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Public census exercises per 1,000 residents Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of public establishments at censuses on resident populatio

Issued on 2021-08-25

Public census exercises per 1,000 residents details >

Public establishments classified with ATECO 2002 Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of public establishments archive ASIA 2002 **Type Indicat

Issued on 2021-08-25

Public establishments classified with ATECO 2002 details >

Public establishments classified with ATECO 2007 Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of local units of public establishments according to the

Issued on 2021-08-25

Public establishments classified with ATECO 2007 details >

Public establishments classified with ATECO 2007 for 1,000 residents Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of local units of public establishments according to the A

Issued on 2021-08-25

Public establishments classified with ATECO 2007 for 1,000 residents details >

Public Engagement Number of Events 2020 Open Data

Public Engagement: Events carried out in 2020 that are the basis of reference for the three-year pro

Issued on 2021-07-21T10:09:34.253359Z

Public Engagement Number of Events 2020 details >


<p>The PUC identifies two types of Productive Areas, one defined AR-PU productive-urban urban

Issued on 2017-11-29



<p>I <strong>Transformation districts</strong> identify parts of t

Issued on 2017-11-29


PUC CANO Open Data

&p>The Operational Urban Project & egrave; an urban planning tool that outlines the trans

Issued on 2017-11-29

PUC CANO details >

Puglia Projects with extended cycle path of 2007-2013 Open Data

OpenCoesione Dataset with projects implementing cohesion policies of the 2007-2013 cycle of the Pugl

Issued on 2022-09-29

Puglia Projects with extended cycle path of 2007-2013 details >

Puglia Projects with extended cycle path of 2014-2020 Open Data

OpenCoesione Dataset with projects implementing cohesion policies of the 2014-2020 cycle of the Pugl

Issued on 2022-09-29

Puglia Projects with extended cycle path of 2014-2020 details >

Puglia Projects with extended cycle 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 cycle Open Data

OpenCoesione Dataset with projects implementing cohesion policies of the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 cyc

Issued on 2022-09-29

Puglia Projects with extended cycle 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 cycle details >

Road cleaning and related parking bans 2017-2018 Open Data

All the times of cleaning the roads of the Municipality of Trento with also the information of the p

Issued on 2017-09-11

Road cleaning and related parking bans 2017-2018 details >

Road cleaning and related parking bans — autumn 2019 (Open data) Open Data

All the times of cleaning the roads of the Municipality of Trento with also the information of the p

Issued on 2019-09-12

Road cleaning and related parking bans — autumn 2019 (Open data) details >

Road cleaning and related parking bans — autumn 2020 (Open data) Open Data

All the times of cleaning the roads of the Municipality of Trento with also the information of the p

Issued on 2020-09-28

Road cleaning and related parking bans — autumn 2020 (Open data) details >

Road cleaning and related parking bans — spring 2019 (Open data) Open Data

All the times of cleaning the roads of the Municipality of Trento with also the information of the p

Issued on 2019-04-02

Road cleaning and related parking bans — spring 2019 (Open data) details >

Road cleaning and related parking bans — spring 2021 (Open data) Open Data

All the times of cleaning the roads of the Municipality of Trento with also the information of the p

Issued on 2021-07-04

Road cleaning and related parking bans — spring 2021 (Open data) details >

Score obtained by 15-year-old students in the area of competence: reading (OECD-PISA) Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Average score obtained by 15-year-old students i

Issued on 2021-08-24

Score obtained by 15-year-old students in the area of competence: reading (OECD-PISA) details >

Score obtained by 15-year-old students in the area of competence: mathematics (OECD-PISA) Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Average score obtained by 15-year-old students i

Issued on 2021-08-24

Score obtained by 15-year-old students in the area of competence: mathematics (OECD-PISA) details >

Score obtained by 15-year-old students in the area of competence: sciences (OECD-PISA) Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Average score obtained by 15-year-old students i

Issued on 2021-08-24

Score obtained by 15-year-old students in the area of competence: sciences (OECD-PISA) details >

Network access points Open Data

Datasets with distributors of the backbone lines of telematic communication of different owners.

