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10 years of scientific research in the Thayatal National Park Open Data

10 years of scientific research in the Thayatal National Park — scientific communications NÖ State M

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10 years of scientific research in the Thayatal National Park details >

20 years of NPK — wild and species-rich Open Data

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20 years of NPK — wild and species-rich details >

3 Zoological puzzles about the endmite fauna in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

The aim of the project is to close knowledge gaps on four endemic or sub-endemically occurring speci

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3 Zoological puzzles about the endmite fauna in the Gesäuse National Park details >

A Perspective on Ecological Corridor for Maintaining Healthy Ecological Processes in the Caucasus Open Data

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A Perspective on Ecological Corridor for Maintaining Healthy Ecological Processes in the Caucasus details >

Throw-off bar show — a relic of old times? — Deer and deer hunters Open Data

Throw-off bar show — a relic of old times? — Deer and deer hunter. Nature in the Upwind, National Pa

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Throw-off bar show — a relic of old times? — Deer and deer hunters details >

Activity report 2013 Salzburg (english version) Open Data

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Activity report 2013 Salzburg (english version) details >

Activity Report 2014 Carinthian National Park Fund Hohe Tauern Open Data

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Activity Report 2014 Carinthian National Park Fund Hohe Tauern details >

Aculeate Hymenopteren (Chrysidoidea, Apoidea and Vespoidea excl. Formicidae) in avalanche troughs of... Open Data

This work investigates bee species in avalanche troughs in the Gesäuse National Park. The study in 2

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Aculeate Hymenopteren (Chrysidoidea, Apoidea and Vespoidea excl. Formicidae) in avalanche troughs of... details >

News from the Donau-Auen National Park — 02/2000 Open Data

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News from the Donau-Auen National Park — 02/2000 details >

Atlas of Geology. National Park Kalkalpen, — 1st section of the Regulation September... Open Data

Atlas of Geology. National Park Kalkalpen, — 1st section of the Regulation September 1994. Geographi

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Atlas of Geology. National Park Kalkalpen, — 1st section of the Regulation September... details >

Stress on wild fowls with varying levels of recreational use of habitats Open Data

In 2007/2008, a study on stress hormone measurements from the slogan of wild fowls was published (Th

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Stress on wild fowls with varying levels of recreational use of habitats details >

Estimates 2020/2021 — Preliminary report (Linz) Open Data

Preliminary report on the estimates for the years 2020/2021 On the main dataset VA 2020/2021: htt

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Estimates 2020/2021 — Preliminary report (Linz) details >

Estimate 2020/21 — Appendices according to VRV (Linz) Open Data

The Estimate and Clearance of Accounts Ordinance (VRV) regulates which attachments are to be attache

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Estimate 2020/21 — Appendices according to VRV (Linz) details >

Estimates 2020/21 — Evidence according to the Staff Regulations (Linz) Open Data

The statute for the provincial capital Linz, as amended, lays down the supporting documents to be at

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Estimates 2020/21 — Evidence according to the Staff Regulations (Linz) details >

Estimate 2020/21 — Other installations (Linz) Open Data

Other installations __Transit table according to Stability Pact:__ Municipalities must according to

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Estimate 2020/21 — Other installations (Linz) details >

Estimate 2022/2023 (Linz) Open Data

Der Voranschlag einer Gebietskörperschaft ist eine Zusammenstellung der im betreffenden Finanzjahr (

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Estimate 2022/2023 (Linz) details >

Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2018 Open Data

Estimates of the Land Salzburg 2018 broken down by political department, financial unit, department,

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Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2018 details >

Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2019 Open Data

Estimates of the Land Salzburg 2019 broken down by political department, financial unit, department,

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Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2019 details >

Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2020 Open Data

Estimates of the Land Salzburg 2020 broken down by political department, financial unit, department,

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Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2020 details >

Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2020 — supplementary budget Open Data

Estimates of the Land Salzburg 2020 — Supplementary budget broken down by political department, fina

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Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2020 — supplementary budget details >

Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2021 Open Data

Estimates of the Land Salzburg 2021 subject to the approval of the Federal Government, broken down b

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Estimates of the State of Salzburg 2021 details >

Estimates until 2019 Open Data

Country estimates data up to 2019

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Estimates until 2019 details >

Estimates from 2020 onwards (PRV 2015) Open Data

Data on country estimates from 2020 onwards

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Estimates from 2020 onwards (PRV 2015) details >

