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19 year olds Qualified to NVQ Level 3, Borough Open Data

<p>Number and proportion of 19 year olds qualified to Level 3 since 2007.</p> <p>Young people are a

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19 year olds Qualified to NVQ Level 3, Borough details >

2010-2013 GLA budget detail Open Data

<p>2010-2013 GLA budget breakdown by directorate </p>

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2010-2013 GLA budget detail details >

2011 Census Geography Boundary Files Open Data

<p>The 2011 Census output area boundaries were released by ONS on 30 October 2012. The ONS release c

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2011 Census Geography Boundary Files details >

2011 Census Assembly Open Data

<p>Report and data relating to Greater London Assembly constiuencies </p>

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2011 Census Assembly details >

2011 Census Demography Open Data

<p>Reports and data on population growth and change </p>

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2011 Census Demography details >

2011 Census Diversity Open Data

<p>Reports and data on Diversity </p>

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2011 Census Diversity details >

2011 Census Ethnic Group Fact Sheets Open Data

<p>A series of fact sheets, one for each of the 18 ethnic groups reported in the census, containing

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2011 Census Ethnic Group Fact Sheets details >

2011 Census Health & Care Open Data

<p>Reports and data on Health, Illness and unpaid care </p>

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2011 Census Health & Care details >

2011 Census Households & Families Open Data

<p>Reports and data on households and families </p>

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2011 Census Households & Families details >

2011 Census Housing Open Data

<p>Reports and data on Housing. </p>

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2011 Census Housing details >

2011 Census Infographics Open Data

<p>2011 Census Infographics </p>

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2011 Census Infographics details >

2011 Census Key Findings Summaries Open Data

<p>Release-day summaries of key findings for the 2011 Census </p>

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2011 Census Key Findings Summaries details >

2011 Census Key Stats & Quick Stats Open Data

<p>All of the 2011 Census univariate tables for London and England &amp; Wales in one place. </p>

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2011 Census Key Stats & Quick Stats details >

2011 Census Labour Market & Qualifications Open Data

<p>Reports and data on the Labour Market and Qualifications </p>

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2011 Census Labour Market & Qualifications details >

2011 Census Migrant Population Open Data

<p>Reports and data on the migrant population. </p>

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2011 Census Migrant Population details >

2011 Census new wards Demography and Migration Open Data

<p>2011 univariate data re-estimated for 2022 wards comparable with 2021 outputs</p>

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2011 Census new wards Demography and Migration details >

census new wards ethnic identity language religion Open Data

<p>2011 univariate data re-estimated for 2022 wards comparable with 2021 outputs</p>

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census new wards ethnic identity language religion details >

2011 census new wards health disab care educ Open Data

<p>2011 univariate data re-estimated for 2022 wards comparable with 2021 outputs</p>

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2011 census new wards health disab care educ details >

2011 census new wards housing Open Data

<p>2011 univariate data re-estimated for 2022 wards comparable with 2021 outputs</p>

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2011 census new wards housing details >

2011 census new wards labour market Open Data

<p>2011 univariate data re-estimated for 2022 wards comparable with 2021 outputs</p>

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2011 census new wards labour market details >

2011 Census Technical Open Data

<p>Reports on data processing and data quality<br /> </p>

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2011 Census Technical details >

Unrounded 2011 Census Estimates Open Data

<p>This package follows on from the first release of 2011 Census data. The data includes a populatio

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Unrounded 2011 Census Estimates details >

London Commissioned Tables System Files Open Data

<p>System files for all 2011 Census commissioned tables currenlty available at OA, LSOA, MSOA and wa

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London Commissioned Tables System Files details >

ONS 2011-based Subnational Population Projections Open Data

<p>This report from the GLA Intelligence Unit analyses the ONS 2011 Sub-national Population Projecti

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ONS 2011-based Subnational Population Projections details >

SASPAC London 2011 System Files Open Data

<p>A zip file containing the SASPAC system files for all table sets and all geographies within the L

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SASPAC London 2011 System Files details >

2013 London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report Open Data

<p>This comprehensive database for town centres is the Technical Annex associated with the GLA publi

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2013 London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report details >

