data

Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the events of hydrocarbons collected in the early dec

Issued on 2020-01-01

Historical hydrocarbon events details >

Maps of chemical and physical properties — pH values in the soils of the Emilia Romagna plain... Open Data

Soil pH is a key property that can influence many physical, chemical and biological processes. It re

Issued on 2020-01-01

Maps of chemical and physical properties — pH values in the soils of the Emilia Romagna plain... details >

Geognostic evidence database — Numerical penetrometric tests (points) Open Data

Vector-type geo-referenced database, in punctual form, containing the penetrometric surveys for whic

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Geognostic evidence database — Numerical penetrometric tests (points) details >

Geognostic Test Database — Geotechnical Parameters (points) Open Data

Vector-type geo-referenced database, in punctual form, containing the main geotechnical parameters r

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Geognostic Test Database — Geotechnical Parameters (points) details >

Natural cavities cadastre Open Data

Database of the cadastre of the natural cavities of Emilia-Romagna. The caving heritage of Emilia-Ro

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Natural cavities cadastre details >

Physical-Policy Paper 1:250,000 — Review July 2021 Open Data

The regional topographic map on the 1:250,000 scale was drawn up at the same time as the physical po

Issued on 2021-01-01

Physical-Policy Paper 1:250,000 — Review July 2021 details >

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Territorial Structure (S_ASS_PL) Open Data

The spatial planning of the PSC is at the heart of the planning choices for the settlement system of

Issued on 2012-01-01

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Territorial Structure (S_ASS_PL) details >

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Territorial Equipment (S_DOT_LI) Open Data

Territorial equipment consists of all the facilities, works and equipped spaces that contribute to a

Issued on 2012-01-01

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Territorial Equipment (S_DOT_LI) details >

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Territorial Equipment (S_DOT_PL) Open Data

Territorial equipment consists of all the facilities, works and equipped spaces that contribute to a

Issued on 2012-01-01

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Territorial Equipment (S_DOT_PL) details >

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Territorial Equipment (S_DOT_PT) Open Data

Territorial equipment consists of all the facilities, works and equipped spaces that contribute to a

Issued on 2012-01-01

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Territorial Equipment (S_DOT_PT) details >

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Mobility Infrastructure and Services... Open Data

Mobility infrastructure consists of the network of facilities, works and services that ensure the mo

Issued on 2012-01-01

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Mobility Infrastructure and Services... details >

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Mobility Infrastructure and Services... Open Data

Mobility infrastructure consists of the network of facilities, works and services that ensure the mo

Issued on 2012-01-01

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Mobility Infrastructure and Services... details >

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Mobility Infrastructure and Services... Open Data

Mobility infrastructure consists of the network of facilities, works and services that ensure the mo

Issued on 2012-01-01

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Mobility Infrastructure and Services... details >

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Macro classification of the municipal... Open Data

Classification of the territory as urbanised, urbanised or rural in accordance with Article 28 of Re

Issued on 2012-01-01

Regional Database of Municipal Structural Plans (PSC) — Macro classification of the municipal... details >

Riviera Berica. PTRC 2020 Open Data

Riviera Berica, linear element related to tav.6

Issued on 2020-08-01

Riviera Berica. PTRC 2020 details >

Crash areas surveyed by ARPAV Open Data


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Crash areas surveyed by ARPAV details >

Hunting areas Open Data

Area perimeter within the individual province

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Hunting areas details >

New cores — bostrico 2021 Open Data

Plant pathology of the “bostrico” on the territory of Veneto

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New cores — bostrico 2021 details >

New cores — bostrico 2021 — July/August Open Data

Plant pathology of the “bostrico” on the territory of Veneto

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New cores — bostrico 2021 — July/August details >

Traps Ips acuminatus 2021 Open Data

Pathological trend of IPS acuminatus on the territory of Veneto

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Traps Ips acuminatus 2021 details >

Traps Ips Typographus 2021 Open Data

Pathological trend of Ips typographus on the territory of Veneto

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Traps Ips Typographus 2021 details >

Combination of CTR elements at 1:5,000 scale Open Data

Combination of CTR elements at 1:5,000 scale

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Combination of CTR elements at 1:5,000 scale details >

Framework of union CTR sections on scale 1:10,000 Open Data

Overview of the CTR sections on a scale of 1:10,000

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Framework of union CTR sections on scale 1:10,000 details >

CTR quadrants union picture in scale 1:20,000 Open Data

Picture of the union of the dials of CTR in scale 1:20.000 relative to the territory of the Veneto R

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CTR quadrants union picture in scale 1:20,000 details >

Joint picture of IGM Tables on a scale of 1:25,000 Open Data

Joint picture of IGM Tables on a scale of 1:25,000

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Joint picture of IGM Tables on a scale of 1:25,000 details >

Overview of the IGM Sheets on a scale of 1:50,000 Open Data

Overview of the IGM Sheets on a scale of 1:50,000

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Overview of the IGM Sheets on a scale of 1:50,000 details >

Joint picture of IGM sheets on a scale of 1:100,000 Open Data

Joint picture of IGM sheets on a scale of 1:100,000

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Joint picture of IGM sheets on a scale of 1:100,000 details >

