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Structure of Zvenyhorod district state administration Open Data

The organizational structure

Issued on 2018-11-01T14:10:15.711240Z

Structure of Zvenyhorod district state administration details >

Organizational structure of the PHC "PHC" Baraninsky Village Council Open Data

Organizational structure of the PHC "PHC" Baraninsky Village Council

Issued on 2019-12-05T08:54:09.540675Z

Organizational structure of the PHC "PHC" Baraninsky Village Council details >

Directory of companies Open Data

directory of companies

Issued on 2019-11-29T07:39:05.372064Z

Directory of companies details >

Report on the use of budget funds Open Data

Analysis of financing of the general fund of the district budget

Issued on 2019-09-11T11:09:09.985435Z

Report on the use of budget funds details >

Plan of activities for preparation of draft regulatory acts for 2020 Open Data

Plan of activities for the preparation of draft regulatory acts indicating the types and names of pr

Issued on 2020-01-16T07:29:21.880868Z

Plan of activities for preparation of draft regulatory acts for 2020 details >

Impersonal data on educational workers of NPO 1 Open Data

The set contains data on the pedagogical workers of the communal institution "Educational associatio

Issued on 2021-05-12T06:34:36.743840Z

Impersonal data on educational workers of NPO 1 details >

List of acts (from the main activity) of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Rivne region Open Data

List of acts (from the main activity) of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Rivne region

Issued on 2018-10-08T12:49:45.822685Z

List of acts (from the main activity) of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Rivne region details >

List of objects that are leased by the Department of Education Open Data

List of objects of communal property of the city, leased by the Education Department of Dubno City C

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:43:35.789425Z

List of objects that are leased by the Department of Education details >

Receipt and use of charitable assistance of the Department of Social Policy of the Dnipro City... Open Data

The set contains data on the receipt and use of charitable assistance by educational institutions su

Issued on 2021-05-05T08:38:38.620284Z

Receipt and use of charitable assistance of the Department of Social Policy of the Dnipro City... details >

Reports on the state of provision by official collections of normative legal acts of the Main... Open Data

Information on the state of provision by official collections of normative legal acts of the Main Te

Issued on 2018-10-09T12:36:43.619266Z

Reports on the state of provision by official collections of normative legal acts of the Main... details >

Indicators of public transport Open Data

The volume of passenger transportation by various types of public transport, the number of rolling s

Issued on 2019-05-28T14:01:51.079054Z

Indicators of public transport details >

Passports of budget programs Open Data

the budget programs

Issued on 2020-01-20T08:48:31.029496Z

Passports of budget programs details >

Register (list) of open data sets Open Data

Information about the datasets managed by the Chernihiv Customs Service and which are to be publishe

Issued on 2018-10-04T11:27:03.472182Z

Register (list) of open data sets details >

Main provisions of the master plan of the city of Dubna Open Data

Main Provisions of the General Plan of the City of Dubna (Main Provisions and Explanatory Note)

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:43:39.692694Z

Main provisions of the master plan of the city of Dubna details >

Orders of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Odessa region on administrative and... Open Data

Orders of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Odessa region on administrative and econ

Issued on 2018-10-22T07:44:22.720529Z

Orders of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Odessa region on administrative and... details >

List of regulatory acts of Ternopil City Council Open Data

The list of regulatory acts in Ternopil indicating the date of entry into force, the term of the bas

Issued on 2018-10-15T15:43:15.081532Z

List of regulatory acts of Ternopil City Council details >

Contracts of KP "CJEO Residential" Open Data

Contracts of municipal enterprise "CJEO Residential"

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:43:40.402459Z

Contracts of KP "CJEO Residential" details >

Normative-legal acts, acts of individual action (except intra-organizational), adopted by the... Open Data

Normative-legal acts, acts of individual action (except intra-organizational), adopted by the inform

Issued on 2019-01-30T07:37:03.983246Z

Normative-legal acts, acts of individual action (except intra-organizational), adopted by the... details >

Results of monitoring of salary indicators Open Data

Results of monitoring of salary indicators that have information: on the amount of nominal wages, th

Issued on 2019-03-11T14:50:56.751901Z

Results of monitoring of salary indicators details >

Data on tariffs KP "Gorodotske VKG" Open Data

Data on tariffs for water supply and sanitation services of the municipal enterprise "Gorodocke VKG"

Issued on 2019-11-18T15:35:26.908021Z

Data on tariffs KP "Gorodotske VKG" details >

Data on the placement of special equipment used for the provision of utilities Open Data

Data on the placement of special equipment used for the provision of utilities

Issued on 2019-09-16T14:41:08.217440Z

Data on the placement of special equipment used for the provision of utilities details >