2016 Mid-Year Estimates Open Data

The 2016-Mid Year Estimates were released by ONS in June 2017. This report provides an overview of t

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2016 Mid-Year Estimates details >

5 Kingdom Street application documents Open Data

<p>Documents related to the planning application at 5 Kingdom Street, Mayoral reference 4925. More i

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5 Kingdom Street application documents details >

9, 11 and 19 Osiers Road public hearing documents Open Data

<p>Documents for the public hearing on the application for development at 9, 11 and 19 Osiers Road,

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9, 11 and 19 Osiers Road public hearing documents details >

A&E attendance in London by day and hour Open Data

<p>Annual A&amp;E attendance in London, number and percentage of attendances by time of day.</p> <bl

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A&E attendance in London by day and hour details >

A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London Open Data

<p>Since 2006 the GLA Group has been implementing the London Living Wage (LLW).The Group continues t

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A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London details >

Access to Public Open Space and Nature by Ward Open Data

<p>Percentage and count of residential households within Wards, with access to at least one open spa

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Access to Public Open Space and Nature by Ward details >

Accessibility of London Underground Stations Open Data

<p>Detail relating to the physical accessibility of London Underground stations. This dataset provi

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Accessibility of London Underground Stations details >

Adult reoffending rates Open Data

<p>The quarterly release presents <a href="

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Adult reoffending rates details >

Adults with access to bank accounts Open Data

<p>Percentage of adults living in London with at least one bank account.</p> <p> <br> </p> <blockquo

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Adults with access to bank accounts details >

Afghan Emergency Response Survey Open Data

<p>This dataset presents results of a four-weekly questionnaire sent to a cohort of organisations wo

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Afghan Emergency Response Survey details >

Age of Commercial and Industrial Stock, Borough Open Data

<p>Commercial and Industrial stock by date built.<br /> </p> <p>Average rateable value - £/m2<br

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Age of Commercial and Industrial Stock, Borough details >

Age-specific fertility rates for London boroughs and borough groupings 2005-07 Open Data

<p>Raw and smoothed age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) for 2005-07; ie births to mothers aged x per

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Age-specific fertility rates for London boroughs and borough groupings 2005-07 details >

Age When Completed Continuous Full-time Education, Borough Open Data

<p>The age of adults (16-69) when they completed full-time continuous education, by age band. Also s

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Age When Completed Continuous Full-time Education, Borough details >

Air quality exposure data broken down by parliamentary constituency Open Data

<p>This is a dataset of air quality exposure data broken down by parliamentary constituency based on

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Air quality exposure data broken down by parliamentary constituency details >

London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) 2010 Air Quality Focus Areas Open Data

<p></p> <blockquote><a href="/air-quality/">The LAEI 2010 has since been superseded. Click here for

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London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) 2010 Air Quality Focus Areas details >

Air quality summary statistics Open Data

<p>Data for London air quality monitoring sites showing whether annual monitoring objectives were me

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Air quality summary statistics details >

Air Quality Monitoring Sites Open Data

<p>Location of monitoring stations from- London Air Quality Network (

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Air Quality Monitoring Sites details >

Alcohol and late-night refreshment licensing statistics Open Data

<p>Licensed premises by licensing authority, alcohol status and per 1,000 population aged 18+.</p> <

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Alcohol and late-night refreshment licensing statistics details >

Alcohol Related Indicators Open Data

<p>Alcohol Indicators related to hospital admissions, covering:</p> <p>Months of life lost - males<

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Alcohol Related Indicators details >

Allotment Locations Open Data

<p>Indicative locations of all known allotments in London, as gathered during the London Assembly Sc

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Allotment Locations details >

Alternative Olympics 2012 Medal Table Open Data

<p>Looking simply at the numbers of medals won in the 2012 Olympic Games may not actually tell us wh

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Alternative Olympics 2012 Medal Table details >

Alternative Vote referendum results, Borough Open Data

<p>The alternative vote (AV) referendum was a public vote held across the United Kingdom on 5 May 20

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Alternative Vote referendum results, Borough details >

Analysing Air Pollution Exposure in London Open Data

<p>Updated in Februrary 2017.</p> <p>Air quality in London has improved in recent years as a result

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Analysing Air Pollution Exposure in London details >

