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REDIAM. WMS de la serie de imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS. Clorofila-a medias mensuales filtradas:... Open Data

Nodo de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía. Servicio WMS correspondiente al conjunto de im

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS de la serie de imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS. Clorofila-a medias mensuales filtradas:... details >

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average, 2008 (NOAA... Open Data

Average monthly SST (Sea Surface Temperature) images collected by the Advanced Very High Resolution

Issued on

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average, 2008 (NOAA... details >

REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiración potencial media decenal en Andalucía: periodo 1976 2005. Abril Open Data

Nodo de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía. Servicio WMS correspondien

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiración potencial media decenal en Andalucía: periodo 1976 2005. Abril details >

Número medio de días al año con temperatura mayor a 25ºC. Andalucía Open Data

Capa de información geográfica en formato vectorial que representa el número medio de días en los qu

Issued on 2009-01-01

Número medio de días al año con temperatura mayor a 25ºC. Andalucía details >

Concentración de Clorofila-a del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Promedio mensual, 2000 (ORBVIEW... Open Data

Imágenes medias mensuales de Clorofila-a captadas por el sensor SeaWiFS (Sea Viewing Wide Field of V

Issued on

Concentración de Clorofila-a del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Promedio mensual, 2000 (ORBVIEW... details >

REDIAM. WMS Precipitación total diaria en Andalucía. Año 2014. Febrero Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a la espacialización (método IDW) de los valores de precipitación diari

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Precipitación total diaria en Andalucía. Año 2014. Febrero details >

Residuos (g10_11_Residuos) Open Data

Contiene información acerca de la localización de las plantas de generación de energía a partir de r

Issued on

Residuos (g10_11_Residuos) details >

REDIAM. WMS Siose Andalucía. Escala 1:10.000. Año 2016. Ocupación del suelo Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a la la información sobre Ocupación del Suelo en Andalucía a partir de

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Siose Andalucía. Escala 1:10.000. Año 2016. Ocupación del suelo details >

Concentración de Clorofila-a del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Promedio anual, 2014 (AQUA... Open Data

Imagen media anual de Clorofila-a captadas por el sensor MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectror

Issued on

Concentración de Clorofila-a del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Promedio anual, 2014 (AQUA... details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1995. Geometrically corrected by cubic convolution Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1995. Geometrically corrected by cubic convolution details >

Andalusian Vegetation Index (NDVI), 2007 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data

TERRA satellite images captured by the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODerate-resol

Issued on 2008-01-01

Andalusian Vegetation Index (NDVI), 2007 (TERRA MODIS) details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1989. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1989. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1987. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1987. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution details >

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS. K490 (Transparencia del agua) anomalía anual:... Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a la imagen de satélite AQUA MODIS anomalía anual de k490 (Transparenci

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS. K490 (Transparencia del agua) anomalía anual:... details >

REDIAM. WMS Escenarios locales de cambio climático (4º Informe IPCC). Número de días de frío... Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a la información raster (200 m de resolución) del número de días de frí

Issued on 2014-07-17T10:01:03Z

REDIAM. WMS Escenarios locales de cambio climático (4º Informe IPCC). Número de días de frío... details >

Mosaico de índice de Vegetación (NDVI) de Andalucía, 1975 (Landsat MSS) Open Data

Mosaico obtenido a partir de imágenes de satélite Landsat MSS. NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetatio

Issued on

Mosaico de índice de Vegetación (NDVI) de Andalucía, 1975 (Landsat MSS) details >

REDIAM. WMS Ortoimagen Pleiades del incendio de Quesada (Jaén) de 0,5 m (06/11/2015). Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a productos de la imagen Pleiades (producto ortoimagen precisa) del 6 d

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Ortoimagen Pleiades del incendio de Quesada (Jaén) de 0,5 m (06/11/2015). details >

Mapa de Orientaciones de Andalucía, 1995 (20x20m) Open Data

Mapa de Pendientes generado a partir del Modelo Digital del Terreno resolución 20 metros (cotas ente

Issued on

Mapa de Orientaciones de Andalucía, 1995 (20x20m) details >

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite NOAA AVHRR. NDVI (Normaliced Difference Vegetation Index)... Open Data

Nodo de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía. Conjunto de imágenes de sa

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite NOAA AVHRR. NDVI (Normaliced Difference Vegetation Index)... details >


Este conjunto de datos espaciales está conformado por siete capas de información geográfica alusivas