Estimates by the Land of Lower Austria for the years 2022 and 2023 Open Data

At its 45th meeting on 18 November 2021, the Landtag of Lower Austria adopted the attached request f

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Estimates by the Land of Lower Austria for the years 2022 and 2023 details >

Estimate cross-section for the year 2017 Open Data

The estimate cross-section of the national estimate 2017

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Estimate cross-section for the year 2017 details >

Vorarlberg IMAGE 200 025 m Open Data

Vorarlberg, regional Landsat TM picture mosaic, credits: Federal Environment Agency & EEA

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Vorarlberg IMAGE 200 025 m details >

Deposit areas of the region’s own woods Lower Austria Open Data

From 1 January 2022, Paragraph 17(5) of the NÖ Nature Conservation Act 2000 prohibits the spreading

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Deposit areas of the region’s own woods Lower Austria details >

First names of newborns in Burgenland Open Data

Statistics of the 30 most common first names of newborns by sex in each year in Burgenland since 201

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First names of newborns in Burgenland details >

Advantageous areas Open Data

Wis — Project Digitisation Melioration Cataster; digitalised analog drainage plans of the water coop

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Advantageous areas details >

Innsbruck Mayor Election 2012 Open Data

Voting minutes of the election of the mayor on 15 April 2012

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Innsbruck Mayor Election 2012 details >

European elections on 25 May 2014 (city of Innsbruck) Open Data

Vote protocol of the European elections on 25 May 2014

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European elections on 25 May 2014 (city of Innsbruck) details >

Municipal elections on 15 April 2012 Open Data

Minutes of the Innsbruck municipal elections on 15 April 2012

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Municipal elections on 15 April 2012 details >

National Council elections on September 28, 2008 (city of Innsbruck) Open Data

Minutes of votes of the National Council elections of 28 September 2008

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National Council elections on September 28, 2008 (city of Innsbruck) details >

Polling stations National Council election Land Salzburg Open Data

Exact location of the polling stations in the Land of Salzburg according to election explosives on t

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Polling stations National Council election Land Salzburg details >

Election Sprengel Linz (Linz) Open Data

Election explosives in Linz.

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Election Sprengel Linz (Linz) details >

Forest areas from Orthofotos 1:50,000 Land Salzburg Open Data

Forest areas from Orthofotos 1:50,000 of the state of Salzburg

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Forest areas from Orthofotos 1:50,000 Land Salzburg details >

Forest playgrounds locations Vienna Open Data

Presentation of the publicly accessible playgrounds supervised by the MA49 — Forest and Agriculture

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Forest playgrounds locations Vienna details >

Hiking trails Vienna Open Data

Hiking trails, city hiking trails and circular hiking trail offered and supervised by the city of Vi

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Hiking trails Vienna details >

Bedbugs (Hepteroptera) from the Kalktal valley in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

The Austrian National Park Gesäuse is located in the Northern Limestone Alps and extends with an are

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Bedbugs (Hepteroptera) from the Kalktal valley in the Gesäuse National Park details >

Heat use by consumption categories Vienna Open Data

Heat use by consumption category in GWh

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Heat use by consumption categories Vienna details >

Heat pumps in the Magistrate Vienna Open Data

Heat pumps in the Magistrate Vienna

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Heat pumps in the Magistrate Vienna details >

Heat consumption in the magistrate by energy source Vienna Open Data

Annual heat consumption in the magistrate in Vienna by energy source in GWh

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Heat consumption in the magistrate by energy source Vienna details >

Heat consumption by energy source Vienna Open Data

Annual heat consumption in Vienna by energy source in GWh

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Heat consumption by energy source Vienna details >

Hydropower Vienna Open Data

Hydropower plants of the City of Vienna

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Hydropower Vienna details >

Hydropower plants in Vienna Open Data

Hydropower plants in Vienna

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Hydropower plants in Vienna details >

Hydropower plants around Vienna Open Data

Hydropower plants of the city of Vienna around Vienna

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Hydropower plants around Vienna details >

Water points Land Salzburg Open Data

Summary data set of water rights: Sewage treatment plant, municipal sewage treatment plant, spring

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Water points Land Salzburg details >

Water protection areas Styria Open Data

Water protection areas for groundwater, spring water, healing springs & artesians

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Water protection areas Styria details >

