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Agricultural region (g13_10_ComarcaAgraria) Open Data

Contains the division of the existing agricultural regions in Andalusia

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Agricultural region (g13_10_ComarcaAgraria) details >

Livestock region (g13_11_ComarcaGanadera) Open Data

This data set represents the delimitations of the livestock regions of Andalusia

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Livestock region (g13_11_ComarcaGanadera) details >

Rural Development Group (g13_12_Rural Development Group) Open Data

It contains the division of the Rural Development Groups (RDGs) in Andalusia. The GDRs are non-profi

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Rural Development Group (g13_12_Rural Development Group) details >

Regional agricultural offices (g13_13_OCA) Open Data

It contains the division of the areas where the Regional Agricultural Offices carry out the function

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Regional agricultural offices (g13_13_OCA) details >

Name quality (g13_38_DenominationQuality) Open Data

Differentiated Quality Areas of Andalusia

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Name quality (g13_38_DenominationQuality) details >

Water cycle demarcation (g13_14_DemarcacionCicloAgua) Open Data

Integral cycle demarcations of water. These demarcations are equipped with infrastructures and servi

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Water cycle demarcation (g13_14_DemarcacionCicloAgua) details >

Hydrographic District (g13_34_Hydrographic District) Open Data

Delimitation of the territorial scope of river basin districts in Andalusia. The mapping of the dema

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Hydrographic District (g13_34_Hydrographic District) details >

Marine limit (g13_36_LimiteMarino) Open Data

It contains the administrative delimitation of the Andalusian maritime area formed by inland waters,

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Marine limit (g13_36_LimiteMarino) details >

Áreas comerciales. DERA (G17 Divisiones administrativas da31_area_comercial) Open Data

La capa relativa a las áreas comerciales (da31_area_comercial) contiene la división de este tipo de

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Áreas comerciales. DERA (G17 Divisiones administrativas da31_area_comercial) details >

Subáreas comerciales. DERA. (G17 Divisiones administrativas da32_sub_comercial) Open Data

La capa relativa a las subáreas comerciales (da32_sub_comercial) contiene la división de este tipo d

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Subáreas comerciales. DERA. (G17 Divisiones administrativas da32_sub_comercial) details >

Unit POTA (g13_39_UnidadPOTA) Open Data

Territorial units of the Territorial Planning Plan of Andalusia (POTA). Territorial Units are contin

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Unit POTA (g13_39_UnidadPOTA) details >

Subregional plan (g13_15_Subregional Plan) Open Data

It contains the division of the zones regulated by Regional Planning Plans existing in Andalusia. Th

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Subregional plan (g13_15_Subregional Plan) details >

Cultural region (g13_16_ComarcaCultural) Open Data

It contains the division of the existing cultural regions in Andalusia. This demarcation has been us

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Cultural region (g13_16_ComarcaCultural) details >

IDTA demarcation (g13_17_DemarcacionIDTA) Open Data

It contains the demarcations established by the Territorial Development Report of Andalusia (IDTA) e

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IDTA demarcation (g13_17_DemarcacionIDTA) details >

Sports demarcation (g13_18_DemarcacionDeportiva) Open Data

It contains the division of the existing sports demarcations in Andalusia. That delimitation was est

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Sports demarcation (g13_18_DemarcacionDeportiva) details >

DTT demarcation (g13_19_DemarcationTDT) Open Data

It contains the division of the existing DTT demarcations in Andalusia. Responds to the zoning estab

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DTT demarcation (g13_19_DemarcationTDT) details >

Ecclesiastical demarcation (g13_40_DemarcationEcclesiastical) Open Data

It contains the division of the Ecclesiastical Demarcations of Andalusia. Ecclesiastical jurisdictio

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Ecclesiastical demarcation (g13_40_DemarcationEcclesiastical) details >

Zonificación de las áreas de las ITV. DERA (G17 Divisiones administrativas da40_dem_ITV) Open Data

La capa relativa a la zonificación de las áreas de las ITV (da40_dem_ITV) contiene la división de es

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Zonificación de las áreas de las ITV. DERA (G17 Divisiones administrativas da40_dem_ITV) details >

Metro transport demarcation (g13_41_DemarcacionTransporteMetro) Open Data

Existing metro transport demarcations in Andalusia, where the creation of Metropolitan Transport Con