Location of the Geotopographic Base Data available for the territory of Veneto Open Data

In this shape file are displayed all the GEODBs available in the Veneto territory

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Location of the Geotopographic Base Data available for the territory of Veneto details >

Polygonal administrative limits of the municipalities of the Veneto Region Open Data

Polygonal municipal boundaries

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Polygonal administrative limits of the municipalities of the Veneto Region details >

Polygonal administrative limits of the provinces of the Veneto Region Open Data

Polygonal provincial boundaries

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Polygonal administrative limits of the provinces of the Veneto Region details >

Polygonal Administrative Limit of the Veneto Region Open Data

Polygonal regional border

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Polygonal Administrative Limit of the Veneto Region details >

Linear State border within the competence of the Veneto Region Open Data

Linear state border for the Veneto Region

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Linear State border within the competence of the Veneto Region details >

Polygonal limits of the Mountain Communities of the Veneto Region Open Data

Polygonal boundaries of the Montane Communities (no longer in force, see Regional Law 40/2012 “Norms

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Polygonal limits of the Mountain Communities of the Veneto Region details >

Montane Unions of the Veneto Region Open Data

Polygonal borders of the Montane Unions

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Montane Unions of the Veneto Region details >

Perimeter of ULSS holdings (Annex A to Regional Law 19/2016) Open Data

Redefinition of the perimeter of ULSS companies following the new organisational structure defined i

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Perimeter of ULSS holdings (Annex A to Regional Law 19/2016) details >

Remediation consortia of Veneto Open Data

Border of the 10 districts of the Veneto Remediation Consortia.

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Remediation consortia of Veneto details >

Perimeter of the Districts of the Regional Health Service (Annex A to Regional Law 19/2016) Open Data

Redefinition of the perimeter of the Districts of the Regional Health Service following the new orga

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Perimeter of the Districts of the Regional Health Service (Annex A to Regional Law 19/2016) details >

Road network derived from DataBase priority strata on a scale of 1:10,000 Open Data

Road graph of the Veneto Region

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Road network derived from DataBase priority strata on a scale of 1:10,000 details >

Rail network nodes derived from DataBase priority strata in scale 1:10,000 Open Data

Railway graph nodes of the Veneto Region

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Rail network nodes derived from DataBase priority strata in scale 1:10,000 details >

Rail network derived from DataBase priority strata in scale 1:10,000 Open Data

Railway graph of the Veneto Region

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Rail network derived from DataBase priority strata in scale 1:10,000 details >

Sections of the Metropolitan Railway System of the Veneto Region Open Data

Sections of the Metropolitan Railway System of the Veneto Region

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Sections of the Metropolitan Railway System of the Veneto Region details >

Stations of the Metropolitan Railway System of the Veneto Region Open Data

Stations of the Metropolitan Railway System of the Veneto Region

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Stations of the Metropolitan Railway System of the Veneto Region details >

Silvopastoral road Open Data

Shape files of silvopastoral roads

Issued on 2019-06-24

Silvopastoral road details >

Exforestation systems Open Data

Shape file of the rough evaluation of exforestation systems

Issued on 2019-06-24

Exforestation systems details >

Assessment of forest accessibility Open Data

The accessibility to the forest is represented in relation to the presence and type of silvo-pastora

Issued on 2019-10-14

Assessment of forest accessibility details >

Regional levelling cornerstones Open Data

Archive of the levelling pillars of the Veneto Region

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Regional levelling cornerstones details >

IGM levelling cornerstones — Veneto Region Open Data

Archive of the IGM high precision leveling pillars — Veneto Region

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IGM levelling cornerstones — Veneto Region details >

regional GPS Summits Open Data

Archive of the GPS summits of the Veneto Region

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regional GPS Summits details >

Database of the different litologies that make up the territory of the Veneto Region scale 1:250,000 Open Data

Database of the different litologies that emerge in the territory of the Veneto Region, containing a

Issued on

Database of the different litologies that make up the territory of the Veneto Region scale 1:250,000 details >

Active quarries Open Data

Active quarries, within the meaning of Regional Law 13/2018, which fall within the regional territor

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Active quarries details >

Extinct quarries Open Data

Extinct quarries, pursuant to Regional Law 13/2018, falling within the regional territory of Veneto.

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Extinct quarries details >

Quarries ceased Open Data

Quarries ceased, pursuant to Regional Law 13/2018, which fall within the regional territory of Venet

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Quarries ceased details >

Extractive fields PRAC — limestones for construction Open Data

mining areas identified by the Regional Plan for Cava Activities (PRAC, approved by DCR No 32 of 20/

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Extractive fields PRAC — limestones for construction details >

Extractive fields PRAC — debris Open Data

mining areas identified by the Regional Plan for Cava Activities (PRAC, approved by DCR No 32 of 20/

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Extractive fields PRAC — debris details >

Extractive fields PRAC — gravel and sand Open Data

mining areas identified by the Regional Plan for Cava Activities (PRAC, approved by DCR No 32 of 20/

