INSPIRE Metadata System Slovenia Open data in a single API request

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Primary schools in municipality of Duplek Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

Issued on

Primary schools in municipality of Duplek details >

Bicycle and e-bike rental Open Data

The database shows the locations of bicycle rental providers and e-bikes in the Municipality of Mari

Issued on

Bicycle and e-bike rental details >

Primary schools in municipality of Rače-Fram Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

Issued on

Primary schools in municipality of Rače-Fram details >

Pharmacys in municipality of Duplek Open Data

Pharmacies and their branches are organised either as an organisational unit of a public pharmacy in

Issued on

Pharmacys in municipality of Duplek details >

Remote Sensing Database Open Data

In the Remote Sensing Database the remote sensing data, ortophoto and remote sensing technical data

Issued on

Remote Sensing Database details >

GURS — Public Web Cartographic Services (WMS) — raster data Open Data

Public online services provide access to open data from the databases of the Surveying and Mapping A

Issued on 2016-09-01

GURS — Public Web Cartographic Services (WMS) — raster data details >

Children's playground in municipality of Hoče-Slivnica Open Data

The database shows the locations of areas where children’s playgrounds are located, located in publi

Issued on

Children's playground in municipality of Hoče-Slivnica details >

Hydrogeological map 1:250,000 (IAH) Open Data

Presentation of hydrogeological units according to the IAH classification, where the centre of gravi

Issued on 2007-09-14

Hydrogeological map 1:250,000 (IAH) details >

Agriculture parcels with declared crop Open Data

Crop and agriculture parcels are declared in the frame of geo spatial aid application – GSAA by the

Issued on

Agriculture parcels with declared crop details >

INSPIRE titles WMS Open Data

WMS service for INSPIRE addresses/AD.Address

Issued on 2016-02-02

INSPIRE titles WMS details >

Register of Spatial Units Open Data

The Register of Spatial Units is an integrated database with graphical and attribute data on address

Issued on

Register of Spatial Units details >

Real Estate Register Open Data

The Real Estate Register is a public multipurpose technical database. The register contains data whi

Issued on

Real Estate Register details >

Mineral deposits and resources WFS service Open Data

Mineral deposits and resources INSPIRE compliant WFS services for Minerals4EU

Issued on

Mineral deposits and resources WFS service details >

Average annual corrected rainfall 1971-2000 — WMS Online Service Open Data

The service allows WMS to display data.

Issued on 2020-12-08

Average annual corrected rainfall 1971-2000 — WMS Online Service details >

Land Cadastre Open Data

Land Cadastre is an official register of land parcels. Land Cadastre includes up-to-date information

Issued on 1998-05-21

Land Cadastre details >

EuroBoundaryMap Open Data

The EuroBoundaryMap collection for Slovenia is part of the European collection at 1 : 100 000 scale,

Issued on

EuroBoundaryMap details >

Measuring points for bathing water quality Open Data

Natural bathing waters are divided into bathing areas and natural bathing sites. For the monitoring

Issued on 2011-05-24

Measuring points for bathing water quality details >

INSPIRE — Floor cover in Slovenia by CORINE 2012 — ATOM online data transfer service Open Data

The service allows the transmission of INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2018-09-14

INSPIRE — Floor cover in Slovenia by CORINE 2012 — ATOM online data transfer service details >

Regional units of the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Water Open Data

In order to carry out its tasks more effectively, the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Wa

Issued on

Regional units of the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Water details >

Digital Elevation Model Open Data

Digital Elevation Model is a description of the relief in the form of a model, where the height of t

Issued on

Digital Elevation Model details >

The Bioregions Open Data

Bioregions are important for evaluating the ecological status of waters and determining ecological t

Issued on

The Bioregions details >

INSPIRE - River Basin District Sub Unit - ATOM download service Open Data

This download service provides INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2019-05-14

INSPIRE - River Basin District Sub Unit - ATOM download service details >

INSPIRE Rail WMS Open Data

WMS service for INSPIRE rail/TN.RailTransportNetwork.RailwayLink

Issued on 2016-03-24

INSPIRE Rail WMS details >

Maps of noise Open Data

The collection contains several noise maps: — Strategic noise maps for important roads in DARS manag

Issued on 2001-02-03

Maps of noise details >

Groundwater Quality Measurement Points — ATOM Online Data Transfer Service Open Data

The service enables the transmission of INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2021-12-09

Groundwater Quality Measurement Points — ATOM Online Data Transfer Service details >

Water Lands Open Data

Land on which inland water is permanently or occasionally present and therefore creates specific hyd

Issued on

Water Lands details >

Building Cadastre Open Data

Building Cadastre is an official national database of buildings. Building Cadastre includes up-to-da