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Metro transport demarcation (g13_41_DemarcacionTransporteMetro) details >

Toponimia de minas. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp02_topo_minas) Open Data

La capa relativa a toponimia de minas (tp02_topo_minas) contiene la toponimia elemental alusiva a la

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Toponimia de minas. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp02_topo_minas) details >

Toponimia de sierras. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp03_topo_sierras) Open Data

La capa relativa a toponimia de sierras (tp03_topo_sierras) contiene la toponimia elemental alusiva

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Toponimia de sierras. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp03_topo_sierras) details >

Rotulación de cotas. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp04_topo_cotas) Open Data

La capa relativa a toponimia de comarcas (tp05_topo_comarcas) contiene la toponimia elemental alusiv

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Rotulación de cotas. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp04_topo_cotas) details >

Toponimia de comarcas. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp05_topo_comarcas) Open Data

La capa relativa a toponimia de comarcas (tp05_topo_comarcas) contiene la toponimia elemental alusiv

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Toponimia de comarcas. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp05_topo_comarcas) details >

Toponimia ríos. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp06_topo_rios) Open Data

La capa relativa a toponimia de ríos (tp06_topo_rios) contiene la toponimia elemental alusiva a los

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Toponimia ríos. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp06_topo_rios) details >

Toponimia laminas. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp07_topo_laminas) Open Data

La capa relativa a toponimia de láminas de agua (tp07_topo_laminas) contiene la toponimia elemental

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Toponimia laminas. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp07_topo_laminas) details >

Toponimia espacios naturales. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp08_topo_espnat) Open Data

La capa relativa a toponimia de espacios naturales (tp08_topo_espnat) contiene la toponimia elementa

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Toponimia espacios naturales. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp08_topo_espnat) details >

Toponimia de los núcleos de población. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp09_topo_nucleos) Open Data

La capa relativa a toponimia de núcleos (tp09_topo_nucleos) contiene la toponimia elemental alusiva

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Toponimia de los núcleos de población. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp09_topo_nucleos) details >

Toponimia exterior. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp10_topo_exterior) Open Data

La capa relativa a la toponimia exterior (tp10_topo_exterior) contiene la toponimia elemental del co

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Toponimia exterior. DERA (G18 Toponimia tp10_topo_exterior) details >

Elementos medio físico del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx02_medio_fisico) Open Data

La capa relativa al medio físico del contexto andaluz (ctx02_medio_fisico) contiene la distribución

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Elementos medio físico del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx02_medio_fisico) details >

Batimetría del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx03_batimetría) Open Data

La capa relativa a la batimetría del contexto (ctx03_batimetría) contiene diferentes intervalos bati

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Batimetría del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx03_batimetría) details >

Hidrografía del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx04_rio) Open Data

La capa relativa a la hidrografía del contexto (ctx04_rio) contiene la hidrografía del ámbito inmedi

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Hidrografía del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx04_rio) details >

Láminas de agua del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx05_lamina) Open Data

La capa relativa a las láminas de agua del contexto (ctx05_lamina) contiene la geometría de los emba

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Láminas de agua del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx05_lamina) details >

Núcleos urbanos. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx06_nucleos) Open Data

La capa relativa a núcleos urbanos del contexto (ctx06_núcleos) contiene la geometría de los princip

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Núcleos urbanos. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx06_nucleos) details >

Carreteras del marco geográfico. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx07_carretera) Open Data

La capa relativa a la red viaria del contexto (ctx07_carretera) contiene la geometría de la red de c

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Carreteras del marco geográfico. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx07_carretera) details >

Ferrocarriles del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx08_ffcc) Open Data

La capa relativa a la red ferroviaria del contexto (ctx08_ffcc) contiene la geometría de la red de f

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Ferrocarriles del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx08_ffcc) details >

Puertos del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx09_puerto) Open Data

La capa relativa a los puertos marítimos del contexto (ctx09_puerto) contiene la localización y la j

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Puertos del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx09_puerto) details >

Aeropuertos del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx10_aeropuerto) Open Data

La capa relativa a los aeropuertos del contexto (ctx10_aeropuerto) contiene la localización de los a

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Aeropuertos del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx10_aeropuerto) details >

Imagen del contexto físico. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx11_fondo_fisico) Open Data

La capa raster (ctx11_fondo_fisico) contiene una imagen color del medio físico del contexto de Andal