Issued on 2009-01-01

G06 SISTEMA URBANO. DEA100 details >

REDIAM. WMS Desviación de las precipitaciones mensuales respecto a la media del periodo 1971-2000... Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente al cálculo de la desviación de las precipitaciones mensuales respecto a

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Desviación de las precipitaciones mensuales respecto a la media del periodo 1971-2000... details >

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual average, 2001 (NOAA... Open Data

Annual mean SST (Sea Surface Temperature) sensor collected by the Advanced Very High Resolution Radi

Issued on

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual average, 2001 (NOAA... details >

REDIAM. WMS de la serie de imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS. K490 (Transparencia del agua) medias... Open Data

Conjunto de imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS medias estacionales filtradas de la serie histórica de K

Issued on 2016-02-08T12:40:51Z

REDIAM. WMS de la serie de imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS. K490 (Transparencia del agua) medias... details >

Registros de seguimiento poblacional de bogardilla 'Iberocypris palaciosi'. Plan de recuperación y... Open Data

Datos anuales de seguimiento de población de bogardilla 'Iberocypris palaciosi' en Andalucía para el

Issued on

Registros de seguimiento poblacional de bogardilla 'Iberocypris palaciosi'. Plan de recuperación y... details >

Niveles de ozono atmosférico en Andalucía: 1999 Open Data

Niveles de ozono atmosférico en Andalucía para el año 1999: rango del espesor de la capa de ozono y

Issued on

Niveles de ozono atmosférico en Andalucía: 1999 details >

Zonas de producción de moluscos del litoral de Andalucía Open Data

Conjunto de datos espaciales que contienen la delimitación de las zonas de producción y protección o

Issued on

Zonas de producción de moluscos del litoral de Andalucía details >

REDIAM. WMS Temperatura media de las máximas mensuales (serie provisional). Año 2007 Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a capas ráster de la temperatura media de las máximas mensuales, obteni

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Temperatura media de las máximas mensuales (serie provisional). Año 2007 details >

REDIAM. WMS Hábitats de Interés Comunitario (HIC) presentes en el area afectada por el Incendio de... Open Data

Servicio WMS que recoge la distribución de los 17 HIC existentes en la zona, previamente al Incendio

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Hábitats de Interés Comunitario (HIC) presentes en el area afectada por el Incendio de... details >

Concentración de Clorofila-a del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Promedio mensual filtrado, 2003... Open Data

Imágenes medias mensuales de Clorofila-a captadas por el sensor SeaWiFS (Sea Viewing Wide Field of V

Issued on

Concentración de Clorofila-a del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Promedio mensual filtrado, 2003... details >

Mosaico de índice de Vegetación (BAI) de Andalucía, 1984 (Landsat MSS) Open Data

Mosaico del BAI (Burned Area Index) calculado a partir de imágenes de satélite Landsat MSS, de 80 me

Issued on

Mosaico de índice de Vegetación (BAI) de Andalucía, 1984 (Landsat MSS) details >

Servicio WMS. Mapa Oficial de Carreteras (2013) Open Data

Servicio WMS del Mapa Oficial de Carreteras (2013) Mapas temáticos, realizados a partir de la base d

Issued on 2013-06-01

Servicio WMS. Mapa Oficial de Carreteras (2013) details >

Puertos de descarga de materias primas energeticas Open Data

Capa que contiene la ubicación de los puertos de descarga de materias primas energéticas de Andalucí

Issued on

Puertos de descarga de materias primas energeticas details >

Average daily relative humidity in Andalusia. Open Data

Layers of geographical information in raster format of average daily relative humidity, obtained fro

Issued on 2021-02-22

Average daily relative humidity in Andalusia. details >

Incidencia del Abejaruco (Merops apiaster) en los colmenares de la comunidad autónoma de Andalucía,... Open Data

Estudio sobre la incidencia del abejaruco en los colmenares, para saber el efecto real de este ave s

Issued on

Incidencia del Abejaruco (Merops apiaster) en los colmenares de la comunidad autónoma de Andalucía,... details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1992. False colour Open Data

Landsat images of the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper) from 1992, to which a purple filter has been appli

Issued on

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1992. False colour details >

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered, 2021... Open Data

Seasonal average SST (Sea Surface Temperature) images calculated from the daily images captured by t

Issued on

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered, 2021... details >

Images NOAA AVHRR from Andalusia, 1992. Original Open Data

Original NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) satellite images with AVHRR (Advance