Issued on 1999-01-01

Building Cadastre details >

Water areas Open Data

A river basin district is the basic unit of water management in accordance with the EU Water Framewo

Issued on

Water areas details >

INSPIRE - Sewer network - ATOM download service Open Data

This download service provides INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2018-08-09

INSPIRE - Sewer network - ATOM download service details >

Geothermal maps - WMS services Open Data

Map represents the calculated (surface) heat-flow density (HFD) in mW/m2 with topographic correction

Issued on 2015-07-16T12:00:00Z

Geothermal maps - WMS services details >

INSPIRE Electricity Network WFS Open Data

WFS Service for INSPIRE Electricity Network/ElectricityCable

Issued on 2016-05-13

INSPIRE Electricity Network WFS details >

GURS — Public Web Cartographic Services (WMS) — vector data Open Data

Public online services provide access to open data from the databases of the Surveying and Mapping A

Issued on 2015-11-25

GURS — Public Web Cartographic Services (WMS) — vector data details >

Central Population Register Open Data

The description of the CRP database is the central database: — citizens who have permanent or tempor

Issued on

Central Population Register details >

1GE GeoZS 1M surface geology download services Open Data

The harmonized geological map of Slovenia is a simplified version of the 1:250 000 scale Geological

Issued on 2008-01-01

1GE GeoZS 1M surface geology download services details >

Mineral deposits and resources WMS service Open Data

Mineral deposits and resources INSPIRE compliant WMS services for Minerals4EU

Issued on

Mineral deposits and resources WMS service details >

Register of less-favoured areas for agricultural activity Open Data

The inventory of less-favoured areas for agricultural activity is a single national register of area

Issued on 2004-01-01

Register of less-favoured areas for agricultural activity details >

Integral map of flood hazard classes (ICRPN) Open Data

Flood hazard areas shall be classified into flood hazard classes on the basis of criteria classifyin

Issued on 2018-11-30

Integral map of flood hazard classes (ICRPN) details >

INSPIRE - River Basin District - ATOM download service Open Data

This download service provides INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2019-05-14

INSPIRE - River Basin District - ATOM download service details >

National network of seismic observatories Open Data

The national network observatories are designed to record earthquakes. Data from the observatories a

Issued on 2010-03-17

National network of seismic observatories details >

EGIP geothermal map (MapServer) Open Data

The underground geothermal conditions can be presented, irrespective of the aquifers' position, with

Issued on

EGIP geothermal map (MapServer) details >

PanGeo Ground Stability Open Data

Product by the Pangeo project: PanGeo provides information about the st

Issued on

PanGeo Ground Stability details >

The river basins of the Sava, Drava, Mura and the river basins of the Soča and Adriatic rivers Open Data

The river basins of the Sava, Drava, Mura and the river basins of the Soča and Adriatic rivers in th

Issued on

The river basins of the Sava, Drava, Mura and the river basins of the Soča and Adriatic rivers details >

MOP - public Web Feature Service (WFS) Open Data

Public WFS services enables access to open data from Spatial Planning Information System which is ma

Issued on 2016-09-01

MOP - public Web Feature Service (WFS) details >

Measuring points for surface water quality Open Data

The inventory includes a list of monitoring sites in the national monitoring network (ARSO) for moni

Issued on 2015-11-25

Measuring points for surface water quality details >

State Transparent Card 1: 2 500 000 Open Data

State transparent map of criterion 1: 2 500 000 shows the area of the whole of Slovenia and a slight

Issued on 2022-05-01

State Transparent Card 1: 2 500 000 details >

1GE GeoZS 1M surface geology WMS services Open Data

The harmonized geological map of Slovenia is a simplified version of the 1:250 000 scale Geological

Issued on 2008-01-01

1GE GeoZS 1M surface geology WMS services details >

INSPIRE WMS water supply network Open Data

WMS service for INSPIRE water supply network/US.WaterNetwork

Issued on 2016-05-24

INSPIRE WMS water supply network details >

Consolidated Cadastre of Public Infrastructure Open Data

Consolidated Cadastre of Public Infrastructure is an official register of public utilities and infra

Issued on 2005-10-26

Consolidated Cadastre of Public Infrastructure details >

INSPIRE - Cadastral parcels - ATOM download service Open Data

This download service provides INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2018-08-09

INSPIRE - Cadastral parcels - ATOM download service details >

Cadaster of Forest Reserves Open Data

The data set shows graphical and attribute data on special purpose forests without action (forest re

Issued on 2015-06-04

Cadaster of Forest Reserves details >

Register of natural values (areas) — WMS web service Open Data

The service allows WMS to display data.