Issued on 2013-06-17

Network access points details >

District heating supply points for POD Open Data

The dataset shows the points of supply of district heating in the Municipality of Milan with contrac

Issued on 2021-04-12T10:07:12.476636Z

District heating supply points for POD details >

Points of interest — Piné Plateau and Cembra Valley Open Data

Points of interest (Point of Interest) of the Piné Plateau and Cembra Valley, identified for the Uni

Issued on 2014-04-04

Points of interest — Piné Plateau and Cembra Valley details >

Points of interest in Trentino Open Data

Points of interest in Trentino identified by some APT for the Universiade 2013. They include hotels,

Issued on 2014-04-04

Points of interest in Trentino details >

Points of Historical or Archaeological Interest Open Data

list of points of historical archaeological interest of the city: historic buildings, ancient struct

Issued on

Points of Historical or Archaeological Interest details >

Points of interest — Trento — Lakes Valley Open Data

Points of interest of Trento and the Community of the Valley of Lakes identified for the Universiade

Issued on 2014-04-04

Points of interest — Trento — Lakes Valley details >

Non Georeferred Tourist Interest Information Open Data

list of points of historical and tourist interest not georeferred

Issued on

Non Georeferred Tourist Interest Information details >

Points of interest — Valsugana Open Data

Points of interest of Valsugana identified for the Universiade 2013. They include hotels, restaurant

Issued on 2014-04-04

Points of interest — Valsugana details >

Lake Monitoring Points Open Data

Hydrology: Monitoring network of sampling sites

Issued on 2021-09-20

Lake Monitoring Points details >

Charging points — Total number and intended for car sharing — Historic Seria Open Data

The dataset shows, from 2015, the total number of charging stations and those intended for car-shari

Issued on 2021-02-25T10:53:30.087027Z

Charging points — Total number and intended for car sharing — Historic Seria details >

Listed Points (Open Data) Open Data

Altitude points isolated to the ground Thematicism is part of the fourth edition Technical Charter,

Issued on 2017-11-13

Listed Points (Open Data) details >

Retail outlets at census Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of retail outlets at census **Type Indicator:** Report

Issued on 2021-08-25

Retail outlets at census details >

Wholesale points of sale at census Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of wholesale outlets at census **Type Indicator:** Report

Issued on 2021-08-25

Wholesale points of sale at census details >

Retail outlets at census per 1,000 residents Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of retail outlets at census resident population at census

Issued on 2021-08-25

Retail outlets at census per 1,000 residents details >

Retail outlets classified with ATECO2007 Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of local retail units according to ASIA archive **Type In

Issued on 2021-08-25

Retail outlets classified with ATECO2007 details >

Retail outlets classified with ATECO2007 per 1,000 residents Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of local retail units according to ASIA archive on residen

Issued on 2021-08-25

Retail outlets classified with ATECO2007 per 1,000 residents details >

Wholesale points of sale at census per 1,000 residents Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of wholesale outlets at census resident population at cens

Issued on 2021-08-25

Wholesale points of sale at census per 1,000 residents details >

Wholesale outlets classified with ATECO 2002 Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of wholesale stores ASIA archive **Type Indicator:** Repo

Issued on 2021-08-25

Wholesale outlets classified with ATECO 2002 details >

Wholesale outlets classified with ATECO 2007 Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of local wholesale units according to ASIA archive **Type

Issued on 2021-08-25

Wholesale outlets classified with ATECO 2007 details >

Wholesale outlets classified with ATECO 2007 per 1,000 residents Open Data

**Sector:** Trade ** Algorithm:** Number of points of sale wholesale ASIA archive on resident popul

Issued on 2021-08-25

Wholesale outlets classified with ATECO 2007 per 1,000 residents details >



Issued on 2017-01-01


QGIS für Fortgeschrittene Open Data

QGIS-Anleitung für Fortgeschrittene erstellt vom GIS Kompetenzzentrum der Südtiroler Informatik AG.