Provision of social services by the territorial center Open Data

Information on solving social issues on the territorial center of social services (provision of soci

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:43:43.326151Z

Provision of social services by the territorial center details >

Information on the concluded agreements on the right of temporary use of the location of outdoor... Open Data

Information on the concluded agreements on the right of temporary use of the location of outdoor adv

Issued on 2018-10-01T11:47:39.849183Z

Information on the concluded agreements on the right of temporary use of the location of outdoor... details >

Information about advertising tools Open Data

Information about advertising tools

Issued on 2019-10-22T11:08:14.346634Z

Information about advertising tools details >

List of objects of common communal property that are leased Open Data

List of objects of common communal property that are leased or other right of use (with data on the

Issued on 2019-08-07T11:32:05.259290Z

List of objects of common communal property that are leased details >

Orders of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Odessa region on the main activity Open Data

Orders of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Odessa region on the main activity

Issued on 2018-10-22T08:12:09.266260Z

Orders of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Odessa region on the main activity details >

Order of the Kremenets City Council for 2019 Open Data

Order of the Kremenets City Council for 2019

Issued on 2019-12-09T10:33:36.166726Z

Order of the Kremenets City Council for 2019 details >

Population (by estimate) Open Data

Population (by estimate)

Issued on 2018-10-25T09:24:47.890184Z

Population (by estimate) details >

Data on the placement of special equipment used for the provision of utilities, landscaping,... Open Data

The document contains data on the placement of special equipment used for the provision of utilities

Issued on 2019-12-12T05:36:15.371853Z

Data on the placement of special equipment used for the provision of utilities, landscaping,... details >

Data on the consumption of communal resources Open Data

Data on the consumption of communal resources

Issued on 2019-12-03T12:50:04.171053Z

Data on the consumption of communal resources details >

Historical and architectural support plan of the city of Dubna Open Data

Historical and architectural support plan of the city of Dubno and historical and urban substantiati

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:43:52.787257Z

Historical and architectural support plan of the city of Dubna details >

List of state notarial offices of Odessa region Open Data

List of state notarial offices of Odessa region

Issued on 2020-09-17T08:54:53.506207Z

List of state notarial offices of Odessa region details >

Data on the consumption of utilities (electric energy, thermal energy, natural gas, solid fuel, cold... Open Data

Contains information on the consumption of utilities by the Department of Municipal Services and Reg

Issued on 2021-12-15T08:11:50.051127Z

Data on the consumption of utilities (electric energy, thermal energy, natural gas, solid fuel, cold... details >

Financial statements of IMUC Clean City Open Data

ITUC Financial Reporting Clean City 9 Months 2019

Issued on 2019-12-15T22:41:48.947580Z

Financial statements of IMUC Clean City details >

List of budget programs of the Department of Education and Culture of Beregovo City Council,... Open Data

The set contains a list of budget programs of the Department of Education and Culture of the Beregov

Issued on 2020-09-01T13:28:29.147214Z

List of budget programs of the Department of Education and Culture of Beregovo City Council,... details >

List and location of municipal health care institutions, which are equipped with gynecological... Open Data

List and location of municipal health care facilities

Issued on 2019-08-21T08:45:52.654413Z

List and location of municipal health care institutions, which are equipped with gynecological... details >

Balance as of July 1, 2018 Open Data

Balance as of July 1, 2018

Issued on 2018-09-20T14:07:35.515220Z

Balance as of July 1, 2018 details >

Division of forested forest areas of the State Enterprise "Kryzhopilskyi rayagrolis" of VKSLP... Open Data

Division of forested forest areas of the State Enterprise "Kryzhopilskyi rayagrolis" of VKSLP "Vinob

Issued on 2020-02-12T12:04:21.671943Z

Division of forested forest areas of the State Enterprise "Kryzhopilskyi rayagrolis" of VKSLP... details >

Classification of institutional sectors of economy of Ukraine (KICE) Open Data

KIE is intended for classification and coding of institutional units that carry out production, dist

Issued on 2018-09-24T10:04:25.590284Z

Classification of institutional sectors of economy of Ukraine (KICE) details >

Directory of telephones of Putivl district state administration and subordinate enterprises,... Open Data

Directory of telephones of Putivl district state administration

Issued on 2018-12-20T13:48:36.975121Z

Directory of telephones of Putivl district state administration and subordinate enterprises,... details >

List of open data sets of Cherkasy Regional Council Open Data

List of open data sets

Issued on 2019-08-30T13:40:40.093710Z

List of open data sets of Cherkasy Regional Council details >

Removal of solid waste from the territory of Dubna Open Data

Removal of solid waste from the territory of Dubna municipal enterprise KP "Dubnovodokal"

