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Database of implemented projects of RDP SR 2014-2020 Open Data

Database of implemented projects of RDP SR 2014-2020 registered with the Rural Development Agency

Issued on 2017-12-13T11:26:18.965528Z

Database of implemented projects of RDP SR 2014-2020 details >

Annual statement of the activities of the stationary Open Data

Informs about the network of stationaries to assess the state of health of the population.

Issued on 2020-02-26T12:21:03.524610Z

Annual statement of the activities of the stationary details >

Invoices for goods and services RÚVZ Trenčín for the year 2018 Open Data

Invoices published pursuant to Section 5b(1)(a) and (b) of Act No 211/2000 on free access to informa

Issued on 2018-03-13T09:37:02.027470Z

Invoices for goods and services RÚVZ Trenčín for the year 2018 details >

Activities of diabetological ambulances in Slovakia Open Data

It informs about the activity of diabetological outpatients, the number of dispensated patients for

Issued on 2019-06-20T13:00:44.124596Z

Activities of diabetological ambulances in Slovakia details >

Indexes for hours worked by employees versus average month 2010 [pm0010ms] Open Data

Key indicators include time series of indicators for economic and socio-economic developments

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:11:00.729771Z

Indexes for hours worked by employees versus average month 2010 [pm0010ms] details >

Statistics on the solution of suggestions and requests of citizens of the city of Prešov (as of the... Open Data

Statistics on the solution of suggestions and requirements of citizens of the city of Prešov

Issued on 2017-05-22T07:41:47.754957Z

Statistics on the solution of suggestions and requests of citizens of the city of Prešov (as of the... details >

SVPÚ NRL Open Data

List of reference laboratories

Issued on 2019-01-11T09:06:59.939581Z

SVPÚ NRL details >

Medical facilities in Nitra Region Open Data

Medical facilities in Nitra Region

Issued on 2017-01-13T09:02:24.546166Z

Medical facilities in Nitra Region details >

Crime by basic groups of crimes Open Data

The table contains annual data on the number of offences (general, economic, remaining).

Issued on 2021-07-13T20:16:05.592396Z

Crime by basic groups of crimes details >

Climatic conditions Open Data

The table contains data on the following indicators: name of the climate station, duration of sunshi

Issued on 2021-07-14T03:13:25.480283Z

Climatic conditions details >

Registration of certificates of professional competence for the preparation of forest care... Open Data

Database of holders of certificates of professional competence for the preparation of forest care pr

Issued on 2018-04-25T05:50:13.044333Z

Registration of certificates of professional competence for the preparation of forest care... details >

Sentenced in prison institutions Open Data

The table contains annual data on the number of convicted persons disaggregated by sex, education, l

Issued on 2021-07-13T20:15:30.214606Z

Sentenced in prison institutions details >

Average values of magnesium content in analysed soils in the Slovak cadastre Open Data

Mean values of magnesium (Mg) in analysed soils in mg/kg by cadastral territory of the Slovak Republ

Issued on 2018-12-11T11:43:47.979756Z

Average values of magnesium content in analysed soils in the Slovak cadastre details >

Vestník verejného obstarávania október 2021 Open Data

Vestník verejného obstarávania október 2021

Issued on 2021-10-01T03:05:02.366360Z

Vestník verejného obstarávania október 2021 details >

Accounting statement — financial liabilities by sector Open Data

Accounting statement — financial liabilities by sector

Issued on 2020-03-11T11:26:23.221518Z

Accounting statement — financial liabilities by sector details >

List of OVMs with a mother-identified mailbox activated for delivery Open Data

Update: monthly. The dataset contains an overview of public authorities (OVMs) that have a parent i

Issued on 2017-05-19T09:21:08.058162Z

List of OVMs with a mother-identified mailbox activated for delivery details >

List of invoices of PMÚ SR Open Data

Publication of invoices based on Act No 211/2000 on freedom of information and amending certain acts

Issued on 2017-09-18T12:14:19.349289Z

List of invoices of PMÚ SR details >

List of institutions with a service set up General agenda Open Data

The dataset contains a list of public authorities (PPOs) that have established the General Agenda se

Issued on 2017-11-13T09:43:40.510790Z

List of institutions with a service set up General agenda details >

RÚVZ Lučenec orders for the 1st half of 2017 Open Data

RÚVZ Lučenec orders for the 1st half of 2017

Issued on 2017-11-03T17:52:08.849Z

RÚVZ Lučenec orders for the 1st half of 2017 details >

Registration of Orders Open Data

register of orders Lesy SR

Issued on 2018-12-13T11:43:09.924529Z

Registration of Orders details >

Elected members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Open Data

Results of the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic 2020

Issued on 2020-12-14T10:01:50.229573Z

Elected members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic details >

The dial: Waste Catalogue Open Data

The dial: Waste Catalogue (ISOH)

Issued on 2022-06-21T12:39:58.936550Z

The dial: Waste Catalogue details >

List of mailboxes activated for delivery Open Data

List of electronic mailboxes...

