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Acquisitions of the Municipal Library 2021 Open Data

Acquisitions of books from the Marcos Suárez Murillo de Almendralejo Municipal Library in 2021

Issued on 2022-06-19T22:00:00Z

Acquisitions of the Municipal Library 2021 details >

Mean and coefficient of age variation of patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any... Open Data

Mean and coefficient of age variation of patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any

Issued on 2022-08-11T13:41:35Z

Mean and coefficient of age variation of patients residing in the Canary Islands discharged from any... details >

Stays caused in any national hospital by patients residing in the Canary Islands according to main... Open Data

Stays caused in any national hospital by patients residing in the Canary Islands according to main d

Issued on 2022-08-11T13:40:48Z

Stays caused in any national hospital by patients residing in the Canary Islands according to main... details >

Patients discharged from hospitals in the Canary Islands according to main diagnoses, emergency... Open Data

Patients discharged from hospitals in the Canary Islands according to main diagnoses, emergency admi

Issued on 2022-08-11T13:39:56Z

Patients discharged from hospitals in the Canary Islands according to main diagnoses, emergency... details >

Stays caused in hospitals in the Canary Islands according to main diagnoses, provinces of... Open Data

Stays caused in hospitals in the Canary Islands according to main diagnoses, provinces of hospitalis

Issued on 2022-08-11T13:40:20Z

Stays caused in hospitals in the Canary Islands according to main diagnoses, provinces of... details >

Average stay of residents in the Canary Islands discharged in any national hospital according to... Open Data

Average stay of residents in the Canary Islands discharged in any national hospital according to com

Issued on 2022-08-11T13:41:51Z

Average stay of residents in the Canary Islands discharged in any national hospital according to... details >

Patients discharged from hospitals in the Canary Islands according to communities and provinces of... Open Data

Patients discharged from hospitals in the Canary Islands according to communities and provinces of r

Issued on 2022-08-11T13:39:54Z

Patients discharged from hospitals in the Canary Islands according to communities and provinces of... details >

UCM-Access Open Data


Issued on 2021-03-23T23:00:00Z

UCM-Access details >

UCM-Mobility-Entrants Open Data


Issued on 2020-05-19T22:00:00Z

UCM-Mobility-Entrants details >

Primary allocation and secondary income distribution accounts by city councils Open Data

Primary allocation and secondary income distribution accounts by municipalities of Galicia since 201

Issued on 2022-08-07T22:00:00Z

Primary allocation and secondary income distribution accounts by city councils details >

Calendar of skilful holidays for commercial practice 2023 Open Data

The Law 13/2006, of December 27, on commercial hours of Galicia, determines that Sundays and public

Issued on 2022-11-29T23:00:00Z

Calendar of skilful holidays for commercial practice 2023 details >

Strutural enquisa to shoot. Dependency. 2017 edition Open Data

The Structural Household Survey (EEF) is an annual statistical activity aimed at Galician households

Issued on 2022-07-31T22:00:00Z

Strutural enquisa to shoot. Dependency. 2017 edition details >

Land Occupation System of Galicia (2011) Open Data

Capabilities http://ideg.xunta.es/servizos/services/CubertaTerrestre/Siose2011/MapServer/WMSServer?S

Issued on 2022-07-17T22:00:00Z

Land Occupation System of Galicia (2011) details >

Galician Occupation System (2014) Open Data


Issued on 2022-08-02T22:00:00Z

Galician Occupation System (2014) details >

Fire stations by emergency region Open Data

Nombre total de parcs dels Bombers de la Generalitat classificats per regió d’emergències. (La ciut

Issued on 2022-08-11T22:00:00Z

Fire stations by emergency region details >

Disability classes Open Data

Llistat de categories generals de discapacitats, segons la importància de la deficiència i el grau d