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Imagen del contexto físico. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx11_fondo_fisico) details >

Modelo del terreno del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx12_mdt) Open Data

La capa raster (ctx12_mdt) contiene un modelo digital del terreno de la Península Ibérica procedente

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Modelo del terreno del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx12_mdt) details >

Imagen de la orografía del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx13_orografia) Open Data

La capa raster (ctx13_orografia) contiene un sombreado orográfico de la Península Ibérica derivado d

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Imagen de la orografía del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx13_orografia) details >

Imagen de satélite del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx14_satelite) Open Data

La capa raster (ctx14_satelite) contiene una imagen de satélite de la Península Ibérica obtenida en

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Imagen de satélite del contexto. DERA (G19 Contexto España ctx14_satelite) details >

Paralelos. DERA (G20 MUNDO md02_paralelos) Open Data

La capa relativa a paralelos (md02_paralelos) contiene la distribución de las líneas imaginarias que

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Paralelos. DERA (G20 MUNDO md02_paralelos) details >

Retícula. DERA (G20 MUNDO md03_retícula) Open Data

La capa relativa a la retícula (md03_retícula) contiene una red de meridianos y paralelos que permit

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Retícula. DERA (G20 MUNDO md03_retícula) details >

Mares del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md04_mares) Open Data

La capa relativa a mares del mundo (md04_mares) contiene la geometría y la identificación de los dis

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Mares del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md04_mares) details >

Cumbres del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md05_cumbres) Open Data

La capa relativa a las cumbres del mundo (md05_cumbres) contiene la distribución, denominación y alt

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Cumbres del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md05_cumbres) details >

Ríos del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md06_rios) Open Data

La capa relativa a ríos del mundo (md06_rios) contiene la distribución, denominación y jerarquía de

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Ríos del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md06_rios) details >

Láminas de agua del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md07_lamina) Open Data

La capa relativa a las láminas de agua del mundo (md07_lamina) contiene la distribución, denominació

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Láminas de agua del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md07_lamina) details >

Elementos físicos del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md08_medio_fisico) Open Data

La capa relativa a elementos físicos del mundo (md08_medio_fisico) contiene la distribución de disti

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Elementos físicos del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md08_medio_fisico) details >

Países del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md09_paises) Open Data

La capa relativa a países del mundo (md09_paises) contiene la geometría de los diferentes países del

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Países del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md09_paises) details >

Regiones del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md10_regiones) Open Data

La capa relativa a regiones del mundo (md10_regiones) contiene la geometría de las principales divis

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Regiones del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md10_regiones) details >

NUTS (Europa). DERA (G20 MUNDO md11_eurorregiones) Open Data

La capa relativa a NUTS (md11_eurorregiones) contiene la geometría de las diferentes unidades de la

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NUTS (Europa). DERA (G20 MUNDO md11_eurorregiones) details >

Áreas urbanas del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md12_areas_urbanas) Open Data

La capa relativa a áreas urbanas del mundo (md12_areas_urbanas) contiene la geometría de las princip

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Áreas urbanas del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md12_areas_urbanas) details >

Cities in the world. DERA (G20 MUNDO md13_Cities) Open Data

The city layer of the world (md13_cities) contains the location of the world’s main cities as well a

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Cities in the world. DERA (G20 MUNDO md13_Cities) details >

Biogeografía del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md14_ecosistema) Open Data

La capa relativa a la biogeografía del mundo (md14_ecosistema) contiene la distribución de las regio

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Biogeografía del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md14_ecosistema) details >

Imagen de satélite del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md15_satelite) Open Data

La capa raster (md15_satelite) contiene una imagen de satélite del mundo obtenida en 2002 que proced

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Imagen de satélite del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md15_satelite) details >

Imagen color del medio físico del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md16_mundo_físico) Open Data

La capa raster (md16_mundo_físico) contiene una imagen color del medio físico del mundo que procede

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Imagen color del medio físico del mundo. DERA (G20 MUNDO md16_mundo_físico) details >

Bike Rail (g09_23_CarrilBici) Open Data

The layer related to bike lanes contains information on the layout of the existing bike lanes in And

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Bike Rail (g09_23_CarrilBici) details >

RSU demarcation (g13_21_DemarcacionRSU) Open Data

Contains the demarcation of the territorial units that have the same reference facilities for classi

