Electric charging locations Hamburg

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.12.08 01:09
Available languages
pkw, elektro, sensorthings-api, personenkraftwagen, ladestrom, frost-server, e-mobility, echtzeitdaten, ladesäule, ladepunkt, ladestation, ladeeinrichtung, raumbezogene-information, verkehrsnetze, geodaten, elektroladestandorte, elektromobilität, elektrofahrzeug, geoinformation
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The data set contains the locations of the publicly accessible charging equipment for electric vehicles in the model region Electromobility Hamburg. The related factual information such as the number of charging points, plug types and access options are included. In addition, the operating status (free or occupied) of the charging points is specified in real time. For more information about the real-time service: The real-time data service contains the locations of the publicly accessible charging equipment for electric vehicles in the model region Electromobility Hamburg in JSON format provided via the SensorThings API (STA). For the e-charging stations in the SensorThings API (STA), one object was created per station in the entity “Thing”. For each charging point there is an object in the entity “Datastreams”. The real-time data on the status of the charging point is published in the STA in the entity “Observations”. All times are given in the Coordinated World Time (UTC). In the entity Datastreams, there are other “key-value pairs” in the JSON object under the “key” “properties”. Based on the service and layer structure in the GIS, we introduced service and layer as additional “key-value pairs” under the JSON object properties. { “properties”:{ “service name”: “HH_STA_E charging stations”, “layername”: “Status_E charging point”, “key”:“value”} } With the help of these “key-value pairs” filters can be defined for the REST request, e.g. https://iot.hamburg.de/v1.0/Datastreams?$filter=properties/serviceName eq ‘HH_STA_E-Chardestations’ and properties/layerName eq ‘Status_E-Chardepunkt’ The real-time data can also be obtained via an MQTT broker. The necessary IDs can be obtained via a REST request and then used for the subscription to a data stream: MQTT brokers: iot.hamburg.de Topic: v1.0/Datastream({id})/Observations
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