Issued on 2022-09-19T22:00:00Z

Disability classes details >

Balearic Islands Air Quality Control Stations Open Data

Concentrations of pollutants SO2, NO, NO2, O3, PM10, PM2.5, benzene, toluene and xylene appear in mi

Issued on 2020-02-19T23:00:00Z

Balearic Islands Air Quality Control Stations details >

Landslide risk prevention areas Open Data

Landslide risk prevention areas

Issued on 2022-04-13T22:00:00Z

Landslide risk prevention areas details >

Data COVID-19 Positivized Laboratory Balearic Islands Open Data

Data on patients positive for COVID-19 (patients with a first positive analytical PCR test or rapid

Issued on 2021-04-21T22:00:00Z

Data COVID-19 Positivized Laboratory Balearic Islands details >

CAIB Public Administration Approved Incomes Budget Items (2020) Open Data

CAIB Public Administration Approved Incomes Budget Items (2020)

Issued on 2020-07-13T22:00:00Z

CAIB Public Administration Approved Incomes Budget Items (2020) details >

Digital Model of Standard Building Surfaces (MDSnE) of LIDAR of 1 meter resolution of the province... Open Data

Standard Digital Building Surface Model (MDSnE) mesh pass raster 1 meter pixel of the province of Al

Issued on 2023-02-02T23:00:00Z

Digital Model of Standard Building Surfaces (MDSnE) of LIDAR of 1 meter resolution of the province... details >

PATVB. Conditions of the Green Infrastructure on Non Urbanizable Land (PAT Vega Baja) Open Data

Conditions arising from green infrastructure affecting Non-Urbanable Land. Cartography that responds

Issued on 2023-02-02T23:00:00Z

PATVB. Conditions of the Green Infrastructure on Non Urbanizable Land (PAT Vega Baja) details >

Network of Non-Motorised Itinneraries (XINM): Existing network Open Data

Network of interurban cycle-routes and their connections with the different urban areas. Includes lo

Issued on 2023-02-02T23:00:00Z

Network of Non-Motorised Itinneraries (XINM): Existing network details >

Public entities of the Government of the Canary Islands Open Data

List of public entities of the Government of the Canary Islands.

Issued on 2021-08-06T09:07:23Z

Public entities of the Government of the Canary Islands details >

Collegiate bodies of the IX Legislature of the Government of the Canary Islands Open Data

List of the collegiate bodies of the IX Legislature of the Government of the Canary Islands.

Issued on 2022-08-12T10:27:55Z

Collegiate bodies of the IX Legislature of the Government of the Canary Islands details >

Typologies of technical incidents received by electronic headquarters of the Government of the... Open Data

Typologies of technical incidents received by electronic headquarters of the Government of the Canar

Issued on 2022-07-05T08:57:29Z

Typologies of technical incidents received by electronic headquarters of the Government of the... details >

UNIFY. Economic-financial information system and local infrastructure and equipment in the Canary... Open Data

Unifica is a computer application, approved by the Government of the Canary Islands by Decree 140/20

Issued on 2022-08-12T10:18:27Z

UNIFY. Economic-financial information system and local infrastructure and equipment in the Canary... details >

Electoral data regional elections Community of Madrid 2007 Open Data

Electoral data of the regional elections of the Community of Madrid held on 27 May 2007

Issued on 2022-09-13T22:00:00Z

Electoral data regional elections Community of Madrid 2007 details >

Active population in the primary sector of Asturias Open Data

Annual average of the number of people who make up the working population in the primary sector of t

Issued on 1999-12-31T23:00:00Z

Active population in the primary sector of Asturias details >

Foreign trade of Asturias: according to chapters and geographical and economic areas Open Data

Annual data on foreign trade in Asturias according to chapters, geographical and economic areas, sin

Issued on 1998-12-31T23:00:00Z

Foreign trade of Asturias: according to chapters and geographical and economic areas details >

Foreign trade of Asturias: according to tariff headings Open Data

Annual data on foreign trade in Asturias according to tariff headings since 1994.