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:43:58.719752Z

Removal of solid waste from the territory of Dubna details >

Data on the location of public transport in real time Lutsk Open Data

Data on the location of public transport of Lutsk city territorial community in real time

Issued on 2019-07-14T18:41:02.245512Z

Data on the location of public transport in real time Lutsk details >

List of communal property objects subject to privatization Open Data

List of communal property objects subject to privatization

Issued on 2019-10-22T11:01:43.987255Z

List of communal property objects subject to privatization details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information, the Main Directorate of the State... Open Data

Statistical information on receipt to the State Tax Service of Ukraine and Lviv region of appeals of

Issued on 2019-10-18T09:38:55.043807Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information, the Main Directorate of the State... details >

Information on the placement of temporarily available funds of the budget of Cherkasy through the... Open Data

Information on the placement of temporarily available funds of the budget of Cherkasy through the pu

Issued on 2019-05-27T07:27:20.869149Z

Information on the placement of temporarily available funds of the budget of Cherkasy through the... details >

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the manager Open Data

The resource contains information about the administrator, who owns the system of accounting of publ

Issued on 2019-09-10T13:36:33.881007Z

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the manager details >

Regulations approved and subject to disclosure in accordance with the law by the information manager Open Data

Regulations approved and subject to disclosure in accordance with the law by the information manager

Issued on 2020-11-17T15:11:11.733009Z

Regulations approved and subject to disclosure in accordance with the law by the information manager details >

Information about the accounting system, types of information that is in the possession of the... Open Data

Information about the accounting system, types of information that is in the possession of the distr

Issued on 2019-05-30T13:22:20.848589Z

Information about the accounting system, types of information that is in the possession of the... details >

Inventory register of buildings and structures of the State Enterprise "Green Economy" Open Data

Inventory register of buildings and structures of communal enterprise "Green economy"

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:44:07.352115Z

Inventory register of buildings and structures of the State Enterprise "Green Economy" details >

Receivables of KP "Dubnocommunenergy" Open Data

Receivables of the municipal enterprise "Dubnocommunenergy"

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:44:08.185003Z

Receivables of KP "Dubnocommunenergy" details >

Tenders held in the Prozzoro system by Dubno City Council Open Data

Tenders held in the Prozzoro system by Dubno City Council

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:44:10.573397Z

Tenders held in the Prozzoro system by Dubno City Council details >

Information on the activities of the Public Relations Department of Zhytomyr City Council Open Data

Information on management activities

Issued on 2020-05-12T11:58:07.981630Z

Information on the activities of the Public Relations Department of Zhytomyr City Council details >

Financial statements of the Department of Education of Izmail City Council for 2019 Open Data

financial statements for 2019

Issued on 2020-02-19T10:03:22.719770Z

Financial statements of the Department of Education of Izmail City Council for 2019 details >

Monitoring data of stationary air quality analysis stations of «Ether 2» series Open Data

The set presents measurement data of 11 automated stationary air quality analysis stations (series "

Issued on 2019-03-05T13:13:42.329890Z

Monitoring data of stationary air quality analysis stations of «Ether 2» series details >

Budget reporting of LC "PDYUSH Ü4" Open Data

Reports on receipt and use of general and special funds, reports on indebtedness on general and spec

Issued on 2020-07-10T07:12:51.251018Z

Budget reporting of LC "PDYUSH Ü4" details >

Information about the organizational structure of the information manager Open Data

Information about the organizational structure of Novokakhovka City Council and its executive bodies

Issued on 2019-06-13T12:28:21.500528Z

Information about the organizational structure of the information manager details >

Information on contracts concluded for the reporting period Open Data

List of contracts of service for children of Lyman City Council

Issued on 2018-10-30T14:01:11.759757Z

Information on contracts concluded for the reporting period details >

The list of real estate by the landlord of which is the KNP "DMP 4" Open Data

List of the amount of area and renters, leased with data on the conditions

Issued on 2019-08-21T09:05:07.443487Z

The list of real estate by the landlord of which is the KNP "DMP 4" details >

Register of minutes of meetings of the Standing Committee on Budget Open Data

Register of minutes of meetings of the Standing Committee on municipal property management, budget-f

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:44:31.415714Z

Register of minutes of meetings of the Standing Committee on Budget details >

Plan of zoning of the city of Dubno Open Data

Plan of zoning of the territory (zoning) of Dubno, Rivne region

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:44:31.539714Z

Plan of zoning of the city of Dubno details >

The list of regulatory acts indicating the date of entry into force, the term of the basic, repeated... Open Data