Annual births by age of mother Open Data

<p>Number of annual live births by broad age group of mother in England and Wales for <span style="c

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Annual births by age of mother details >

Annual London Education Report 2017 Data Open Data

<p>This document is a collection of raw data used in the Mayor&rsquo;s Annual London Education Repor

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Annual London Education Report 2017 Data details >

Annual London Survey 2000 - 2011 Open Data

<p>This dataset contains the topline results from the Annual London Surveys undertaken between 2000

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Annual London Survey 2000 - 2011 details >

Annual London Survey 2010 Open Data

<p>The data is taken from a face-to-face survey of 1,490 residents of Greater London, undertaken in

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Annual London Survey 2010 details >

Annual London Survey 2014 Open Data

<p>In November 2014, 3,674 Londoners took part in the first London Survey run by <a href="http://tal

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Annual London Survey 2014 details >

Annual London Survey 2015 Open Data

<p><!-- [if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom>

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Annual London Survey 2015 details >

Annual percentage change in passengers Open Data

<p>Annual percentage change in passengers travelling on London underground and buses.</p> <hr /> <

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Annual percentage change in passengers details >

Application of PAS 2070: London case study Open Data

<p>These datasets are for the London case study applying the PAS 2070 British Standard for the asses

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Application of PAS 2070: London case study details >

Apprenticeships Starts and Completions, Region and Local Authority Open Data

<p>Table shows numbers and index change since 2005/06 of apprenticeship starts and completions.</p>

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Apprenticeships Starts and Completions, Region and Local Authority details >

Archaeological Priority Areas Open Data

<p>Geographic boundaries for the Archaeological Priority Areas in the London Boroughs of Barking &am

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Archaeological Priority Areas details >

Area of Designated Green Belt Land Open Data

<p><a href="

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Area of Designated Green Belt Land details >

Areas for Intensification Points (London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004) Open Data

<p>Areas identified in The London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004 as having significan

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Areas for Intensification Points (London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004) details >

Areas for Intensification Points (London Plan Consultation 2009) Open Data

<p>Areas identified in the London Plan Consultation 2009 as having significant potential for increas

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Areas for Intensification Points (London Plan Consultation 2009) details >

Areas that qualify for Carbon Saving Community Obligation (CSCo) support Open Data

<p>List of areas (LSOAs) that qualify for Carbon Saving Community Obligation (CSCo) support under th

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Areas that qualify for Carbon Saving Community Obligation (CSCo) support details >

Areas of Intensification Open Data

<p>Intensification Areas are built up areas with good existing or potential public transport links a

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Areas of Intensification details >

Article 4 directions: office to residential Open Data

<p>An Article 4 Direction: Office to Residential removes permitted development rights within the des

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Article 4 directions: office to residential details >

Ask Boris social media monitoring Open Data

<p>Monthly Tweetreach reports monitoring the online metrics for the Mayor of London's 'Ask Boris' Tw

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Ask Boris social media monitoring details >

Assault-related incidents attended by time of day Open Data

<p>Number of assault-related incidents attended by the LAS in London by night (6pm-6am) and day (6am

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Assault-related incidents attended by time of day details >

Assembly Member Expenses Open Data

<p>Declaration of expenses incurred by Assembly Members. This currently links to the existing PDF an

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Assembly Member Expenses details >

Assembly Member Gifts and Hospitality Register Open Data

<p>Register of any gift or hospitality worth &pound;25 or over received by Assembly Members in conne

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Assembly Member Gifts and Hospitality Register details >

Average Band D Council Tax, Region Open Data

<p>Revised details of the level of council tax set by local authorities in England for 2012-13 were

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Average Band D Council Tax, Region details >

Average Childcare Costs in London Open Data

<p>The average hourly &amp; weekly costs of childcare for children aged under 2, children aged 2 and

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Average Childcare Costs in London details >

Average House Prices by Borough, Ward, MSOA & LSOA Open Data

<p>Annual mean and median property prices calculated by the GLA from Price Paid Data published on La

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Average House Prices by Borough, Ward, MSOA & LSOA details >

Average Income of Tax Payers, Borough Open Data

<p>Mean and Median Income (Personal incomes by tax year) from the Survey of Personal Incomes by HMRC