Issued on 1999-01-01T10:39:00Z

Foreign trade of Asturias: according to tariff headings details >

Accommodation and places in Asturias Open Data

Data on accommodation establishments and the number of places in Asturias since 2006

Issued on 2000-01-01T15:08:00Z

Accommodation and places in Asturias details >

Homes according to the size of the home and the useful area of housing in Asturias Open Data

Information on Asturian households in function the size of the household (number of people who compr

Issued on 1995-12-31T23:00:00Z

Homes according to the size of the home and the useful area of housing in Asturias details >

Natural Population Movement (MNP) in Asturias: births and birth rates by region (current series) Open Data

Information on births and birth rates in Asturias by region since 2010.

Issued on 2000-12-31T23:00:00Z

Natural Population Movement (MNP) in Asturias: births and birth rates by region (current series) details >

Political parties 2016. Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of the Interior Open Data

Information on the Register of Political Parties

Issued on 2017-07-27T22:00:00Z

Political parties 2016. Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of the Interior details >

Political parties 2017. Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of the Interior Open Data

Information on the Register of Political Parties

Issued on 2018-07-11T22:00:00Z

Political parties 2017. Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of the Interior details >

Political parties 2018. Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of the Interior Open Data

Information on the Register of Political Parties

Issued on 2019-09-11T22:00:00Z

Political parties 2018. Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of the Interior details >

Citizen Security 2018. Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of the Interior Open Data

Information on the application of the Organic Law on the Protection of Citizen Security

Issued on 2019-09-12T22:00:00Z

Citizen Security 2018. Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of the Interior details >

IoT security - network traffic under normal conditions - Firewalla Gold Open Data

Dataset created under the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union programme, VARIOT project

Issued on 2022-05-31T22:00:00Z

IoT security - network traffic under normal conditions - Firewalla Gold details >

Procedures. 3 rd Quarter 2022 Open Data

Procedures. 3 rd Quarter 2022 Procedures. 3 rd Quarter 2022

Issued on 2022-10-10T22:00:00Z

Procedures. 3 rd Quarter 2022 details >

Check-in. No. records/date. 2nd Quarter 2022 Open Data

Check-in. No. records/date. 2nd Quarter 2022

Issued on 2022-07-03T22:00:00Z

Check-in. No. records/date. 2nd Quarter 2022 details >

Contracts formalised 2 quarter 2022 — City of Malaga Open Data

Contracts formalised 2 quarter 2022 — City of Malaga

Issued on 2022-10-04T22:00:00Z

Contracts formalised 2 quarter 2022 — City of Malaga details >

Cartographic Information System — Subdistrict Sanitary Area Open Data

Cartographic Information System — Subdistrict Sanitary Area

Issued on 2022-05-26T22:00:00Z

Cartographic Information System — Subdistrict Sanitary Area details >

Cartography 1:1,000. Street furniture symbol Open Data

This layer contains the following mapping information at 1.1000 scale of the municipalities of Navar

Issued on 2022-10-27T22:00:00Z

Cartography 1:1,000. Street furniture symbol details >

Image Sentinel-1B. Radar (20180411 06:16UTC) Open Data

Sentinel-1B satellite image in Interferometric Wide (IW) mode, Ground Range, MultiLook, Detected, Hi

Issued on 2022-10-27T22:00:00Z

Image Sentinel-1B. Radar (20180411 06:16UTC) details >

Orthophoto Color 1/5,000-2006 Open Data

Orthophotography of Navarre at 1:5,000 scale of analog flights made in 2006. This orthophotography i

Issued on 2022-10-27T22:00:00Z

Orthophoto Color 1/5,000-2006 details >

Calendar of days unskilled for the purpose of calculating administrative deadlines during the year... Open Data

The calendar of unskilled days is fixed for the year 2023 for the purpose of calculating administrat