Issued on 2020-10-21

Register of natural values (areas) — WMS web service details >

Inventory of measurement systems and installations (Katmesina) Open Data

Uniform state record of irrigation and drainage systems. The layer of irrigation systems contains ir

Issued on

Inventory of measurement systems and installations (Katmesina) details >

Forest at risk of fire Open Data

In accordance with Article 12 of the Rules on the Protection of Forests (Official Gazette of the Rep

Issued on 2012-11-16

Forest at risk of fire details >

EuroRegionalMap Open Data

The EuroRegionalMap for Slovenia is part of the European collection of topographic data at 1: 250 00

Issued on

EuroRegionalMap details >

Land cover in Slovenia (2006) Open Data

The CLC 2006 ground cover base is made from a combination of the CLC 2000 base and the base of chang

Issued on 2008-10-10

Land cover in Slovenia (2006) details >

Geological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Geomorphologic Features Open Data

Layer Geomorphologic Features shows the location of various types of geomorphological phenomena. Onl

Issued on 2014-11-28

Geological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Geomorphologic Features details >

National Geodetic Points Open Data

National Geodetic Points are part of the national geodetic networks and provide a reference frame i.

Issued on 1998-05-21

National Geodetic Points details >

Hydrogeological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Aquifer Systems Open Data

An aquifer system is a territory with a geological structure comprising at least two different aquif

Issued on 2015-01-01

Hydrogeological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Aquifer Systems details >

Stations and stops of public passenger transport Open Data

The layer keeps track of the locations of stations and public passenger transport stops.

Issued on

Stations and stops of public passenger transport details >

INSPIRE - Natura 2000 - ATOM download service Open Data

This download service provides INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2018-08-23

INSPIRE - Natura 2000 - ATOM download service details >

Hydrogeological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Groundwater Body Open Data

According to the definition of the Water Directive, the Water Body of the Underground Water (VTPodV)

Issued on 2015-01-01

Hydrogeological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Groundwater Body details >

SIGNAL Network Data Open Data

SIGNAL Network Data is a database about observations on a permanent GNSS stations and observations c

Issued on 2015-03-02

SIGNAL Network Data details >

Geological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Boreholes Open Data

Layer Boreholes shows the localities where structural boreholes were drilled.

Issued on 2014-11-28

Geological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Boreholes details >

National Topographic Map at 1 : 50 000 scale - vector data Open Data

A brief description: National Topographic Map at 1 : 50 000 scale - vector data (DTK 50V) is an obj

Issued on

National Topographic Map at 1 : 50 000 scale - vector data details >

Digital Geoid Model of Slovenia (SLOAMG2000) Open Data

The database contains data about SLOvenian Absolute Model of Geoid from the year 2000 (SLOAMG2000).

Issued on 2000-05-21

Digital Geoid Model of Slovenia (SLOAMG2000) details >

INSPIRE - Protection regimes of cultural heritage (eVrd) - ATOM download service Open Data

This download service provides INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2019-10-21

INSPIRE - Protection regimes of cultural heritage (eVrd) - ATOM download service details >

Children's playground in municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polju Open Data

The database shows the locations of areas where children’s playgrounds are located, located in publi

Issued on

Children's playground in municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polju details >

Counting cameras Open Data

The layer keeps track of the locations of stations and public passenger transport stops.

Issued on

Counting cameras details >

Kindergardens in municipality of Pesnica Open Data

Preschool education is provided by public and private kindergartens. It is intended for children fro

Issued on

Kindergardens in municipality of Pesnica details >

Wild dumps in municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polju Open Data

The database shows the register of wild landfills, as kept by the Inter-municipal Inspection of the

Issued on

Wild dumps in municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polju details >

Sensitive areas due to eutrophication Open Data

The data set shows sensitive areas due to eutrophication under the Decree on the emission of substan

Issued on 2007-12-31

Sensitive areas due to eutrophication details >

Protected areas - WMS service Open Data

This services provides WMS view service.

