Number of inhabitants in Düsseldorf up to 2035

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

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2021.08.04 11:00
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Dataset description

The data set shows the evolution of the population in Düsseldorf until 2035, as published by the Office of Statistics and Elections in the current Demography report for the population forecast 2035. The figures are rounded values for the values of the City of Düsseldorf. The file “Development of the population in Düsseldorf until 2035” contains the following column information: Year (Date 01.01): Year number with the reference date 01.01. Variant 1: lower variant Variant 2: Main variant Variant3: upper variant IT.NRW: Figures from IT.NRW As part of the population forecast, three variants were estimated: Variant 1 (lower variant), variant 2 (main variant) and variant 3 (upper variant). These represent the corri-dor of possible developments. The main variant, with an estimated population of 702,500 people, is considered the most likely from the Office’s point of view and forms the basis for the detailed results. While for variant 1 a population of 692.400 people is estimated by the year 2035, variant 3 predicts an increase to 714,700 inhabitants. IT.NRW’s forecast is below variant 1, but assumes a significantly lower population in 2021 (633.477 people), as IT.NRW uses the 2011 census population update as a data base. A direct comparison of the forecasts of IT.NRW and the city of Düsseldorf is therefore not possible. However, it is possible to compare the rates of change. By 2035, the population on the basis of the census will grow to 690,763 people, which corresponds to a rela-tive increase of 9.0 percent. The population forecast of IT.NRW thus forecasts a higher relative growth than variants 1 (6.6 %) and 2 (8.0 %).The results discussed in the further sub-chapters always refer to the main variant.
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