Issued on 2022-09-18T22:00:00Z

Calendar of days unskilled for the purpose of calculating administrative deadlines during the year... details >

Activities to which the population aged 6 and over who have a disability and cannot because of the... Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Activities to which the population aged 6 and over who have a disability and cannot because of the... details >

Adaptations in the housing and environment of the population aged 6 and over who have a disability... Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Adaptations in the housing and environment of the population aged 6 and over who have a disability... details >

Tax benefits in the last 12 months due to disability by disability group. Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Tax benefits in the last 12 months due to disability by disability group. details >

Difficulties in the last elections in exercising the right to vote of the population aged 18 and... Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Difficulties in the last elections in exercising the right to vote of the population aged 18 and... details >

Households with persons with disabilities or limitation in the home according to type of disability... Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Households with persons with disabilities or limitation in the home according to type of disability... details >

Households with persons with disabilities or limitation in the home according to type of household. Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Households with persons with disabilities or limitation in the home according to type of household. details >

Means of transport in which people aged 6 and over who have a disability have difficulty coping with... Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Means of transport in which people aged 6 and over who have a disability have difficulty coping with... details >

Population aged 6 and over with a disability by disability group and level of education Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Population aged 6 and over with a disability by disability group and level of education details >

Population aged 6 and over with some disability by type of household. Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Population aged 6 and over with some disability by type of household. details >

Health services received by type in the last 12 months by the population aged 6 and over who have a... Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, elaboration and dissemination of data for Aragon from the disability surv

Issued on

Health services received by type in the last 12 months by the population aged 6 and over who have a... details >

Capacity/Necessity of financing of the Basque Country and the countries of the European Union (% of... Open Data

There are several objectives faced by the operation on Structural Indicators.The first and generic i

Issued on 2022-07-26T22:00:00Z

Capacity/Necessity of financing of the Basque Country and the countries of the European Union (% of... details >

Open establishments and places offered in hotel establishments in the Basque Country by month and... Open Data

The Survey of Receiving Tourist Establishments provides statistical information regarding the occupa

Issued on 2020-04-21T22:00:00Z

Open establishments and places offered in hotel establishments in the Basque Country by month and... details >

Statistical tables 2021. Quality of the water bodies of the Basque Country 2021 Open Data

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) introduced a new concept for diagnosing and monitoring the quali

Issued on 2021-10-24T22:00:00Z

Statistical tables 2021. Quality of the water bodies of the Basque Country 2021 details >

Registration of contracts of Ciudad Deportiva Anoeta S.A. 2022 Open Data

The Public Sector Contracts Register is the central official procurement information system and, as

Issued on 2022-07-09T22:00:00Z

Registration of contracts of Ciudad Deportiva Anoeta S.A. 2022 details >

2022 Basauri Sports Institute Contracts Register Open Data

The Public Sector Contracts Register is the central official procurement information system and, as

Issued on 2022-08-06T22:00:00Z

2022 Basauri Sports Institute Contracts Register details >

Registration of contracts of Iraurgi Lantzen S.A. 2022 Open Data

The Public Sector Contracts Register is the central official procurement information system and, as

Issued on 2022-10-08T22:00:00Z

Registration of contracts of Iraurgi Lantzen S.A. 2022 details >

Registration of Basauri nursing home contracts from 2022 Open Data

The Public Sector Contracts Register is the central official procurement information system and, as

Issued on 2022-08-06T22:00:00Z

Registration of Basauri nursing home contracts from 2022 details >

Open data catalog UGR Open Data

RDF file with all the information needed to export the open data catalog UGR in DGE format to the go

Issued on 2022-06-24T07:07:44Z

Open data catalog UGR details >

Ranking Open Data

Information on the position of the University of Granada in the main international rankings. Last u

Issued on 2021-09-24T07:06:27Z

Ranking details >

Livemetrics Open Data

Data included in the Livemetrics portal created by the Medialabugr and the Bibliometry Unit of the U