Issued on 2020-09-21

Protected areas - WMS service details >

Measuring points for ambient air quality and precipitation Open Data

Ambient air quality, Precipitation quality, Slovenia

Issued on 2012-03-02

Measuring points for ambient air quality and precipitation details >

Accommodation establishments in municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polju Open Data

The database shows accommodation establishments in the municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polje. A

Issued on

Accommodation establishments in municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polju details >

Landslide susceptibility map - WMS storitve Open Data

The map gives potential avalanche areas for the whole of Slovenia in six classes of avalanches proba

Issued on 2008-01-01

Landslide susceptibility map - WMS storitve details >

Sports facilities in municipality of Starše Open Data

The database shows the areas of public sports facilities in the municipality of Starše, which are in

Issued on

Sports facilities in municipality of Starše details >

INSPIRE administrative units WFS Open Data

WFS service for INSPIRE administrative units/AdministrativeUnit

Issued on 2015-11-25

INSPIRE administrative units WFS details >

National General Map at 1 : 1 000 000 Scale - vector data Open Data

The vector data collection DPK 1000V is an object-oriented cartographic database at 1 : 1 000 000 sc

Issued on

National General Map at 1 : 1 000 000 Scale - vector data details >

Wild dumps in municipality of Pesnica Open Data

The database shows the register of wild landfills, as kept by the Inter-municipal Inspection of the

Issued on

Wild dumps in municipality of Pesnica details >

Register of natural values (areas) Open Data

The list of natural values defines the natural values in the space and is intended to protect them.

Issued on 2004-10-29

Register of natural values (areas) details >

Wild dumps in municipality of Rače-Fram Open Data

The database shows the register of wild landfills, as kept by the Inter-municipal Inspection of the

Issued on

Wild dumps in municipality of Rače-Fram details >

INSPIRE - Addresses - ATOM download service Open Data

This download service provides INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2018-05-03

INSPIRE - Addresses - ATOM download service details >

Sports facilities in municipality of Rače-Fram Open Data

The database shows the areas of public sports facilities in the municipality of Rače-Fram, which are

Issued on

Sports facilities in municipality of Rače-Fram details >

INSPIRE WMS Building Open Data

WMS Service for INSPIRE Buildings/BU.Building

Issued on 2016-02-03

INSPIRE WMS Building details >

INSPIRE - Cadastre of forest reserves designation - ATOM download service Open Data

This download service provides INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2019-05-23

INSPIRE - Cadastre of forest reserves designation - ATOM download service details >

National Topographic Map at 1 : 50 000 Scale Open Data

The territory of Republic of Slovenia covers 58 sheets of the National Topographic Map at 1 : 50 000

Issued on

National Topographic Map at 1 : 50 000 Scale details >

Hydrogeological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Temperature Open Data

Maps of the spatial distribution of values of variables related to air temperature are made on the b

Issued on 2015-01-01

Hydrogeological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Temperature details >

Kindergardens in municipality of Duplek Open Data

Preschool education is provided by public and private kindergartens. It is intended for children fro

Issued on

Kindergardens in municipality of Duplek details >

INSPIRE - Port areas - ATOM download service Open Data

This download service provides INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2018-08-09

INSPIRE - Port areas - ATOM download service details >

Sports facilities in municipality of Hoče-Slivnica Open Data

The database shows the areas of public sports facilities in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica, which

Issued on

Sports facilities in municipality of Hoče-Slivnica details >

Hydrological monitoring of groundwater (ground water level measurements) — ATOM online data transfer... Open Data

The service enables the transmission of INSPIRE compliant data.

Issued on 2021-12-10

Hydrological monitoring of groundwater (ground water level measurements) — ATOM online data transfer... details >

Sidewalks Open Data

A sidewalk is a part of the road that is not in the same plane as the carriageway or is in the same

Issued on

Sidewalks details >

Hydrogeological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Hydrogeological Object Man Made Open Data

The hydrogeological objects of the well represent the hydrogeological objects made by humans.

Issued on 2015-01-01

Hydrogeological map of Iška alluvial fan 1:25 000 - Hydrogeological Object Man Made details >

Hydrological measurements on surface water Open Data

The record includes a list of monitoring points in the National Monitoring Network (ARSO) for monito

Issued on 2012-12-02

Hydrological measurements on surface water details >

Water protection areas Open Data

A water protection area is an area in which, in order to protect a body of water used for abstractio

Issued on

Water protection areas details >

Water permits (points) Open Data

The Water Permit database (points) contains information on the geographical identification of the wa

Issued on

Water permits (points) details >

Primary schools in municipality of Starše Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

Issued on

Primary schools in municipality of Starše details >

Thematic learning pathways Open Data

In the Municipality of Maribor there are several TEMATIC learning paths for people of all ages who a

Issued on

Thematic learning pathways details >

Geothermal map - Temperature lines at 3000 m depth Open Data

The underground geothermal conditions can be presented, irrespective of the aquifers' position, with

Issued on 2015-07-16

Geothermal map - Temperature lines at 3000 m depth details >

INSPIRE WFS Airport Open Data

WFS service for INSPIRE Airport/AerodromeArea, RunwayArea, ApronArea

Issued on 2016-03-04

INSPIRE WFS Airport details >
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