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Urban population proximity to public green areas by locality. Years 2015 Open Data

Urban population proximity to public green areas by locality, distance, observations and every fifth

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Urban population proximity to public green areas by locality. Years 2015 details >

Urban population (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) proximity to public green areas by... Open Data

Urban population (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) proximity to public green areas by lo

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Urban population (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) proximity to public green areas by... details >

Urban population proximity to public green areas by region. Years 2015 Open Data

Urban population proximity to public green areas by region, distance, observations and every fifth y

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Urban population proximity to public green areas by region. Years 2015 details >

Green space by type of ownership and locality. Year 2015 Open Data

Green space in hectare by locality, type of ownership, observations and every fifth year

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Green space by type of ownership and locality. Year 2015 details >

Green space (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by type of ownership and locality. Year... Open Data

Green space in hectare by locality, type of ownership, observations and every fifth year

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Green space (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by type of ownership and locality. Year... details >

Impervious land by locality. Year 2015 Open Data

Impervious land in hectare by locality, category, observations and every fifth year

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Impervious land by locality. Year 2015 details >

Impervious land (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by locality. Year 2010 - 2015 Open Data

Impervious land in hectare by locality, category, observations and every fifth year

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Impervious land (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by locality. Year 2010 - 2015 details >

Impervious land within localities by region. Year 2015 Open Data

Impervious land in hectare by region, category, observations and every fifth year

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Impervious land within localities by region. Year 2015 details >

Green space by land use and locality. Year 2015 Open Data

Green space in hectare by locality, land use, observations and every fifth year

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Green space by land use and locality. Year 2015 details >

Green space (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by land use and locality. Year 2010 - 2015 Open Data

Green space in hectare by locality, land use, observations and every fifth year

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Green space (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by land use and locality. Year 2010 - 2015 details >

Green space within localites by region and land use. Year 2015 Open Data

Green space in hectare by region, land use, observations and every fifth year

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Green space within localites by region and land use. Year 2015 details >

Type of land by locality. Year 2015 Open Data

Green space, impervious land and other land in hectares by locality, land use, observations and ever

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Type of land by locality. Year 2015 details >

Type of land (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by locality. Year 2010 - 2015 Open Data

Green space, impervious land and other land in hectares by locality, land use, observations and ever

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Type of land (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by locality. Year 2010 - 2015 details >

Type of land within locality by region. Year 2015 Open Data

Green space, impervious land and other land in hectares by region, land use, observations and every

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Type of land within locality by region. Year 2015 details >

Public green space by land cover and locality. Year 2015 Open Data

Public green space in hectare by locality, land use, observations and every fifth year

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Public green space by land cover and locality. Year 2015 details >

Public green space (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by land cover and locality. Year... Open Data

Public green space in hectare by locality, land use, observations and every fifth year

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Public green space (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by land cover and locality. Year... details >

Public green space in localities by region and land cover. Year 2015 Open Data

Public green space in hectare by region, land use, observations and every fifth year

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Public green space in localities by region and land cover. Year 2015 details >

Green space by land cover and locality. Year 2015 Open Data

Green space in hectare by locality, land use, observations and every fifth year

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Green space by land cover and locality. Year 2015 details >

Green space (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by land cover and locality. Year 2010 -... Open Data

Green space in hectare by locality, land use, observations and every fifth year

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Green space (localites with more than 30 000 inhabitants) by land cover and locality. Year 2010 -... details >

Green space in localities by region and land cover. Year 2015 Open Data

Green space in hectare by region, land use, observations and every fifth year

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Green space in localities by region and land cover. Year 2015 details >

Data for upper secondary school and individuals with learning disabilities by region. Year 2014 -... Open Data

Data for upper secondary school and individuals with learning disabilities, SEK thousands by region,

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Data for upper secondary school and individuals with learning disabilities by region. Year 2014 -... details >

Students interested in starting to study at a university or college within three years of completing... Open Data

Students interested in starting to study at university or college within three years of completing u

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Students interested in starting to study at a university or college within three years of completing... details >

Trade in services. Exports and imports by item. Quarter 1982K1 - 2022K2 Open Data

Trade in services, SEK millions by exports and imports, item, observations and quarter

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Trade in services. Exports and imports by item. Quarter 1982K1 - 2022K2 details >

Trade in services. Exports and imports by country. Quarter 2004K1 - 2022K2 Open Data

Trade in services, SEK milions by exports and imports, country, observations and quarter

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Trade in services. Exports and imports by country. Quarter 2004K1 - 2022K2 details >

Trade inventory development, by industry SNI 2002. Quarterly 2002K1 - 2008K4 Open Data

