Potential flood areas for Pontivy Station (Morbihan)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.03.10 06:38
Available languages
geoscientific-information, donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire, geologie, zones-a-risque-naturel
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Dataset description

Since the end of 2008, the Schapi has engaged with the support of the PC&H network several projects aimed at supplementing the Forecasting of the Crus with the Forecasting of Floods. This operation was supported by the implementation of the Flood Directive1 and by the rise of the mission of Departmental Flood Referrer2. Within or outside of this framework, the State, Territorial Public Basin Institutions (EPTBs) and communities produce a lot of geographic data related to flooding. This spatialised information is usually created in service-specific formats (abstraction from the data developed under the DI that must meet the standards defined by COVADIS3) and in fact is heterogeneous, from one region to another. In order to enable a common and shared dissemination of information in flooded areas and to be able to complete the flood forecasting operation, a national project defined and piloted by SCHAPI allowed: — the establishment of a common repository of flooded areas for flood forecasting — the creation of a database allowing the storage and management of this repository at national level: the VIGInond database — implementation of interoperable data flows This sheet describes the set of spatial data sets produced for the determination of Potential Flood Zones (ZIPs) attached to the height of 0.50 m at the Pontivy station (J550211001): The information produced corresponds to: — to the envelope of the flooded area: the potential flood zone (ZIP) that represents the surface right-of-way of l’#x27; calculated or observed flooding for a rating or height of n°#x27; water at n°#x27; limnimetric scale d' a reference hydrometric station(s). — the classes of water heights: the diso height class (ZICH) areas that represent the height of submersion relative to the natural terrain. Each water height class is defined by a minimum and maximum terminal, expressed in millimetres. __Origin__ The boundaries of a restricted zone are represented on the graphical documents of the PPR. Regulatory limits are generally set on natural phenomena, which do not follow cadastral or administrative boundaries. Regulatory zoning is associated with an internet-accessible regulation (Cf URLFIC attribute). Scan performed on DGI or Scan 25 IGN parcel background (the accuracy and reference used are indicated in attribute). This dataset complies with the COVADIS 2.0 standard. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Bretagne, SPC Vilaine et Côtiers Breton __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view](http://ogc.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/csw/all-dataset?REQUEST=GetRecordById&SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&RESULTTYPE=results&elementSetName=full&TYPENAMES=gmd:MD_Metadata&OUTPUTSCHEMA=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&ID=fr-120066022-jdd-af716e4c-37de-4989-880a-5d90067c5012) * [COVADIS data standard: Restricted zone of a PPRN](http://geostandards.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/afficherPageStandard.do?jeu=N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_AAAANNNN_S) [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/26dc100442ff2fda1d1e56e9b2d387d4e3f7bb54)
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