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RSU demarcation (g13_21_DemarcacionRSU) details >

Demarcation Cadastre (g13_22_DemarcacionCatastro) Open Data

It contains the demarcation of the different managements and territorial sub-manages existing in And

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Demarcation Cadastre (g13_22_DemarcacionCatastro) details >

Hydrographic network Open Data

This spatial data set contains the hydrographic network of Andalusia differing in it the channels ac

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Hydrographic network details >

Water sheets Open Data

This spatial data set contains information regarding the water sheets, natural and artificial that a

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Water sheets details >

Bathymetric levels Open Data

This layer contains information regarding the bathymetry of the Alboran Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz, r

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Bathymetric levels details >

Population nuclei Open Data

This spatial dataset contains the distribution of population centers, golf courses, industrial zones

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Population nuclei details >

Rail, maritime and telecommunications network Open Data

This spatial dataset contains information for the Andalusian territory of the railway network includ

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Rail, maritime and telecommunications network details >

Transport infrastructure Open Data

This spatial data set contains the location of the main airports, ports, lighthouses and logistics a

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Transport infrastructure details >

Altimetric heights Open Data

This spatial data set locates bounded points and top-order geodesic vertices of Andalusia.

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Altimetric heights details >

Protected Natural Areas Open Data

This spatial dataset contains the boundaries of Protected Natural Areas of Andalusia.

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Protected Natural Areas details >

Administrative limits Open Data

This spatial data set contains the delimitation of administrative boundaries distinguishing between

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Administrative limits details >

Contour of transport infrastructures Open Data

This spatial data set contains the delimitation of the main airports and ports of general interest o

Issued on

Contour of transport infrastructures details >

Milestones of interest Open Data

This spatial data set contains the location of the main technological parks, archaeological sites, h

Issued on

Milestones of interest details >

Road network Open Data

This spatial data set contains information from the Andalusian road network

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Road network details >

Toponyms of saws Open Data

This spatial data set contains the toponyms of the mountains of Andalusia

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Toponyms of saws details >

Toponyms of the coast Open Data

This spatial dataset contains the toponyms of the Andalusian coast

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Toponyms of the coast details >

Toponyms of comarcas Open Data

This spatial data set contains the toponyms of the regions of Andalusia

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Toponyms of comarcas details >

Toponyms of dimensions Open Data

This spatial data set contains the toponyms of the Andalusian regions

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Toponyms of dimensions details >

Toponyms of rivers Open Data

This spatial dataset contains the toponyms of the rivers of Andalusia

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Toponyms of rivers details >

Toponyms of water sheets Open Data

This spatial dataset contains the toponyms of the inland water sheets of Andalusia

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Toponyms of water sheets details >

Toponyms of Protected Natural Areas Open Data

This spatial data set contains the toponyms of the protected natural areas of Andalusia

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Toponyms of Protected Natural Areas details >

Toponyms of population Open Data

This spatial data set contains the toponyms of the population nuclei and the landmarks of interest o

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Toponyms of population details >

Infrastructure toponyms Open Data

This spatial data set contains the toponyms of the existing logistics networks, gas pipelines and ma

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Infrastructure toponyms details >

Mine toponyms Open Data

This spatial data set contains the toponyms of existing mining operations in Andalusia

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Mine toponyms details >

Distribution of Great Land Uses Existing in Andalusia Open Data

This spatial data set contains the distribution of the large land uses existing in the Andalusian au

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Distribution of Great Land Uses Existing in Andalusia details >

REDIAM. WMS series of satellite images NOAA AVHRR. NDVI (Normaliced Difference Vegetation Index)... Open Data

Node of the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia. Junta de Andalucia. Seasonal historical

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REDIAM. WMS series of satellite images NOAA AVHRR. NDVI (Normaliced Difference Vegetation Index)... details >

DATASET Masses of groundwater of the Balearic Islands Open Data

Masses of groundwater of the Balearic Islands according to various Hydrological Plans. This delimita

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DATASET Masses of groundwater of the Balearic Islands details >

REDIAM. WMS AQUA MODIS Satellite Imagery Series. K490 (Water Transparency) annual filtered... Open Data

Node of the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia. Junta de Andalucia. Average annual image

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REDIAM. WMS AQUA MODIS Satellite Imagery Series. K490 (Water Transparency) annual filtered... details >