Water protected areas Styria Open Data

Water Protected Areas of the Water Information System, Areas with Water Legal Approval in the Water

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Water protected areas Styria details >

Water Protection Areas and Water Conservation Areas Vienna Open Data

Water protection and sanitation areas of Vienna; pursuant to Paragraph 34(1) and (2) of the WRG 1959

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Water Protection Areas and Water Conservation Areas Vienna details >

Signpost Bridges Locations Vienna Open Data

Road signs of the city of Vienna

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Signpost Bridges Locations Vienna details >

Exits (Linz) Open Data

Journeys from Linz to the districts of Upper Austria and the federal states of Austria. Note: in

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Exits (Linz) details >

Wehdorn’s Building Age Plan — Inner City of Vienna Open Data

A building age plan shall be understood as an inventory of buildings in terms of their date of origi

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Wehdorn’s Building Age Plan — Inner City of Vienna details >

White Paper on the prevention and recycling of waste in Austria Open Data

The purpose of this White Paper is to provide guidance for the development of future waste preventio

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White Paper on the prevention and recycling of waste in Austria details >

Viticulture corridors (current project stand) Lower Austria Open Data

The external borders of viticulture corridors are currently being recorded as spatial data in Lower

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Viticulture corridors (current project stand) Lower Austria details >

Viticulture Rieden (current project stand) Lower Austria Open Data

The external borders of Rieden vineyards are currently being recorded as spatial data in Lower Austr

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Viticulture Rieden (current project stand) Lower Austria details >

Further development of the agri-environment indicator “High Nature Value Farmland” for Austria Open Data

The indicator ‘High Nature Value Farmland’ (HNVF) describes the national stock of agricultural land

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Further development of the agri-environment indicator “High Nature Value Farmland” for Austria details >

Valuable agricultural production areas (BEAT) Lower Austria Open Data

The data at issue are the valuable agricultural production areas within the small agricultural produ

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Valuable agricultural production areas (BEAT) Lower Austria details >

Monthly rainfall Open Data

Monthly rainfall in millimetres since 1906

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Monthly rainfall details >

Weather since 1872 Hohe Warte Wien Open Data

Monthly weather data of the measuring station Hohe Warte since April 1872 on air temperature, air pr

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Weather since 1872 Hohe Warte Wien details >

Which national policy Instruments can reduce Consumption-based Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Open Data

The INNOVATE project analysed Austria’s consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions. This report summ

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Which national policy Instruments can reduce Consumption-based Greenhouse Gas Emissions? details >

Dedication Gsh — Grassland Protected Houses Lower Austria Open Data

Recording of the focal point of the area-based dedication Gsh — Grassland Schutzhäuser in accordance

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Dedication Gsh — Grassland Protected Houses Lower Austria details >

Dedication enveloping Lower Austria Open Data

Recording of the enveloping of selected dedications in accordance with § 16 et seq. of the NÖ Spatia

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Dedication enveloping Lower Austria details >

Vienna History Wiki Vienna Open Data

Semantic data from the historical knowledge platform of the city of Vienna. Historical data on build

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Vienna History Wiki Vienna details >

Vienna Lines Real-time data via Vienna data hub Open Data

Querying the real-time data of the Vienna Lines is subject to a fair use principle according to the

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Vienna Lines Real-time data via Vienna data hub details >

Vienna Lines — Timetable data GTFS Vienna Open Data

Timetable and spatial data of stops in GTFS format (General Transit Feed Specification) Further inf

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Vienna Lines — Timetable data GTFS Vienna details >

Map of Park Vienna Open Data

Guidelines of the Vienna city gardens for the design of green areas. Explanation of general planning

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Map of Park Vienna details >

Street green map Vienna Open Data

Guidelines of the Vienna city gardens for the design of green areas. Explanation of general planning

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Street green map Vienna details >

Viennese residential locations Vienna Open Data

Locations of the Viennese Housing Administration

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Viennese residential locations Vienna details >

Vienna IMAGE 200 025 m Open Data

Vienna, Regional Landsat TM Image Mosaic, Credits: Federal Environment Agency & EEA

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Vienna IMAGE 200 025 m details >

Wild bee paradise Austria? Open Data

Wild bees are essential for pollination of crops and wild plants. In Austria there are about 690 wil

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Wild bee paradise Austria? details >

Wild bee paradise Austria? Open Data

Bee-friendly forests are primarily diverse, rich in species and rich in structure. Wild bees live on

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Wild bee paradise Austria? details >

Wild rest zones Land Salzburg Open Data

Wild rest zones of the state of Salzburg.