Issued on 2021-09-24T07:06:31Z

Livemetrics details >

Proof of expenditure: 2014 Open Data

Information relating to subsidies and public aid granted with an indication of their amount, objecti

Issued on 2021-09-24T07:06:38Z

Proof of expenditure: 2014 details >

Proof of expenditure: 2015 Open Data

Information on grants and public aid granted during the 2014/2015 academic year, indicating their am

Issued on 2021-09-24T07:06:38Z

Proof of expenditure: 2015 details >

Areas of Knowledge of the University of Extremadura Open Data

Data set containing information cataloged by the University of Extremadura on Knowledge Areas

Issued on 2016-08-31T07:46:21Z

Areas of Knowledge of the University of Extremadura details >

Subjects of the Degrees of the University of Extremadura 2019-2020 Open Data

Set of data containing the information cataloged by the University of Extremadura on the Subjects of

Issued on 2019-07-11T05:30:07Z

Subjects of the Degrees of the University of Extremadura 2019-2020 details >

Centers of the University of Extremadura Open Data

Set of data containing the information cataloged by the University of Extremadura on the Schools, Fa

Issued on 2015-12-04T10:56:47Z

Centers of the University of Extremadura details >

Industrial Property Rights UEx Open Data

Set of data containing the information cataloged by the University of Extremadura on Industrial Prop

Issued on 2019-11-26T07:30:31Z

Industrial Property Rights UEx details >

Indicators Academic Process 2010 Open Data

Set of data containing the information cataloged by the Technical Unit of Evaluation and Quality of

Issued on 2016-01-18T10:20:18Z

Indicators Academic Process 2010 details >

Indicators Academic Process 2016 Open Data

Set of data containing the information cataloged by the Technical Unit of Evaluation and Quality of

Issued on 2016-01-12T08:10:26Z

Indicators Academic Process 2016 details >

Indicators Academic Process 2020 Open Data

Set of data containing the information cataloged by the Technical Unit of Evaluation and Quality of

Issued on 2019-11-27T10:20:57Z

Indicators Academic Process 2020 details >

Indicators Academic Results 2010 Open Data

Set of data containing the information cataloged by the Technical Unit of Evaluation and Quality of

Issued on 2016-02-19T08:09:27Z

Indicators Academic Results 2010 details >

Indicators Satisfaction Users 2014 Open Data

Set of data containing the information cataloged by the Technical Unit of Evaluation and Quality of

Issued on 2016-02-02T09:19:27Z

Indicators Satisfaction Users 2014 details >

Publications of the University of Extremadura of 2011 Open Data

Set of data that has the cataloged information of the publications of 2011 existing on the servers o

Issued on 2019-01-16T07:24:48Z

Publications of the University of Extremadura of 2011 details >

Publications of the University of Extremadura of 2014 Open Data

Set of data that has the cataloged information of the publications of 2014 existing on the servers o

Issued on 2019-01-16T07:54:49Z

Publications of the University of Extremadura of 2014 details >

Publications of the University of Extremadura of the year 2017 Open Data

Set of data that has the cataloged information of the publications of 2017 existing on the servers o

Issued on 2019-01-16T09:30:10Z

Publications of the University of Extremadura of the year 2017 details >

Scientific Journals 2011 Open Data

Data set containing information cataloged by SCImago Journal &amp; Country Rank on the scientific jo

Issued on 2022-08-22T07:22:39Z

Scientific Journals 2011 details >

Scientific Journals 2013 Open Data

Data set containing information cataloged by SCImago Journal &amp; Country Rank on scientific journa

Issued on 2022-08-22T07:10:25Z

Scientific Journals 2013 details >

Scientific Journals 2014 Open Data

Data set containing information cataloged by SCImago Journal &amp; Country Rank on the scientific jo