The set contains a list of existing regulatory acts of the Vinnytsia District State Administration,

Issued on 2019-09-19T14:47:28.698347Z

The list of regulatory acts indicating the date of entry into force, the term of the basic, repeated... details >

Reports on receipt of information in accordance with the Law "On Access to Public Information" Open Data

Reports on receipt of information in accordance with the Law "On Access to Public Information"

Issued on 2019-02-08T12:13:47.375827Z

Reports on receipt of information in accordance with the Law "On Access to Public Information" details >

Reports on the work of KP "Dubnovodokal" Open Data

Reports on the work for the year of the municipal enterprise "Dubnovodokal"

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:44:40.192044Z

Reports on the work of KP "Dubnovodokal" details >

Inventory of technical condition of housing stock of communal property of Murovanska village council... Open Data

Inventory of technical condition of housing stock of communal property of Murovanska village council

Issued on 2019-12-02T19:54:21.143439Z

Inventory of technical condition of housing stock of communal property of Murovanska village council... details >

List of decisions of Ternopil Regional Council of the seventh convocation for 2021 Open Data

List of decisions of Ternopil Regional Council of the seventh convocation for 2021 (November 2020 -

Issued on 2021-09-14T08:46:51.778408Z

List of decisions of Ternopil Regional Council of the seventh convocation for 2021 details >

1,11 Balance of IC "UC "Hospodar Lux" for the 1 half of 2020p. Open Data

Balance of IC "UC "Hospodar Lux" for the 1 half of 2020.

Issued on 2020-09-28T17:14:29.024462Z

1,11 Balance of IC "UC "Hospodar Lux" for the 1 half of 2020p. details >

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs architecture management Open Data

Reports on implementation of passports of budget programs of architecture, urban planning and land i

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:44:41.888616Z

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs architecture management details >

Annual Procurement Plan and Supplement (as amended) Open Data

Information on purchases Jass

Issued on 2019-03-20T09:03:47.365822Z

Annual Procurement Plan and Supplement (as amended) details >

Reports on the implementation of financial plans of KP "Teploenergo" of Dnipro City Council Open Data

Reports on the implementation of financial plans of KP "Teploenergo" of Dnipro City Council

Issued on 2019-12-19T08:36:09.296536Z

Reports on the implementation of financial plans of KP "Teploenergo" of Dnipro City Council details >

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2019 year of... Open Data

Reports on the implementation of passports of the budget programs of the local budget of the executi

Issued on 2020-01-28T08:07:37.428864Z

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2019 year of... details >

List of preschool, secondary, extracurricular and vocational educational institutions and... Open Data

The set contains a list of preschool, secondary, extracurricular and professional (professional and

Issued on 2020-04-12T08:23:35.834872Z

List of preschool, secondary, extracurricular and vocational educational institutions and... details >

Information on the organizational structure of the executive apparatus of the regional council Open Data

Structural units of the executive apparatus of the regional council

Issued on 2020-01-21T08:09:53.029460Z

Information on the organizational structure of the executive apparatus of the regional council details >

State cadastre of territories and objects of nature reserve fund Open Data

State cadastre of territories and objects of nature reserve fund of Ukraine. Boundaries of the ter

Issued on 2021-03-22T06:23:48.190147Z

State cadastre of territories and objects of nature reserve fund details >

Places of growth of Sosnovsky borschivnik in the city of Dubna Open Data

Places of growth of Sosnovsky borschivnik in the city of Dubna

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:44:57.157285Z

Places of growth of Sosnovsky borschivnik in the city of Dubna details >

Territories of maintenance of institutions of general secondary education of the Department of... Open Data

Network of educational institutions and fixed territories on the territory of Varaska MTG

Issued on 2020-02-10T14:53:30.416007Z

Territories of maintenance of institutions of general secondary education of the Department of... details >

Organizational structure of the Khmelnitsky Regional State Administration for 2021 Open Data

This set contains information about the organizational structure of the Khmelnitsky Regional State A

Issued on 2021-12-23T13:38:55.112849Z

Organizational structure of the Khmelnitsky Regional State Administration for 2021 details >

Information on management Open Data

background information on the Department of Emergency Situations and Civil Protection of the Populat

Issued on 2019-06-06T12:52:16.257374Z

Information on management details >

Report on indebtedness at the budgetary funds of the Department of Education of Dubno City Council -... Open Data

Report on indebtedness at budgetary funds of education management of Dubno City Council (1020 - Prov

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:45:02.447695Z

Report on indebtedness at the budgetary funds of the Department of Education of Dubno City Council -... details >