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Wild rest zones Land Salzburg details >

Wild warning reflectors Open Data

Wild Warning Reflectors on Upper Austrian Roads

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Wild warning reflectors details >

Wind power zones according to §20 NÖ ROG 2014 — Point grid Lower Austria Open Data

Zones from the sectoral spatial planning programme on the use of wind power in Lower Austria pursuan

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Wind power zones according to §20 NÖ ROG 2014 — Point grid Lower Austria details >

Economic importance of ecosystem services Open Data

The services of nature form the basis for our quality of life. In order to ensure a sustainable appr

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Economic importance of ecosystem services details >

WIS point information (water book) Styria Open Data

The facilities approved under water law as geocoded point information of the water information syste

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WIS point information (water book) Styria details >

Residential area types 2016 Vienna Open Data

The residential area types of MA 18 represent a typing of the Viennese counting areas on the basis o

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Residential area types 2016 Vienna details >

Dwellings — ownership of buildings (Linz) Open Data

Apartments with information on ownership and number of apartments. Note: The city of Linz was di

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Dwellings — ownership of buildings (Linz) details >

Apartments in Styria Open Data

Dwellings by main residence in the Styrian municipalities 2011 (region status 2020)

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Apartments in Styria details >

Apartments in newly built buildings (Linz) Open Data

Information on the number of dwellings in newly constructed buildings by usable area in m² Note:

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Apartments in newly built buildings (Linz) details >

Apartments — usable area (Linz) Open Data

Information on the number of apartments by usable area in m² Note: The city of Linz was divided i

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Apartments — usable area (Linz) details >

Apartments — living rooms (Linz) Open Data

Information on the number of living rooms in apartments. Note: The city of Linz was divided into

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Apartments — living rooms (Linz) details >

State table (as of 2022) — World Open Data

Reference Table on States and Territories in 2022 — World

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State table (as of 2022) — World details >

Working Papers on the Climate Protection Programme Vienna Open Data

Assessments and forecasts of the City of Vienna’s Climate Protection Programme (Klip)

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Working Papers on the Climate Protection Programme Vienna details >

Tenth Environmental Control Report Open Data

By handing over the 2013 Environmental Control Report to the National Council, the Federal Environme

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Tenth Environmental Control Report details >

Central zones of Lower Austria Open Data

digital recording of the areas of the centre zones pursuant to § 14(2) 15 NÖ Spatial Planning Act (N

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Central zones of Lower Austria details >

Civil service facilities Burgenland Open Data

List of all civil service facilities in Burgenland, including the associated legal entities.

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Civil service facilities Burgenland details >

Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2010 Open Data

Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2010

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Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2010 details >

Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2011 Open Data

Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2011

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Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2011 details >

Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2013 Open Data

Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2013

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Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2013 details >

Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2014 Open Data

Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2014

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Population with main residence by counting sprouts and age groups 2014 details >

Future mobility — e-mobility Open Data

The report describes the course and content of the Citizens’ Conference “Future Mobility — E-Mobilit

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Future mobility — e-mobility details >

Authorisation requirement for substances of very high concern Open Data

For the first time, the new REACH chemicals legislation provides for a procedure for substances of v

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Authorisation requirement for substances of very high concern details >

Composition of energy prices of households Vienna Open Data

Composition of household energy prices

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Composition of energy prices of households Vienna details >

Composition of fuel prices Vienna Open Data

Composition of fuel prices

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Composition of fuel prices Vienna details >

Water body status assessment Open Data

Assessment of the status of surface water bodies in accordance with the National Water Management Pl

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Water body status assessment details >

Arrivals (Linz) Open Data

Trains to Linz from the districts of Upper Austria and the federal states of Austria. Note: in 2

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Arrivals (Linz) details >

Intermediate storage for spent fuel at the Mochovce NPP site Open Data

In Slovakia, a temporary storage facility for spent fuel from the Mochovce 1/2, Mochovce 3/4 (still

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Intermediate storage for spent fuel at the Mochovce NPP site details >

Twelfth Environmental Control Report. Open Data

By handing over the Environmental Control Report prepared by the Federal Environment Agency to the N

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Twelfth Environmental Control Report. details >
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