Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000 (GÜK200) — CC 7926 Augsburg

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.08.17 00:00
Available languages
stratigraphie, genese, sedimentgestein, quartär, kreide, rasterdaten, tertiär, geologie, baden-württemberg, känozoikum, allgemeine-geologie, geology, vektordaten, opendata, geologische-karte, jura, meteoriten, eisrandlagen, überlagerungen, bayern, tektonik, petrographie, mesozoikum
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Blatt Augsburg is dominated by the molasses sediments of the Alpine foreland. In the northern part of the map section, its boundary to the Jura of the Swabian Alb and the Nördlinger Ries is recorded. The river of the Danube represents a clear boundary between these areas. The largest area in the map section is the Molasse Basin of the Alpine Foreland. The rubble of the Alps is filled with tertiary deposits. The miocene curler sediments of the foreland molasses stored on the surface are superimposed extensively by quaternary top layers, e.g. gravel planes of the meltwater rivers, loess or holocene moor and auretic diments. The concrete-like concrete conglomerates of the glacial gravel terraces are called nail fluids and are characteristic formations in the molasse basin. In the Swabian Alb on the northern edge of the map, limestone, marl and dolomite stones of the upper Jurassic are open. Relocation formations such as Alblehm are widespread in the lowlands and sinks. The area of the Nördlinger Ries is marked by debris masses and impact breccias of crystalline rocks of the basement mountains. The giant is interpreted as a crater of a meteorite that hit the upper Miocene. The Jura sediments in its marginal environment are heavily crushed and deformed. In addition to the legend, which informs about the age, genesis and petrography of the represented units, a geological profile provides additional insights into the structure of the subsurface. The profile line crosses the map sheet from north to south and crosses the Nördlinger Ries, the Donauried and the foreland molasses of the Alps.
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