Issued on 2003-12-01

Images NOAA AVHRR from Andalusia, 1992. Original details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1994. Geometrically corrected by cubic convolution Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1994. Geometrically corrected by cubic convolution details >

Maximum daily temperature in Andalusia. Provisional series Open Data

Geographical information layers in raster format of the maximum daily temperature and in vector form

Issued on 2021-02-22

Maximum daily temperature in Andalusia. Provisional series details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1992. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1992. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

REDIAM. WMS Serie de Imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS. K490 (Transparencia del agua) media anual... Open Data

Nodo de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía. Imagen media anual de k490

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Serie de Imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS. K490 (Transparencia del agua) media anual... details >

REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiración potencial media decenal en Andalucía: periodo 1966 1995. Mayo Open Data

Nodo de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía. Servicio WMS correspondien

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiración potencial media decenal en Andalucía: periodo 1966 1995. Mayo details >

REDIAM. WMS Precipitación mensual en Andalucía (serie consolidada). Año 1985 Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a capas de información geográfica en formato raster que representan la

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Precipitación mensual en Andalucía (serie consolidada). Año 1985 details >

Equipamientos y senderos de Uso Público de Andalucía, información abril de 2022 Open Data

Capas con la información más actualizada sobre localización de los Equipamientos de Uso Público ofer

Issued on

Equipamientos y senderos de Uso Público de Andalucía, información abril de 2022 details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1992. Geometrically corrected by cubic convolution Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1992. Geometrically corrected by cubic convolution details >

Standardised IRS WIFS satellite imagery: Year 1997. 180 m. Andalusia Open Data

IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) satellite images captured by the WIFS sensor (Wide Field Sensor) and sub

Issued on

Standardised IRS WIFS satellite imagery: Year 1997. 180 m. Andalusia details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1990. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1990. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

REDIAM. WMS Varamientos de fauna marina en la costa de Andalucía Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a la Localización de los varamientos de fauna marina (fundamentalmente

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Varamientos de fauna marina en la costa de Andalucía details >

Imágenes LANDSAT TM de Andalucía, 1993. Corregidas geométricamente por vecino más próximo Open Data

Imágenes del satélite Landsat 5 captadas por el sensor TM (Thematic Mapper), corregidas geométricame

Issued on 2003-12-01

Imágenes LANDSAT TM de Andalucía, 1993. Corregidas geométricamente por vecino más próximo details >

REDIAM. WMS Temperatura media decenal en Andalucía: periodo 1976-2005. Octubre Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a capas ráster de las temperaturas medias decenales del periodo 1976-20

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Temperatura media decenal en Andalucía: periodo 1976-2005. Octubre details >

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite NOAA-AVHRR. SST (Sea Surface Temperature) media anual... Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a la imagen de satélite NOAA AVHRR media anual de SST (Sea Surface Temp

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite NOAA-AVHRR. SST (Sea Surface Temperature) media anual... details >

Concentración de Clorofila-a del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Promedio mensual, 2007 (AQUA... Open Data

Imágenes medias mensuales de Clorofila-a captadas por el sensor MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging S

Issued on

Concentración de Clorofila-a del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Promedio mensual, 2007 (AQUA... details >

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite NOAA AVHRR. NDVI (Normaliced Difference Vegetation Index)... Open Data

Nodo de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía. Conjunto de Imágenes de sa

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite NOAA AVHRR. NDVI (Normaliced Difference Vegetation Index)... details >

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average, 2021... Open Data

Average annual SST image (Sea Surface Temperature) calculated from the daily images captured by the

Issued on

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average, 2021... details >

REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiración potencial media decenal en Andalucía: periodo 1966 1995. Julio Open Data

Nodo de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía. Servicio WMS correspondien

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiración potencial media decenal en Andalucía: periodo 1966 1995. Julio details >

REDIAM. WMS Temperatura media mensual en Andalucía (serie consolidada). Año 2005 Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a la temperatura media mensual, en formato ráster, calculada a partir d

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Temperatura media mensual en Andalucía (serie consolidada). Año 2005 details >

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite NOAA-AVHRR. SST (Sea Surface Temperature) media anual... Open Data

Servicio WMS correspondiente a la imagen de satélite NOAA-AVHRR media anual filtrada de la serie his