Issued on 2017-01-01

QGIS für Fortgeschrittene details >

Regional Technical Charter Union Frameworks Open Data

File **ZIP** containing document **PDF** on the graphic dress and the **Shape Files** of the merge p

Issued on

Regional Technical Charter Union Frameworks details >

CTR Union Panels at different scales 5k, 10k and 50k in pdf Open Data

General CTR Union Frameworks and also divided for each Municipality of Lazio

Issued on

CTR Union Panels at different scales 5k, 10k and 50k in pdf details >

1:10.000 Union Framework Open Data

1:10.000 of the provincial technical paper

Issued on 2004-01-01

1:10.000 Union Framework details >

Union Framework 1:2.500 Open Data

Union framework 1:2,500 for LiDAR flights

Issued on 2014-01-01

Union Framework 1:2.500 details >

Union Framework 1:5,000 Open Data

1:5,000 Provincial Technical Paper Union Framework

Issued on 2004-01-01

Union Framework 1:5,000 details >

IGM 1:25,000 Union Framework Open Data

IGM Map Union Framework 1:25,000

Issued on 2000-01-01

IGM 1:25,000 Union Framework details >

IGM Union Framework 1:50.000 Open Data

IGM Map Union Framework 1:50.000

Issued on 2000-01-01

IGM Union Framework 1:50.000 details >

Qualifications issued by the Lazio Region Open Data

List of qualifications issued by the Lazio Region

Issued on

Qualifications issued by the Lazio Region details >


the table contains data on the average annual oncentration for the protection of human health of ben

Issued on 2013-02-21

AIR QUALITY — BENZENE (C6H6) YEAR 2011 details >


the table contains data on exceedances in hours of nitrogen dioxide values (no2), subdivided by type

Issued on 2013-02-22



the table contains data on exceedances in hours of nitrogen dioxide values (no2), subdivided by type

Issued on 2013-02-20



the table contains data on exceedances of sulphur dioxide (so2) values subdivided by type areas of t

Issued on 2013-02-22



the table contains data on exceedances of sulphur dioxide (so2) values subdivided by type areas of t

Issued on 2013-02-20



the table contains data on exceedances of particulate matter values(pm10)subdivided by type areas of

Issued on 2013-02-22



the table contains data on exceedances of particulate matter values(pm10)subdivided by type areas of

Issued on 2013-02-20



the table contains data on the average annual concentration for the protection of human health of ca

Issued on 2013-02-21


AIR QUALITY — OZONE (O3) YEAR 2010 Open Data

the table contains data on the number of exceedances of the hourly information threshold in 2009-201

Issued on 2013-02-22

AIR QUALITY — OZONE (O3) YEAR 2010 details >

AIR QUALITY — OZONE (O3) YEAR 2011 Open Data

the table contains data on the number of exceedances of the hourly information threshold in 2011 for

Issued on 2013-02-21

AIR QUALITY — OZONE (O3) YEAR 2011 details >

Air quality PM 2.5 Open Data

**Sector:** 11. Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable ** A

Issued on 2021-08-24

Air quality PM 2.5 details >

Air quality — monitoring stations surveys Open Data

The hourly data of air quality monitoring stations in the Autonomous Province of Trento validated by

Issued on 2019-05-03

Air quality — monitoring stations surveys details >

Urban air quality Open Data

**Sector:** 11. Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable ** A

Issued on 2021-08-24

Urban air quality details >


the table contains data on limit values, broken down by type of polluted, values beyond which l'

Issued on 2013-02-22



the table contains the data on limit values, broken down by type of polluted, values beyond which l&

Issued on 2013-02-20


Share of private R & D employees Open Data

**Sector:** Research, Development and Innovation ** Algorithm:** Research & Development associ

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of private R & D employees details >

