Vulnerable area 2014 in the Rhine-Meuse basin, in the Alsace region and specific settlement of soil cover after harvest.

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.28 06:45
Available languages
servitudes-dutilite-publique, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, planning-cadastre
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Dataset description

The dataset contains the perimeters of the vulnerable areas of the administrative district of Bassin Rhine-Meuse, within the Alsace region. Vulnerable areas are the land designated in accordance with Article 3(2) of European Directive 91-676, the objectives of which are to reduce the pollution of water caused or induced by nitrates from agricultural sources, and to prevent any further pollution of this type. A vulnerable zone is a part of the territory where pollution of water by direct or indirect discharge of nitrates of '' agricultural origin or d'' other nitrogen compounds likely to turn into nitrates, threatens in the short term the quality of aquatic environments and more particularly the quality of the aquatic environment, in particular, the supply of drinking water. Areas where: — surface and groundwater fresh water, in particular those intended for drinking water, has or is at risk of having a nitrate content exceeding 50 mg/l, — estuary waters, coastal or marine waters, and surface fresh waters which have undergone or show a tendency towards;'eutrophication likely to be#x27;' to be effectively combated by a reduction in nitrogen inputs. An action programme is implemented in each department concerned, setting out the requirements to be met by all farmers in the corresponding vulnerable zone. They are built in consultation with all stakeholders, based on a local diagnosis. They aim to correct the most polluting practices. Outside vulnerable areas, a code of good agricultural practice, established at national level, is to be applied on a voluntary basis. Each vulnerable zone corresponds to a prefectural order (prefect co-ordinator of the basin) after consulting the departmental council of '' Hygiene, the general and regional council and the basin committee. Vulnerable areas are reviewed every 4 years. This decree is the founding regulatory text of the vulnerable zone. Each zone s'' extends over a geographical area consisting of'' a set of municipalities. In the event that a later order completes the previous order, only the date of the last order will be retained. The list of vulnerable areas is drawn up under the responsibility of the basin DREALs. (definition from: Ash, Technical and regulatory Zonages of the domain of l''eau v1.0, January 2013) __Origin__ The same servitude may be affected by several acts, and the same act may concern several servitudes. A record is created in this table for each act/servitude couple. __Partner organisations__ DRAAF Alsace, DDT Loir-et-Cher __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: N_BAT_EXPL_AGR_S]( [See this page on](
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