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite NOAA-AVHRR. SST (Sea Surface Temperature) media anual... details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1997. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1997. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution details >

SPOT HRV XS images on the west coast of Huelva, 1987. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution Open Data

Satellite SPOT 3 (Satellite Probatoire pour l Observation de la Terre) captured with the Visible Hig

Issued on 2003-12-01

SPOT HRV XS images on the west coast of Huelva, 1987. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 2005. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2006-01-02

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 2005. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1987. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1987. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1985. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1985. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

Vegetation index (NDVI) Andalusia, 2020 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data

Daily images of the TERRA satellite captured by the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (M

Issued on 2021-02-22

Vegetation index (NDVI) Andalusia, 2020 (TERRA MODIS) details >

Vegetation index (NDVI) of Andalusia, 2015 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data

Images of the TERRA satellite captured by the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)

Issued on 2011-01-03

Vegetation index (NDVI) of Andalusia, 2015 (TERRA MODIS) details >

Reflectivity (sensor) from Andalusia, 2000 (IRS WiFS) Open Data

Images of the IRS satellite (Indian Remote Sensing) captured by the WiFS (Wide Field Sensor) sensor,

Issued on

Reflectivity (sensor) from Andalusia, 2000 (IRS WiFS) details >

IRS-WIFS satellite images. NDVI (Standardisation Difference Vegetation Index): Year 2000. 180 m.... Open Data

Images of the IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) satellite collected by the WIFS sensor (Wide Field Sensor)

Issued on 2003-12-01

IRS-WIFS satellite images. NDVI (Standardisation Difference Vegetation Index): Year 2000. 180 m.... details >

Water Transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual average, 2021 (SENTINEL 3) Open Data

Annual average images of K490 (Diffuse attenuation coefficient of light in water for the wavelength

Issued on

Water Transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual average, 2021 (SENTINEL 3) details >

Andalusian Vegetation Index (NDVI), 2000 (LANDSAT TM) Open Data

Images of the Landsat 5 satellite captured by the sensor TM (Thematic Mapper), which have been calcu

Issued on 2003-12-01

Andalusian Vegetation Index (NDVI), 2000 (LANDSAT TM) details >

Imágenes IRS WIFS de Andalucía, 1997. Corregidas geométricamente por vecino más próximo Open Data

Imágenes del satélite IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) captadas con el sensor WiFS (Wide Field Sensor), c

Issued on

Imágenes IRS WIFS de Andalucía, 1997. Corregidas geométricamente por vecino más próximo details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1991. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1991. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

Transparencia del agua (K490) del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Diarias, 2016 (AQUA MODIS) Open Data

Imágenes diarias de K490 (Coeficiente de atenuación difusa de la luz en el agua para la longitud de

Issued on

Transparencia del agua (K490) del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Diarias, 2016 (AQUA MODIS) details >

Concentration of chlorophyll-a of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Average Monthly, 2022... Open Data

Monthly average images of chlorophyll-a calculated from the daily images captured by the OLCI (Ocean

Issued on 2022-02-07

Concentration of chlorophyll-a of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Average Monthly, 2022... details >

Reflectivity (sensor) from Andalusia, 1999 (IRS WiFS) Open Data

Images of the IRS satellite (Indian Remote Sensing) captured by the WiFS (Wide Field Sensor) sensor,

Issued on

Reflectivity (sensor) from Andalusia, 1999 (IRS WiFS) details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1986. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1986. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

Pictures LANDSAT MSS of Andalusia, 1985. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat satellite images captured with the MSS (Multi-Spectral Scanner) sensor, geometrically correc

Issued on 1986-01-02

Pictures LANDSAT MSS of Andalusia, 1985. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1997. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1997. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

Images NOAA AVHRR from Andalusia, 1996. Original Open Data

Original NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) satellite images with AVHRR (Advance

Issued on 2003-12-01

Images NOAA AVHRR from Andalusia, 1996. Original details >

Data and Processes of the PLEIADeS Image of the Incendio de las Peñuelas (Huelva), 2018 Open Data

These folders contain all the information relating to the process of capturing the Pléiades image an

Issued on

Data and Processes of the PLEIADeS Image of the Incendio de las Peñuelas (Huelva), 2018 details >

MDE Quarrante SW, Andalucia, 2006 (10x10m) Open Data

Digital Elevation Model: Land (MDT) of the Andalusian SW quadrant generated from the 30 cm digital p