Issued on 2018-03-28T08:21:02.688955Z

List of mailboxes activated for delivery details >

Open Source Used for Publications Open Data

Open Source Used for Publications

Issued on 2017-07-24T11:40:09.346269Z

Open Source Used for Publications details >

Hunting and Conservation of Animals Open Data

Objects related to hunting and game protection under the responsibility of the company LESY SR š.p.

Issued on 2021-05-03T08:31:34.858824Z

Hunting and Conservation of Animals details >

Ranking of the consumption of medicinal products for human use issued from a public pharmacy for a... Open Data

It shows the ranking of the consumption of human medicines for the type of dispensing of the drug is

Issued on 2019-07-18T14:04:21.202422Z

Ranking of the consumption of medicinal products for human use issued from a public pharmacy for a... details >

Annual activity statement of psychiatric ambulance Open Data

Inform patients treated for psychiatric diagnosis in outpatient care.

Issued on 2019-06-26T11:00:57.170702Z

Annual activity statement of psychiatric ambulance details >

Public Procurement Bulletin May 2021 Open Data

Public Procurement Bulletin May 2021

Issued on 2021-05-03T03:05:03.772230Z

Public Procurement Bulletin May 2021 details >

Data on controls Open Data

Makes available the results of checks on the granting of minimum aid pursuant to Section 14 of Act N

Issued on 2017-11-06T12:38:39.214233Z

Data on controls details >

Population by gender — municipality (quarterly) Open Data

The table provides data on the status of the permanently resident population at the beginning of the

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:34:08.412128Z

Population by gender — municipality (quarterly) details >

List of contracted applications for NFA under the Cross-border Cooperation Programme of the Slovak... Open Data

The dataset contains a list of contractual applications for non-repayable financial contribution und

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:19:13.077077Z

List of contracted applications for NFA under the Cross-border Cooperation Programme of the Slovak... details >

The intensity of rail transport in the Slovak Republic Open Data

The dataset contains the number of passenger, transit and freight trains in the Slovak Republic at t

Issued on 2019-12-31T11:54:15.945802Z

The intensity of rail transport in the Slovak Republic details >

List of business establishments with ceased activity in the city of Prešov (state as of the current... Open Data

The information is drawn from the records of entrepreneurs and business establishments in the territ

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:24:41.987018Z

List of business establishments with ceased activity in the city of Prešov (state as of the current... details >

Summary results of the vote in favour of the counties Open Data

Results of the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic 2020

Issued on 2020-12-14T09:36:36.324652Z

Summary results of the vote in favour of the counties details >

Reasons for rejecting LTV 112 for 2016 Open Data

Reasons for refusing a call to the 112 emergency line by county and reason for refusal

Issued on 2017-03-31T11:14:46.251205Z

Reasons for rejecting LTV 112 for 2016 details >

List of outages Open Data

The dataset contains a list of incidents about outages recorded on the portal.

Issued on 2018-03-23T13:51:02.595506Z

List of outages details >

Register of Professional Competence of Persons to Work with Very Toxic Substances and Preparations... Open Data

Pursuant to Section 15(2) and (3) of Act No 355/2007 on the protection, promotion and development of

Issued on 2017-04-24T10:45:18.360383Z

Register of Professional Competence of Persons to Work with Very Toxic Substances and Preparations... details >

Population activity by sex – quarterly data (since 2021) Open Data

Tabuľka prezentuje údaje o obyvateľstve v členení na predproduktívny, produktívny a poproduktívny ve

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:47:33.181117Z

Population activity by sex – quarterly data (since 2021) details >

Register of professional competence — food and dishes 2016 Open Data

Register of qualified persons pursuant to Section 16(33) of Act No 355/2007 on the protection, promo