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Extractive fields PRAC — gravel and sand details >

Geosites Open Data

Locality, area or territory of geological or geomorphological interest for its conservation and prot

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Geosites details >

Data Bank of the Veneto Region’s soil cover Open Data

First edition of the Veneto Region soil cover database in vector format, built in 2009 on the basis

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Data Bank of the Veneto Region’s soil cover details >

Map GSE Urban Atlas High Resolution realised on the territory affected by the “Passante di Mestre”... Open Data

Land use map obtained from very high resolution satellite-aircraft data, with GSE LAND nomenclature

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Map GSE Urban Atlas High Resolution realised on the territory affected by the “Passante di Mestre”... details >

Thematic study of the Soil Covering Charter (CCS 2007 PLUS standard version) Open Data

Thematic analysis of the 2007 Veneto Region soil cover database in vector format. Compared to the fi

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Thematic study of the Soil Covering Charter (CCS 2007 PLUS standard version) details >

Soil Cover Charter database updated 2012 Open Data

Second edition of the Database of the Coverage of the entire territory of Veneto to 2012 in vector f

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Soil Cover Charter database updated 2012 details >

Corine Land Cover’s 2012 Class 1 Soil Cover Paper Database (Artificially Modeled Territories) Open Data

Single Class 1 Soil Cover Database of the Corine Land Cover (artificially shaped territories) of the

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Corine Land Cover’s 2012 Class 1 Soil Cover Paper Database (Artificially Modeled Territories) details >

Soil Cover Charter database 2015 update Open Data

Third edition of the Database of the Coverage of the Soil of the whole territory of Veneto to 2015 i

Issued on 2020-02-12

Soil Cover Charter database 2015 update details >

Soil Cover Charter Database Update 2018 Open Data

Third edition of the Database of the Coverage of the entire territory of Veneto to 2018 in vector fo

Issued on 2020-07-17

Soil Cover Charter Database Update 2018 details >

Seismic classification of municipalities of the Veneto Region Open Data

Map of seismic classification of the municipalities of Veneto

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Seismic classification of municipalities of the Veneto Region details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Belluno Open Data

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Belluno

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Belluno details >

Areas affected by Gravity Deformations Profonde di Versante in the province of Belluno Open Data

Geo-referenced polygons indicating areas affected by Gravity Deformations Profstant

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Areas affected by Gravity Deformations Profonde di Versante in the province of Belluno details >

Lines indicating the direction of failure of the province of Belluno Open Data

Geo-referenced lines indicating the direction of failure according to the IFFI technical specificati

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Lines indicating the direction of failure of the province of Belluno details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Belluno Open Data

Georeferenced polygons indicating areas affected by landslides

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Belluno details >

Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Belluno Open Data

Geo-referenced points indicating the characteristics of failure

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Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Belluno details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Padua Open Data

Georeferenced polygons indicating areas affected by landslides

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Padua details >

Lines indicating the direction of the failure of the province of Padua Open Data

Geo-referenced lines indicating the direction of failure according to the IFFI technical specificati

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Lines indicating the direction of the failure of the province of Padua details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Padua Open Data

Georeferenced polygons indicating areas affected by landslides

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Padua details >

Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Padua Open Data

Geo-referenced points indicating the characteristics of failure

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Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Padua details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Treviso Open Data

Georeferenced polygons indicating areas affected by landslides

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Treviso details >

Lines indicating the direction of the failure of the province of Treviso Open Data

Geo-referenced lines indicating the direction of failure according to the IFFI technical specificati

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Lines indicating the direction of the failure of the province of Treviso details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Treviso Open Data

Georeferenced polygons indicating areas affected by landslides

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Treviso details >

Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Treviso Open Data

Geo-referenced points indicating the characteristics of failure

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Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Treviso details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Vicenza Open Data

Georeferenced polygons indicating areas affected by landslides

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Vicenza details >

Lines indicating the direction of the failure of the province of Vicenza Open Data

Geo-referenced lines indicating the direction of failure according to the IFFI technical specificati

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Lines indicating the direction of the failure of the province of Vicenza details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Vicenza Open Data

Georeferenced polygons indicating areas affected by landslides

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Vicenza details >

Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Vicenza Open Data

Geo-referenced points indicating the characteristics of failure

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Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Vicenza details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Verona Open Data

Georeferenced polygons indicating areas affected by landslides

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Verona details >

Lines indicating the direction of the failure of the province of Verona Open Data

Geo-referenced lines indicating the direction of failure according to the IFFI technical specificati

Issued on

Lines indicating the direction of the failure of the province of Verona details >

Areas affected by landslides in the province of Verona Open Data

Georeferenced polygons indicating areas affected by landslides

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Areas affected by landslides in the province of Verona details >

Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Verona Open Data

Geo-referenced points indicating the characteristics of failure

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Points indicating the characteristics of the failure of the province of Verona details >

Historical earthquakes with epicenter in Veneto. Period considered: a. C. — 1976. Open Data

Historical earthquakes with epicenter in Veneto (period considered: B.C. — 1976)

Issued on

Historical earthquakes with epicenter in Veneto. Period considered: a. C. — 1976. details >
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