Issued on

MDE Quarrante SW, Andalucia, 2006 (10x10m) details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1988. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1988. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

Vegetable Index (NDVI) of Andalusia, 2010 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data

Images of the NOAA satellite captured by NDVI’s AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) sen

Issued on

Vegetable Index (NDVI) of Andalusia, 2010 (NOAA AVHRR) details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1994. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-01-12

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1994. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1996. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1996. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution details >

Images NOAA AVHRR of Andalusia, 1993. Geometrically corrected by the nearest neighbor Open Data

NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) images captured with the AVHRR (Advance Very High

Issued on 2003-12-01

Images NOAA AVHRR of Andalusia, 1993. Geometrically corrected by the nearest neighbor details >

Average daily temperature in Andalusia. Open Data

Layers of geographical information in a raster format of the average daily temperature, obtained fro

Issued on 2021-02-22

Average daily temperature in Andalusia. details >

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Filtered seasonal average, 2022... Open Data

Seasonal average images of SST (Sea Surface Temperature) calculated from daily images captured by th

Issued on

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Filtered seasonal average, 2022... details >

Reflectividad (sensor) de Andalucía, 1998 (IRS WiFS) Open Data

Imágenes del satélite IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) captadas por el sensor WiFS (Wide Field Sensor), c

Issued on

Reflectividad (sensor) de Andalucía, 1998 (IRS WiFS) details >

SPOT HRV XS images on the west coast of Huelva, 1986. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution Open Data

Satellite SPOT 3 (Satellite Probatoire pour l Observation de la Terre) captured with the Visible Hig

Issued on 2003-12-01

SPOT HRV XS images on the west coast of Huelva, 1986. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution details >

MDE Quarrante NE de Andalucía, 2009 (10x10m) Open Data

Digital Elevation Model: Land (MDT) of the NNE quadrant of Andalusia generated from the photogrammet

Issued on

MDE Quarrante NE de Andalucía, 2009 (10x10m) details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1995. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1995. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

IRS WIFS Images of Andalusia, 1999. Masked Open Data

Masking images of the IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) sastellite captured by the WIFS sensor (Wide Field

Issued on

IRS WIFS Images of Andalusia, 1999. Masked details >

Images NOAA AVHRR from Andalusia, 2000. Original Open Data

Original NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) satellite images with AVHRR (Advance

Issued on 2003-12-01

Images NOAA AVHRR from Andalusia, 2000. Original details >

Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average, 2003... Open Data

Monthly average chlorophylate-a images collected by the SeaWiFS sensor (Sea Viewing Wide Field of Vi

Issued on

Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average, 2003... details >

Vegetation index (NDVI) Andalusia, 2019 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data

Daily images of the TERRA satellite captured by the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (M

Issued on 2020-02-20

Vegetation index (NDVI) Andalusia, 2019 (TERRA MODIS) details >

Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered, 2021... Open Data

Monthly average images of SST (Sea Surface Temperature) captured by the SLSTR sensor on board Sentin

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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered, 2021... details >

SPOT HRV XS images on the west coast of Huelva, 1988. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution Open Data

Satellite SPOT 3 (Satellite Probatoire pour l Observation de la Terre) captured with the Visible Hig

Issued on 2003-12-01

SPOT HRV XS images on the west coast of Huelva, 1988. Geometrically corrected by bicubic convolution details >

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1998. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour Open Data

Landsat 5 satellite images captured by the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper), geometrically corrected by t

Issued on 2003-12-01

Pictures LANDSAT TM of Andalusia, 1998. Geometrically corrected for the nearest neighbour details >

Andalusian Vegetation Index (NDVI), 1997 (LANDSAT TM) Open Data

Images of the Landsat 5 satellite captured by the sensor TM (Thematic Mapper), which have been calcu

Issued on 2003-12-01

Andalusian Vegetation Index (NDVI), 1997 (LANDSAT TM) details >

Images QUICKBIRD PAN from the Andalusian coast, 2005. Geometrically corrected for the nearest... Open Data

Images of the Quickbird-2 satellite obtained by the panchromatic sensor and geometrically corrected

Issued on

Images QUICKBIRD PAN from the Andalusian coast, 2005. Geometrically corrected for the nearest... details >

Monthly rain erosion in Andalusia Open Data

Series of layers of geographical information in raster format representing the erosivity of rain on

Issued on 2016-10-03

Monthly rain erosion in Andalusia details >
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