Issued on 2017-08-18T09:50:50.953593Z

Register of professional competence — food and dishes 2016 details >

Database of assets Open Data

Cost Center, Class IM, Property Number, Subnumber, Marking, Serial Number, Room, Current acquisition

Issued on 2020-12-14T12:27:57.162179Z

Database of assets details >

Revised and preliminary annual GDP data at constant prices calculated by chaining volumes to the... Open Data

Key indicators include time series of indicators for economic and socio-economic developments

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:09:40.608182Z

Revised and preliminary annual GDP data at constant prices calculated by chaining volumes to the... details >

Register of road hauliers Open Data

Register of hauliers and qualified persons engaged in road transport

Issued on 2021-08-17T09:22:07.876418Z

Register of road hauliers details >

Public Procurement Bulletin May 2017 Open Data

Public Procurement Bulletin May 2017

Issued on 2017-05-01T03:10:01.819334Z

Public Procurement Bulletin May 2017 details >

Price indices of selected market services Open Data

The table contains quarterly data on price indices of selected market services for the Slovak Republ

Issued on 2021-07-13T20:26:04.823647Z

Price indices of selected market services details >

List of Schools with Education Program Ecological Footprint Certificate Open Data

The dataset contains a list of schools that participated in the Ecological Footprint and received th

Issued on 2018-12-13T10:12:19.225746Z

List of Schools with Education Program Ecological Footprint Certificate details >

Number of dogs at the breeding address in Prešov — geo data Open Data

Number of dogs at the breeding address in Prešov — geo data

Issued on 2017-05-24T20:31:44.895507Z

Number of dogs at the breeding address in Prešov — geo data details >

Harmonised indices of consumer prices to base average 2015 = 100 Open Data

The table contains monthly data of harmonised indices of consumer prices to base average 2015 = 100.

Issued on 2021-07-13T20:24:59.130706Z

Harmonised indices of consumer prices to base average 2015 = 100 details >

HVD — Orthoimagery Open Data

The topic of Orthoimagery (orthometry) is a high value dataset (HVD). This follows from Directive (E

Issued on 2023-03-17T08:59:46.729196Z

HVD — Orthoimagery details >

Orders for goods and services Open Data

Orders of goods and services RÚVZ Levice

Issued on 2016-03-16T09:08:56.151057Z

Orders for goods and services details >

Register of hunting grounds (PR) Open Data

The list of hunting grounds includes: name of the hunting ground, date and number of the decision, d

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:16:14.466408Z

Register of hunting grounds (PR) details >

Results of checks for 2017-2022 Open Data

The control result database for the years 2017-2022 contains basic data such as the name of the enti

Issued on 2018-07-17T11:29:57.336351Z

Results of checks for 2017-2022 details >

List of mutually recognised products based on Regulation No 764/2008 of the European Parliament and... Open Data

Information list of mutually recognised certificates (registrations) intended for the public. Witho

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:16:15.552793Z

List of mutually recognised products based on Regulation No 764/2008 of the European Parliament and... details >

Order list Open Data

The order dataset contains the name of the goods, the services and the estimated price.

Issued on 2018-12-13T09:15:11.494882Z

Order list details >

Full labour costs (monthly, hourly) by economic activities (EN NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

Data on full labour costs present monthly labour costs in EUR per employee and hourly labour costs i

Issued on 2021-07-13T18:36:07.932240Z

Full labour costs (monthly, hourly) by economic activities (EN NACE Rev. 2) details >

Crime statistics in the Slovak Republic 2017 Open Data

for the period 1.1-31.12.2017

Issued on 2018-01-25T12:56:23.755125Z

Crime statistics in the Slovak Republic 2017 details >

Construction and loss of apartments [st0003qs] Open Data

Key indicators include time series of indicators for economic and socio-economic developments

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:06:40.747168Z

Construction and loss of apartments [st0003qs] details >

Invoices 1st half of 2020 Open Data

Invoices 1st half of 2020

Issued on 2020-10-06T15:18:46.602678Z

Invoices 1st half of 2020 details >

Price indices of industrial producers domestic (December 2010=100) [pm0011ms] Open Data

Key indicators include time series of indicators for economic and socio-economic developments

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:13:55.502098Z

Price indices of industrial producers domestic (December 2010=100) [pm0011ms] details >

Public Procurement Bulletin June 2022 Open Data

Public Procurement Bulletin June 2022

Issued on 2022-06-01T03:05:02.206284Z

Public Procurement Bulletin June 2022 details >

Orders for goods and services 2020 Open Data

Orders published pursuant to Section 5b(1)(a) and (b) of Act No 211/2000 on free access to informati