Trade inventory development, deviation from previous quarter, current prices, per cent by industrial

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Trade inventory development, by industry SNI 2002. Quarterly 2002K1 - 2008K4 details >

Uppdateras ej: Handelsområden (anställda, arbetsställen, areal) 2010 Open Data

Handelsområden efter region, tabellinnehåll och vart 5:e år

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Uppdateras ej: Handelsområden (anställda, arbetsställen, areal) 2010 details >

Total health care expenditures in relation to GDP 2001 - 2020 Open Data

Health care expenditures in relation to GDP by observations and year

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Total health care expenditures in relation to GDP 2001 - 2020 details >

Antal helårsekvivalenter som försörjs med sociala ersättningar och bidrag 20-64 år efter region och... Open Data

Antal helårsekvivalenter som försörjs med sociala ersättningar och bidrag 20-64 år efter region, kön

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Antal helårsekvivalenter som försörjs med sociala ersättningar och bidrag 20-64 år efter region och... details >

Housing expenditures per household and number of households, by equalised disposable income, type of... Open Data

Housing expenditures per household and number of households by equalised disposible income, quartile

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Housing expenditures per household and number of households, by equalised disposable income, type of... details >

Har hemsida/webbplats efter näringsgren SNI 2002. Andel företag. År 2003 - 2009 Open Data

Tillgång till hemsida/webbplats i företag (med 10 anställda eller fler) efter näringsgren SNI 2002,

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Har hemsida/webbplats efter näringsgren SNI 2002. Andel företag. År 2003 - 2009 details >

Have a website by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2. Share of enterprises. Year 2009 - 2016 Open Data

Access to a website in enterprise (10 or more employees) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, o

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Have a website by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2. Share of enterprises. Year 2009 - 2016 details >

Population in Sweden by urban and rural areas. Every fifth year 1800 - 2020 Open Data

Population within and outside of localities by type of area, observations and every fifth year

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Population in Sweden by urban and rural areas. Every fifth year 1800 - 2020 details >

Pupils in higher education by duration, year of school, specialisation and gender. 1916-1966 Open Data

Number of pupils in higher education by length of education, school year, specialisation, gender, ta

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Pupils in higher education by duration, year of school, specialisation and gender. 1916-1966 details >

Pupils in general educational establishments by school form, specialisation, duration of education,... Open Data

Number of pupils in general educational establishments by school type, specialisation, duration of e

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Pupils in general educational establishments by school form, specialisation, duration of education,... details >

Disposable income of households (ENS95) by transaction item. Quarter 1993K1 - 2014K1 Open Data

Disposable income of households (ENS95), SEK million by transaction item, observations and quarter

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Disposable income of households (ENS95) by transaction item. Quarter 1993K1 - 2014K1 details >

Livestock by county/country and type of animal. Year 1981 - 2007 Open Data

Livestock by region, type of animal, observations and year

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Livestock by county/country and type of animal. Year 1981 - 2007 details >

Number of households per region by type of household. Year 2011 - 2021 Open Data

Number of households by region, type of household, observations and year

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Number of households per region by type of household. Year 2011 - 2021 details >

Number and percentage of persons and households by region and household size. Year 2011 - 2021 Open Data

Number and percentage of persons and households by region, household size, observations and year

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Number and percentage of persons and households by region and household size. Year 2011 - 2021 details >

Number of households and persons by region, type of household and number of children. Year 2011 -... Open Data

Number of households and persons by region, type of household, number of children, observations and

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Number of households and persons by region, type of household and number of children. Year 2011 -... details >

Number of persons by household status, background and sex. Year 2011 - 2021 Open Data

Number of persons by household status, foreign/Swedish background, sex, observations and year

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Number of persons by household status, background and sex. Year 2011 - 2021 details >

Number of persons by type of household, household status, age and sex. Year 2011 - 2021 Open Data

Number of persons by type of household, household status, sex, age, observations and year

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Number of persons by type of household, household status, age and sex. Year 2011 - 2021 details >

Number of persons by region, age, household status and sex. Year 2011 - 2021 Open Data

Number of persons by region, household status, age, sex, observations and year

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Number of persons by region, age, household status and sex. Year 2011 - 2021 details >

Number of persons and households and persons by households by region. Year 2011 - 2021 Open Data

Number of persons and households and persons by households by region, observations and year

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Number of persons and households and persons by households by region. Year 2011 - 2021 details >

Number of households and persons by region, type of household (rough division), number of children... Open Data

Number of households and persons by region, type of household (rough division), number of children,

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Number of households and persons by region, type of household (rough division), number of children... details >

Number of households and average number of persons per household by region, tenure and type of... Open Data