Passports of budget programs of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Stepanets Village... Open Data

The set contains passports of budget programs of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of St

Issued on 2020-05-07T07:46:59.758651Z

Passports of budget programs of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Stepanets Village... details >

List of streets of the city subject to winter maintenance Open Data

List of streets of the city subject to winter maintenance. Winter maintenance is carried out in acco

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:45:15.655692Z

List of streets of the city subject to winter maintenance details >

Register of Electricity Objects (alternative) Open Data

Register of Electricity Objects (Alternative Energy Sources)

Issued on 2018-09-12T12:26:35.042443Z

Register of Electricity Objects (alternative) details >

Data on the location of road transport stops Open Data

Data on the location of road transport stops

Issued on 2020-01-27T10:56:42.993909Z

Data on the location of road transport stops details >

List of installed children's playgrounds Open Data

List of established children's playgrounds (Address, balance holder, Balance cost, warehouse )

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:45:30.272954Z

List of installed children's playgrounds details >

Financial statements of business entities of the state sector of economy, which are managed by the... Open Data

Financial statements of business entities of the state sector of economy, which are managed by the r

Issued on 2018-12-17T15:25:24.980Z

Financial statements of business entities of the state sector of economy, which are managed by the... details >

Reports on the work of the State Enterprise "Green Economy" Open Data

Reports on the work for the year of the communal enterprise "Green Economy"

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:45:41.551534Z

Reports on the work of the State Enterprise "Green Economy" details >

Data on administrative services provided Open Data

The set contains data on the administrative services provided by the Office (Center) of the provisio

Issued on 2021-11-17T09:30:09.006906Z

Data on administrative services provided details >

Information about the organizational structure of the Municipal Cultural Institution "City Park of... Open Data

Organizational structure of the IPC "Pridneprovsky"

Issued on 2019-09-11T07:53:04.366860Z

Information about the organizational structure of the Municipal Cultural Institution "City Park of... details >

Normative-legal acts, acts of individual action, information determined by the legislation on the... Open Data

Normative-legal acts, acts of individual action, information determined by the legislation on the pr

Issued on 2019-11-20T13:09:01.331344Z

Normative-legal acts, acts of individual action, information determined by the legislation on the... details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information GU SFS in the Odessa region Open Data

Statistical information on receipt to the State Fiscal Service of the State Fiscal Service in Odessa

Issued on 2018-10-01T15:15:10.983625Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information GU SFS in the Odessa region details >

Data on electronic petitions, including those who signed them, and the results of the review of the... Open Data

Data on electronic petitions, including those who signed them, and the results of the consideration

Issued on 2021-03-04T08:48:35.086958Z

Data on electronic petitions, including those who signed them, and the results of the review of the... details >

Data on the placement of special equipment used for the provision of utilities, landscaping,... Open Data

Placement of special equipment used for the provision of utilities, landscaping, construction and re

Issued on 2019-07-16T11:59:50.867380Z

Data on the placement of special equipment used for the provision of utilities, landscaping,... details >

Issuance of a construction passport of land development Open Data

Issuance of the construction passport of land development (Information card of the Department of Urb

Issued on 2019-10-01T06:49:56.771170Z

Issuance of a construction passport of land development details >

Passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data

the budget programs

Issued on 2019-08-01T12:23:11.836111Z

Passports of budget programs of the local budget details >

The actual network of KDYUSH Kolomyia for the 2019-2020 academic year Open Data

The actual network

Issued on 2020-04-15T14:39:38.059267Z

The actual network of KDYUSH Kolomyia for the 2019-2020 academic year details >

Directory of structural units Open Data

Structural subdivisions of CC CYUT

Issued on 2019-09-04T12:03:48.330863Z

Directory of structural units details >

Plan of zoning of M. Romny (explanatory note) Open Data

the explanatory note

Issued on 2018-12-10T08:10:12.989120Z

Plan of zoning of M. Romny (explanatory note) details >

Passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2018 Open Data

Passports of budget programs for 2018

Issued on 2019-07-12T11:41:54.094969Z

Passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2018 details >

Directory of PMKP "Zhytlkomservice" Open Data

The set contains resource - guide Pokrovsky city communal enterprise "Zhytlkomservice"

Issued on 2020-07-20T07:23:08.960932Z

Directory of PMKP "Zhytlkomservice" details >

Division of forests into categories of protection . Characteristics and dynamics of forest fund of... Open Data

Changes in the forest fund as of 01.01.2016

Issued on 2019-11-22T07:58:17.275002Z

Division of forests into categories of protection . Characteristics and dynamics of forest fund of... details >
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