Share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy Open Data

**Sector:** 07. Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems for a

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy details >

Share of long-term permits Open Data

**Sector:** 10. Reducing inequalities within and between nations ** Algorithm:** Number of long-ter

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of long-term permits details >

Share of permits issued for political asylum and humanitarian reasons Open Data

**Sector:** 10. Reducing inequalities within and between nations ** Algorithm:** New permits issued

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of permits issued for political asylum and humanitarian reasons details >

Share of 15-64 year old population carrying out more than 60 hours of paid and/or family work per... Open Data

**Sector:** Work and Conciliation of Lifetimes ** Algorithm:** 15-64-year-old males performing more

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of 15-64 year old population carrying out more than 60 hours of paid and/or family work per... details >

Share of 15-64 year old population carrying out more than 60 hours of paid and/or family work per... Open Data

**Sector:** Work and Conciliation of Lifetimes ** Algorithm:** People aged 15-64 working more than

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of 15-64 year old population carrying out more than 60 hours of paid and/or family work per... details >

Share of 15-64 year old population carrying out more than 60 hours of paid and/or family work per... Open Data

**Sector:** Work and Conciliation of Lifetimes ** Algorithm:** Females aged 15-64 who perform more

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of 15-64 year old population carrying out more than 60 hours of paid and/or family work per... details >

Share of utilised agricultural area (UAA) under organic farming Open Data

**Sector:** Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ** Algorithm:** Agricultural area used organically

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of utilised agricultural area (UAA) under organic farming details >

Share of time spent on unpaid, domestic and nursing work Open Data

**Sector:** 05. Achieving Gender Equality and Emancipating All Women and Girls ** Algorithm:** Hour

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of time spent on unpaid, domestic and nursing work details >

Share of time spent on unpaid voluntary work Open Data

**Sector:** 05. Achieving Gender Equality and Emancipating All Women and Girls ** Algorithm:** Hour

Issued on 2021-08-24

Share of time spent on unpaid voluntary work details >

Small manufacturing companies’ value-added share of total manufacturing value added Open Data

**Sector:** 09. Building resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation and equitable, responsibl

Issued on 2021-08-24

Small manufacturing companies’ value-added share of total manufacturing value added details >

Percentage share of polluting loads flowed into secondary or advanced plants Open Data

**Area:** 4. For a Trentino with a precious environment, attentive to biodiversity and dedicated to

Issued on 2021-08-24

Percentage share of polluting loads flowed into secondary or advanced plants details >

Percentage share of current expenditure Open Data

**Sector:** Public Administration ** Algorithm:** Current expenditure per capita on total Italy

Issued on 2021-08-24

Percentage share of current expenditure details >

Percentage share of capital expenditure Open Data

**Sector:** Public Administration ** Algorithm:** Capital expenditure per capita on total Italy

Issued on 2021-08-24

Percentage share of capital expenditure details >

Private share Research & Development Open Data

**Sector:** Research, Development and Innovation ** Algorithm:** Business expenditure on R & D

Issued on 2021-08-24

Private share Research & Development details >

Nuptial quotient Open Data

**Sector:** Family and Social Behavior ** Algorithm:** Number of marriages celebrated on population

Issued on 2021-08-25

Nuptial quotient details >

Specific fertility quotients for women between 10 and 14 years old Open Data

**Sector:** 03. Ensuring health and well-being for all and all ages ** Algorithm:** Born alive by w

Issued on 2021-08-24

Specific fertility quotients for women between 10 and 14 years old details >

Specific fertility quotients for women between 15 and 19 years old Open Data

**Sector:** 03. Ensuring health and well-being for all and all ages ** Algorithm:** Born alive by w

Issued on 2021-08-24

Specific fertility quotients for women between 15 and 19 years old details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.10A — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Vigenti at... Open Data