Number of households and average number of persons per household by region, type of housing, size of

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Number of households and average number of persons per household by region, tenure and type of... details >

Income of farmers households according to the age and type of income of the user. Year 2000-2008 Open Data

Income of farmers households, SEK/household by age, income type, table content and year

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Income of farmers households according to the age and type of income of the user. Year 2000-2008 details >

Monthly indicator for household consumption, 2015=100. Month 2000M01 - 2022M08 Open Data

Monthly indicator for household consumption by purpose, observations and month

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Monthly indicator for household consumption, 2015=100. Month 2000M01 - 2022M08 details >

Household saving ratio (ESA95). 4 quarter aggregated. Year 1993 - 2013 Open Data

Household saving ratio (ESA95) by observations and year

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Household saving ratio (ESA95). 4 quarter aggregated. Year 1993 - 2013 details >

Household consumption of retail trade by industry SNI 2007, 2005=100. Year 2000-2008 Open Data

Household consumption in retail trade, 2005=100 by industry SNI 2007, table content and year

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Household consumption of retail trade by industry SNI 2007, 2005=100. Year 2000-2008 details >

Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by purpose COICOP ,older series. Year 1993 - 2006 Open Data

Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by purpose COICOP, observations and year

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Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by purpose COICOP ,older series. Year 1993 - 2006 details >

Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by purpose COICOP. Quarter 1993K1 - 2014K2 Open Data

Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by purpose, observations and quarter

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Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by purpose COICOP. Quarter 1993K1 - 2014K2 details >

Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by durability, older series. Year 1993 - 2006 Open Data

Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by durability, observations and year

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Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by durability, older series. Year 1993 - 2006 details >

Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by durability. Quarter 1993K1 - 2014K2 Open Data

Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by durability, observations and quarter

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Household consumption expenditure (ESA95) by durability. Quarter 1993K1 - 2014K2 details >

Main classes of land use/land cover within urban boundaries by agglomeration. In 2005 Open Data

Main classes of land use/land cover in hectares within urban boundaries by agglomeration, table cont

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Main classes of land use/land cover within urban boundaries by agglomeration. In 2005 details >

Immigrations (except citizens from Nordic countries) by grounds for settlement, birth and sex. Year... Open Data

Immigrations by grounds for settlement, country of birth, sex, observations and year

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Immigrations (except citizens from Nordic countries) by grounds for settlement, birth and sex. Year... details >

Immigrations and emigrations by country of emi-/immigration, region of birth, age and sex. Year 2000... Open Data

Immigrations and emigrations by country of emi-/immigration, region of birth, age, sex, observations

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Immigrations and emigrations by country of emi-/immigration, region of birth, age and sex. Year 2000... details >

Immigrations and emigrations by country of birth and sex. Year 2000 - 2021 Open Data

Immigrations and emigrations by country of birth, sex, observations and year

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Immigrations and emigrations by country of birth and sex. Year 2000 - 2021 details >

Immigrations and emigrations by country of citizenship and sex. Year 2000 - 2021 Open Data

Immigrations and emigrations by country of citizenship, sex, observations and year

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Immigrations and emigrations by country of citizenship and sex. Year 2000 - 2021 details >

Imports and exports of goods by HS code and trading partner, totals. Year 1988-1994 1988 - 1994 Open Data

Imports and exports of goods by HS code and trading partner by Commodity group HS, trading partner,

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Imports and exports of goods by HS code and trading partner, totals. Year 1988-1994 1988 - 1994 details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Year 2010 - 2020 Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100 by Commodity group SITC, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Year 2010 - 2020 details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Year 2015 - 2021 Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100 by Commodity group SITC, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Year 2015 - 2021 details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter 2010K1 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100 by Commodity group SITC, observations and quarte

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter 2010K1 -... details >

Imports and exports of goods by Main Industrial Groupings. Volume index 2000=100. Year 1995 - 2008 Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2000=100 by Main Industrial Groupings, observations and

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Imports and exports of goods by Main Industrial Groupings. Volume index 2000=100. Year 1995 - 2008 details >

Imports and exports of goods by Main Industrial Groupings. Volume index 2000=100. Quarter 1995K1 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2000=100 by Main Industrial Groupings, observations and

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Imports and exports of goods by Main Industrial Groupings. Volume index 2000=100. Quarter 1995K1 -... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2002. Volume index 2000=100. Quarter 1995K1 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2000=100 by products by SPIN 2002, observations and quart

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2002. Volume index 2000=100. Quarter 1995K1 -... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2007. Volume index 2000=100. (Not updated).... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2000=100 by products by SPIN 2007, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2007. Volume index 2000=100. (Not updated).... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2007. Volume index 2000=100. (Not updated).... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2000=100. Quarter by products by SPIN 2007, observations