REDIAM. WMS AQUA MODIS satellite image series. Chlorophyll-average annual filtered historical... Open Data

Node of the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia. Junta de Andalucia. Average annual AQUA

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REDIAM. WMS AQUA MODIS satellite image series. Chlorophyll-average annual filtered historical... details >

DATASET PNOA Ortophoto 2021 of Balearic Islands Open Data

Mosaics of the orthophotographs of 2021 that is part of the National Plan of Aerial Orthophotography

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DATASET PNOA Ortophoto 2021 of Balearic Islands details >

Base de referència. Corbes de nivell. Urbà Open Data

Corbes de nivell en sòl urbà corresponents als municipis de Ferreries, Es Migjorn i Maó. L'equidistà

Issued on 2010-12-31

Base de referència. Corbes de nivell. Urbà details >

PTI_Protecció de Risc. Nuclis rurals i hortals d'oci. Open Data

Nuclis rurals i hortals d'oci de Menorca definits segons el PTI. La capa forma part de les quatre sè

Issued on 2003-03-02

PTI_Protecció de Risc. Nuclis rurals i hortals d'oci. details >

REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiration potential monthly in Andalusia (provisional series) (V2011). Year... Open Data

WMS service corresponding to raster layers of the monthly potential evapotranspiration (temporary se

Issued on

REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiration potential monthly in Andalusia (provisional series) (V2011). Year... details >

REDIAM. WMS Total Daily Precipitation in Andalusia. Year 2012. April Open Data

WMS service corresponding to the spatialisation (IDW method) of daily precipitation values from 0 to

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REDIAM. WMS Total Daily Precipitation in Andalusia. Year 2012. April details >

Orthophotography Laguna de Fuente de Piedra (Málaga), 1996 Open Data

Orthophoto of the Laguna de Fuente de Piedra (Malaga), generated from the photogrammetric flight of

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Orthophotography Laguna de Fuente de Piedra (Málaga), 1996 details >

REDIAM. WMS from the AQUA MODIS satellite image series. Chlorophyll-with monthly filtered averages:... Open Data

Node of the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia. WMS service corresponding to the monthly

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REDIAM. WMS from the AQUA MODIS satellite image series. Chlorophyll-with monthly filtered averages:... details >

Mosaic of orthoimages Landsat TM 2003 and Orthophotography b/n (2001-2002) of Andalusia Open Data

Mosaic generated from the fusion of orthoimages Landsat_TM 2003 and digital orthophotographs of Anda

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Mosaic of orthoimages Landsat TM 2003 and Orthophotography b/n (2001-2002) of Andalusia details >

REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiration potential monthly in Andalusia (provisional series) (V2011). Year... Open Data

WMS service corresponding to raster layers of the monthly potential evapotranspiration (temporary se

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REDIAM. WMS Evapotranspiration potential monthly in Andalusia (provisional series) (V2011). Year... details >

WMS Service (Web Map Service) Differentiated Quality Zones: Rice and Cereals Open Data

The WMS (Web Map Service) Service of Zones of Differentiated Quality — Rice and Cereals allows the v

Issued on 2013-11-01

WMS Service (Web Map Service) Differentiated Quality Zones: Rice and Cereals details >

REDIAM. WMS AQUA MODIS satellite image series. Chlorophyll-a yearly anomaly: Year 2012 with respect... Open Data

Node of the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia. Junta de Andalucia. Satellite image AQUA

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REDIAM. WMS AQUA MODIS satellite image series. Chlorophyll-a yearly anomaly: Year 2012 with respect... details >

WMS (Web Map Service) River basin districts (land and marine area) Open Data

The WMS (Web Map Service) service called river basins (land and marine area) allows the visualisatio

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WMS (Web Map Service) River basin districts (land and marine area) details >

Forest fire frequency map by municipality (2006-2015) Open Data

The data presented in this layer reflect the frequency of accidents (conates and fires) by municipal

Issued on 2021-06-01

Forest fire frequency map by municipality (2006-2015) details >

WMS Service (Web Map Service) Sulfur Dioxide Assessment (SO2) — Time Limit Value (VLH) Open Data

The Web Map Service called Sulfur Dioxide Assessment (SO2) — Time Limit Value (VLH) allows the visua

Issued on

WMS Service (Web Map Service) Sulfur Dioxide Assessment (SO2) — Time Limit Value (VLH) details >
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