Issued on 2020-05-15T11:49:59.805244Z

Orders for goods and services 2020 details >

List of invoices Open Data

The dataset contains a list of paid invoices of the Ministry of Agriculture for the period in questi

Issued on 2018-12-17T15:33:47.829640Z

List of invoices details >

Orders for publication of the first half of 2021 Open Data

Orders for publication of the first half of 2021

Issued on 2021-07-22T14:44:05.532862Z

Orders for publication of the first half of 2021 details >

Grants to the environmental fund Open Data

The main mission of the Fund is to provide funding to applicants in the form of grants or loans to s

Issued on 2020-06-05T09:23:00.612261Z

Grants to the environmental fund details >

Annual activity statement of ambulance physiatry, balneology and medical rehabilitation Open Data

Informs about the activities of ambulance physiatry, balneology and medical rehabilitation to assess

Issued on 2020-02-25T14:48:05.355231Z

Annual activity statement of ambulance physiatry, balneology and medical rehabilitation details >

Addresses by region Open Data

Valid addresses by county in structure: Address identifier; The region; The district; The village;

Issued on 2019-08-27T09:28:18.819266Z

Addresses by region details >

Preventive care in the Slovak Republic 2018 Open Data

The outputs provide information on the number of preventive examinations of adults, children and ado

Issued on 2020-02-26T12:55:04.742452Z

Preventive care in the Slovak Republic 2018 details >

LS — boundaries of organisational units Open Data

Boundary of forest administrations in LESY SR

Issued on 2018-12-13T07:31:05.042169Z

LS — boundaries of organisational units details >

Allocation of projects to managers and controllers — Interreg V-A SK-CZ Open Data

Dataset includes the allocation of projects to managers and controllers under the Interreg V-A SK-CZ

Issued on 2018-07-16T10:14:20.752803Z

Allocation of projects to managers and controllers — Interreg V-A SK-CZ details >

Geographical nomenclature Open Data

The standardisation of geographical nomenclature is defined according to the adopted terminology as

Issued on 2019-10-07T13:08:14.834847Z

Geographical nomenclature details >

Drinking Water Consumption Open Data

The table contains annual data on the aggregate consumption of drinking water and drinking water con

Issued on 2021-07-13T20:43:02.424986Z

Drinking Water Consumption details >

Economically active population by age Open Data

The table presents quarterly data on the number of economically active population broken down by sex

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:58:34.101031Z

Economically active population by age details >

Atmospheric conditions and meteorological geographical features Open Data

Atmospheric conditions and meteorological geographical features Data providing basic parameters for

Issued on 2018-01-14T23:47:37.990310Z

Atmospheric conditions and meteorological geographical features details >

Consumption of plant protection products Open Data

Data on the consumption of plant protection products in Slovakia broken down by FAO product categori

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:42:46.340356Z

Consumption of plant protection products details >

Number of accesses at Open Data

Daily views of the website and its subpages.

Issued on 2017-12-01T12:08:40.519411Z

Number of accesses at details >

MŽPSR Strategic documents (2023-01-31) Open Data

Strategic documents of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.

Issued on 2023-03-08T11:54:43.605189Z

MŽPSR Strategic documents (2023-01-31) details >

BSE data records Open Data

Registering data on all BSE cases diagnosed in the Slovak Republic

Issued on 2018-12-04T13:31:37.842542Z

BSE data records details >

List of datasets of MŠVVaŠ SR Open Data

List of datasets for the Ministry of Education published in accordance with the obligations arising

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:15:20.644435Z

List of datasets of MŠVVaŠ SR details >

List of plant pests Open Data

List of plant pests

Issued on 2018-12-10T10:54:19.010969Z

List of plant pests details >

Allocation of mandates to political entities Open Data

Results of the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic 2020

Issued on 2020-12-14T10:00:22.857746Z

Allocation of mandates to political entities details >

Orders from RÚVZ based in Stará Ľubovňa Open Data

Orders published pursuant to Section 5b(1)(a) and (b) of Act No 211/2000 on freedom of access to inf

Issued on 2018-03-14T09:16:01.283062Z

Orders from RÚVZ based in Stará Ľubovňa details >

Unemployment rate by education and sex – quarterly data (from 2021 onwards) Open Data

Tabuľka prezentuje údaje o miere nezamestnanosti členené podľa vzdelania a pohlavia.