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Average Income of Tax Payers, Borough details >

Average Private Rents, Borough Open Data

<p>Summary of average monthly rents in private rental market, recorded per 12 month rolling period.<

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Average Private Rents, Borough details >

Awards of VRQs and NVQs, Borough Open Data

<p>Awards of Vocationally Related Qualifications (VRQ) and National/Scottish Vocational Qualificatio

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Awards of VRQs and NVQs, Borough details >

Benefit Cap in London Open Data

<ul> <li>More than 26,500 London households have had their total benefit payment capped since the b

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Benefit Cap in London details >

Better Environment, Better Health - Guides for London Boroughs Open Data

<p>Improving the local environment can help improve health and wellbeing. The GLA have produced a be

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Better Environment, Better Health - Guides for London Boroughs details >

Better Health for London: One Year On Open Data

<p><!-- [if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom>

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Better Health for London: One Year On details >

Better Use of Data - GLA Consultation Response Open Data

<p><span style="color: #353d42; font-family: Arial, FreeSans, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-heig

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Better Use of Data - GLA Consultation Response details >

Biodiversity Hotspots for Planning Open Data

<p> <strong>Dataset last updated: 10th November 2022</strong> </p> <p>This dataset provides indicati

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Biodiversity Hotspots for Planning details >

Birth and Death Rates, Ward Open Data

<p>Live births by usual residence of mother, and General Fertility Rates (GFR), and Deaths and Stand

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Birth and Death Rates, Ward details >

Birth trends in London Open Data

<p>This Intelligence Unit Update (08-2016) analyses a range of data for London and the rest of the c

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Birth trends in London details >

Births and Fertility Rates, Borough Open Data

<p>Live births by local authority of usual residence of mother, General Fertility Rates and Total Fe

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Births and Fertility Rates, Borough details >

Births by Borough, Ward, MSOA & LSOA Open Data

<p>Number of births for mid-year to mid-year periods 1991/1992 to 2016/2017. The data is available a

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Births by Borough, Ward, MSOA & LSOA details >

Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Measures Open Data

<p>This dataset supports the Mayor's equality, diversity and inclusion strategy. It brings together

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Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Measures details >

GLA Adult Education Budget Open Data

<p>From 1 August 2019, the Secretary of State for Education delegated responsibility for the commiss

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GLA Adult Education Budget details >

GLA pay gap data Open Data

<p>These data tables are supplementary to the <a href="

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GLA pay gap data details >

GLA response to the Department for Education Lifelong Loan Entitlement Consultation Open Data

<p>The Greater London Authority’s responses to national government consultations relating to adult e

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GLA response to the Department for Education Lifelong Loan Entitlement Consultation details >

GLA response to the Department for Education’s Higher Education Reform Consultation. Open Data

<p>The Greater London Authority’s responses to national government consultations relating to adult e

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GLA response to the Department for Education’s Higher Education Reform Consultation. details >

Haringey Reduction and Recycling Plan Open Data

<p>This is the Reduction and Recycling Plan (RRP) for the London Borough of Haringey.</p> <p>London

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Haringey Reduction and Recycling Plan details >

Housing Research Notes Open Data

<p>Housing Research Notes are a series of analytical reports from the Greater London Authority focus

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Housing Research Notes details >

London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) 2019 Open Data

<p>The LAEI 2019 is the latest version of the London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory and replaces pr

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London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) 2019 details >

Richmond upon Thames Reduction and Recycling Plan Open Data

<p>This is the Reduction and Recycling Plan (RRP) for the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.</p

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Richmond upon Thames Reduction and Recycling Plan details >

Social Cost Benefit Analysis of the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) policy in London Open Data

<p>In 2021, the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned the London School of Economics (LSE) to

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Social Cost Benefit Analysis of the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) policy in London details >

The future of London’s high streets Open Data

<p>Qualitative research and polling with Londoners undertaken by the GLA's Opinion Research team.</p

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The future of London’s high streets details >

Wandsworth Reduction and Recycling Plan Open Data

<p>This is the Reduction and Recycling Plan (RRP) for the London Borough of Wandsworth.</p> <p>Londo

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Wandsworth Reduction and Recycling Plan details >
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