Pensions Ex Inpdap management by category (survivors and all pensions managing civil servants) and b

Issued on 2015-07-21

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.10A — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Vigenti at... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.12 — Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2014 separated by... Open Data

Separate Enpals pensions by category (old, invalid, survivor, senior, early, all management pension

Issued on 2015-07-21

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.12 — Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2014 separated by... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.13 — Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2014 by age class Open Data

Pensions Management former separate Enpals by age classes. Only ordinary pensions

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.13 — Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2014 by age class details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.15 — Benefits to civilian disabled persons living on 31-12-2014 by type of... Open Data

Benefits to civilian invalids distinct by geographical areas and categories of benefit. The Valle d’

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.15 — Benefits to civilian disabled persons living on 31-12-2014 by type of... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.16 — Benefits to civilian disabled persons living on 31-12-2014 by type of... Open Data

Benefits to civilian invalids broken down by type of benefit (pensions and all benefits to civilian

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.16 — Benefits to civilian disabled persons living on 31-12-2014 by type of... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.17 — Pensions Inps Private Management integrated to the minimum Vigenti at... Open Data

Pensions Private management integrated to the minimum by category (invalidity, survivors, old age) a

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.17 — Pensions Inps Private Management integrated to the minimum Vigenti at... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.1A Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2014 separate by category... Open Data

Pensions INPS Private Management by category and sex. Including early retirement

Issued on 2015-07-17

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.1A Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2014 separate by category... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.2 — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti at 31-12-2014 for management Open Data

Pensions Private management by type of management. Other funds include FF.SS., Flight, Dazieri, Cler

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.2 — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti at 31-12-2014 for management details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.20 — Social increases on pensions Inps Private Management by category and... Open Data

Social bonuses on pensions Inps Private Management in force on 31-12-2014, broken down by category a

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.20 — Social increases on pensions Inps Private Management by category and... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.24 — Additional amount EUR 154.94 on pensions Inps Private Management separate... Open Data

Additional amount of EUR 154.94 (ex art. 70 Law 388/2000) on pensions Inps Private Management paid i

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.24 — Additional amount EUR 154.94 on pensions Inps Private Management separate... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.27 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) ANF recipients... Open Data

Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) Vigenti in 2014: perceptors of' famil

Issued on 2015-07-21

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.27 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) ANF recipients... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.28 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) ANF recipients... Open Data

Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) Vigenti in 2014: recipients of family all

Issued on 2015-07-21

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.28 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) ANF recipients... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.29 — INPS Pensions Private Management and average monthly amount for management,... Open Data

Pensions INPS Private Management liquidated in 2014 and average monthly amount by management, gender

Issued on 2015-07-21

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.29 — INPS Pensions Private Management and average monthly amount for management,... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.2A — Inps pensions in force of separate management (parasubordinates) as at... Open Data

Pensions Inps Separate management of para-subordinated workers by category and sex.

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.2A — Inps pensions in force of separate management (parasubordinates) as at... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.30 — Historical series old-age, old-age and early retirement pensions INPS Open Data

Historical series of old-age and old-age pensionsà /advance INPS (excluding civil and ex-E

Issued on 2015-07-21

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.30 — Historical series old-age, old-age and early retirement pensions INPS details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.35 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly Inpdap) and average... Open Data

Inps pensions liquidated in 2014 by the State Pension Treatments Fund for Public Employee Management

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.35 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly Inpdap) and average... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.40 — Pensions Inps (Ex-Enpals Management) and average monthly amount for cash,... Open Data

Inps pensions settled in 2014 by the Ex-Enpals Management and average monthly amount per fund, gende

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.40 — Pensions Inps (Ex-Enpals Management) and average monthly amount for cash,... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.41 — Historical series of old and old-age and early retirement pensions... Open Data

Historical series of old-age and old-age pensionsà/advance INPS — Ex-Enpals management settled

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.41 — Historical series of old and old-age and early retirement pensions... details >
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