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:50:03.175319Z

Unemployment rate by education and sex – quarterly data (from 2021 onwards) details >

EOS Open Data

Database of drainage channels with technical data

Issued on 2018-12-17T12:19:00.374590Z

EOS details >

List of manufacturers of veterinary medicinal products, veterinary preparations and veterinary... Open Data

List of manufacturers of veterinary medicinal products, veterinary preparations and veterinary techn

Issued on 2020-07-14T06:49:26.342767Z

List of manufacturers of veterinary medicinal products, veterinary preparations and veterinary... details >

Information on the circulation of cases in the courts Open Data

useful information on the circulation of cases in district and regional courts of the Slovak Republi

Issued on 2018-05-18T10:59:53.685690Z

Information on the circulation of cases in the courts details >

Died by age and sex — SR-area-county-county, cities, countryside Open Data

The table contains annual data on the number of deaths broken down by sex and age.

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:30:36.376361Z

Died by age and sex — SR-area-county-county, cities, countryside details >

Employment indices versus average month 2010 [pm0008ms] Open Data

Key indicators include time series of indicators for economic and socio-economic developments

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:11:10.279515Z

Employment indices versus average month 2010 [pm0008ms] details >

List of qualified certificates for qualified electronic seal (KSC) Open Data

List of valid qualified certificates for qualified electronic seal (KSC)

Issued on 2020-06-12T08:13:35.988649Z

List of qualified certificates for qualified electronic seal (KSC) details >

Annual Activity Statement of Clinical Immunology and Allergology Ambulance Open Data

Report on the activities of clinical immunology and allergology ambulances to assess the state of he

Issued on 2020-02-25T14:58:22.939512Z

Annual Activity Statement of Clinical Immunology and Allergology Ambulance details >

Bed Fund SR Open Data

Informs about the state of the bed fund of health care facilities of institutional health care. The

Issued on 2019-06-20T10:26:15.279559Z

Bed Fund SR details >

List of open software of the state enterprise Leso-agricultural assets Ulič Open Data

The dataset contains a list of open source software used by the state-owned enterprise Leso-Agricult

Issued on 2017-07-28T12:19:54.520391Z

List of open software of the state enterprise Leso-agricultural assets Ulič details >

Number of accesses to the IOC 2021 Open Data

Statistics on the use of the portal and its subpages: number of all and unique view

Issued on 2021-02-05T14:08:46.194881Z

Number of accesses to the IOC 2021 details >

Datasets published by the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic Open Data

Datasets published by the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic

Issued on 2019-11-29T14:02:29.373260Z

Datasets published by the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic details >

Apartments — completed according to the number of rooms Open Data

The table contains annual data on the number of apartments broken down by the number of rooms.

Issued on 2021-07-13T20:36:49.075375Z

Apartments — completed according to the number of rooms details >

List of holders of authorisations for the wholesale distribution of veterinary medicinal products,... Open Data

List of holders of authorisations for the wholesale distribution of veterinary medicinal products, v

Issued on 2020-07-14T06:46:12.888246Z

List of holders of authorisations for the wholesale distribution of veterinary medicinal products,... details >

Minister’s Economic System — Orders Open Data

Selection of basic data on current orders published under Act No 211/2000 Coll. on free access to in

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:31:59.857766Z

Minister’s Economic System — Orders details >

NPK Consumption Open Data

Statistically processed data from the Report on fertiliser consumption, contains district, county, q

Issued on 2018-12-11T11:52:03.454477Z

NPK Consumption details >

List of primary producers pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 Art.5(1) Open Data

List of primary producers pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 Art.5(1) basic activities and list

Issued on 2018-12-13T12:12:41.810645Z

List of primary producers pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 Art.5(1) details >

Register of operators of essential services Open Data

Register of operators of essential services

Issued on 2018-09-26T06:47:02.972166Z

Register of operators of essential services details >

Completed hospitalisations in institutions of the Slovak Republic according to the territory of the... Open Data

Informs about completed hospitalisations in institutions of the Slovak Republic according to diagnos

Issued on 2020-02-25T13:24:08.309630Z

Completed hospitalisations in institutions of the Slovak Republic according to the territory of the... details >

Sacral objects of the city Prešov — geo data Open Data

Sacral objects of the city Prešov — geo data

Issued on 2017-09-04T17:50:21.622225Z

Sacral objects of the city Prešov — geo data details >
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