Issued on 2022-08-19T09:04:46Z

Scientific Journals 2014 details >

Scientific Journals 2020 Open Data

Data set containing information cataloged by SCImago Journal &amp; Country Rank on scientific journa

Issued on 2022-08-19T07:57:48Z

Scientific Journals 2020 details >

Scientific Journals 2021 Open Data

Data set containing information cataloged by SCImago Journal &amp; Country Rank on the scientific jo

Issued on 2022-08-19T06:47:34Z

Scientific Journals 2021 details >

Scientific Journals 2022 Open Data

Data set containing information cataloged by SCImago Journal &amp; Country Rank on the scientific jo

Issued on 2022-08-19T06:40:11Z

Scientific Journals 2022 details >

Urban topographic mapping. Aguilar del Río Alhama (La Rioja) Open Data

Urban topographic mapping of the municipality of Aguilar del Río Alhama (La Rioja). Available in DWG

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Urban topographic mapping. Aguilar del Río Alhama (La Rioja) details >

Industrial soil. Autonomous Community of La Rioja Open Data

Georeferenced data of the areas classified as industrial land in urban planning documents in the Aut

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Industrial soil. Autonomous Community of La Rioja details >

Urban topographic mapping. Arenzana de Arriba (La Rioja) Open Data

urban topographic artography of the municipality of Arenzana de Arriba (La Rioja). Available in DWG,

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Urban topographic mapping. Arenzana de Arriba (La Rioja) details >

Visualisation service of the municipal cartography of Navajún (La Rioja) Open Data

Web Map Service that allows you to visualise the municipal mapping of Navajún (La Rioja).

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Visualisation service of the municipal cartography of Navajún (La Rioja) details >

Visualisation service of the municipal mapping of Nieva de Cameros (La Rioja) Open Data

Web Map Service that allows you to visualise the municipal mapping of Nieva de Cameros (La Rioja).

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Visualisation service of the municipal mapping of Nieva de Cameros (La Rioja) details >

Visualisation service of the municipal mapping of Ochánduri (La Rioja) Open Data

Web Map Service that allows you to visualise the municipal mapping of Ochánduri (La Rioja).

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Visualisation service of the municipal mapping of Ochánduri (La Rioja) details >

Visualisation service of the municipal cartography of Pinillos (La Rioja) Open Data

Web Map Service that allows you to visualise the municipal cartography of Pinillos (La Rioja).

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Visualisation service of the municipal cartography of Pinillos (La Rioja) details >

Services WMS/WFS urban topographic mapping. Alcanadre (La Rioja) Open Data

WMS/WFS services of visualisation and download of the urban topographic cartography of the municipal

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Services WMS/WFS urban topographic mapping. Alcanadre (La Rioja) details >

Download service of the municipal cartography of Ojacastro (La Rioja) Open Data

Web Map Service that allows you to download the municipal cartography of Ojacastro (La Rioja).

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Download service of the municipal cartography of Ojacastro (La Rioja) details >

Download service of the municipal cartography of Ollauri (La Rioja) Open Data

Web Map Service that allows you to download the municipal cartography of Ollauri (La Rioja).

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Download service of the municipal cartography of Ollauri (La Rioja) details >

Download service of the municipal cartography of Villavelayo (La Rioja) Open Data

Web Map Service that allows you to download the municipal cartography of Villavelayo (La Rioja).

Issued on 2022-05-15T22:00:00Z

Download service of the municipal cartography of Villavelayo (La Rioja) details >

Open accounts CAR 2022: Movements Open Data

List of the daily notes, since 1 January 2022, of the accounts of the Autonomous Community of La Rio

Issued on 2022-01-02T23:00:00Z

Open accounts CAR 2022: Movements details >

Equine sacrifices year 2021 Open Data

List of animals of the equine species slaughtered in slaughterhouses in La Rioja during 2021

Issued on 2022-03-08T23:00:00Z

Equine sacrifices year 2021 details >
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