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2007. Volume index 2000=100. (Not updated).... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2015. Volume index 2015=100. Year 2010 - 2020 Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100 by products by SPIN 2015, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2015. Volume index 2015=100. Year 2010 - 2020 details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2015. Volume index 2015=100. Year 2015 - 2021 Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100 by products by SPIN 2015, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2015. Volume index 2015=100. Year 2015 - 2021 details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2015. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter 2010K1 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter by products by SPIN 2015, observations

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2015. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter 2010K1 -... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group CN 2,4,6 level, adjusted for non response,... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, adjusted for non response by commodity group according to CN, observat

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity group CN 2,4,6 level, adjusted for non response,... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2002 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods by products by SPIN 2002, trading partner, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2002 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2002 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods by products by SPIN 2002, trading partner, observations and month

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2002 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups Prod-SNI97 and trading partner, not adjusted for... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups Prod-SNI97 and trading partner by products Prod-SNI

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups Prod-SNI97 and trading partner, not adjusted for... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups Prod-SNI97 and trading partner, not adjusted for... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups Prod-SNI97 and trading partner by products Prod-SNI

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups Prod-SNI97 and trading partner, not adjusted for... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2002, adjusted for non response. Year 1998 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, adjusted for non response. Year by products by SPIN 2002, observations

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2002, adjusted for non response. Year 1998 -... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2002, adjusted for non response. Month 1998M01... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods , adjusted for non response by products by SPIN 2002, observations and

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN 2002, adjusted for non response. Month 1998M01... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC rev3 and trading partner, totals. Year... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods by trading partner and commodity groups by trading partner, Commodity g

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC rev3 and trading partner, totals. Year... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups according to SITC, adjusted for non response,... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, adjusted for non response. Year by Commodity group SITC, observations

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups according to SITC, adjusted for non response,... details >

Total imports and exports of goods by commodity group Goods-SNI69 and trading partners. Year... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods by Goods-SNI69 and trading partners, year by commodity group SNI69, tra

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Total imports and exports of goods by commodity group Goods-SNI69 and trading partners. Year... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2007 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, not adjusted for non response by SPIN2007, trading partner, observatio

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2007 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2007 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, not adjusted for non response by SPIN2007, trading partner, observatio

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2007 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2007, adjusted for non response, confidential... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, adjusted for non response. Year by SPIN2007, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2007, adjusted for non response, confidential... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2007, adjusted for non response, confidential... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods , adjusted for non response by SPIN2007, observations and month

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2007, adjusted for non response, confidential... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2015 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, not adjusted for non response by SPIN2015, trading partner, observatio

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2015 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2015, adjusted for non response, confidential... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, adjusted for non response. Year by SPIN2015, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2015, adjusted for non response, confidential... details >

Imports of goods from all countries by commodity group CN 2,4,6,8 level and trading partner,... Open Data

Imports of goods from all countries, not adjusted for non response by commodity group according to C

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Imports of goods from all countries by commodity group CN 2,4,6,8 level and trading partner,... details >

Costs and incomes of municipal individual and family care. Year 2014 - 2021 Open Data

Costs and incomes in SEK thousands, current prices by region, care, observations and year

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Costs and incomes of municipal individual and family care. Year 2014 - 2021 details >

Industrial capacity utilisation, actual utilisation by industrial classification SNI2007... Open Data

Industrial capacity utilisation, actual utilisation by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observ

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Industrial capacity utilisation, actual utilisation by industrial classification SNI2007... details >

Turnover in industry, 2000=100. Monthly 1990M01 - 2008M12 Open Data

Turnover in industry, 2000=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1, observations and

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Turnover in industry, 2000=100. Monthly 1990M01 - 2008M12 details >

Turnover in industry, 2015=100, by market and industrial classification NACE Rev.2. Monthly 2000M01... Open Data

Turnover in industry, 2015=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations and mo

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Turnover in industry, 2015=100, by market and industrial classification NACE Rev.2. Monthly 2000M01... details >

Orders in industry, 2015=100, by market and industrial classification NACE Rev.2. Monthly 2000M01 -... Open Data

Orders in industry, 2015=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations and mont

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Orders in industry, 2015=100, by market and industrial classification NACE Rev.2. Monthly 2000M01 -... details >

Informing employees about their obligations in ICT security related issues by ways of informing and... Open Data

Informing employees about their obligations in ICT security related issues by Information, study dom

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Informing employees about their obligations in ICT security related issues by ways of informing and... details >

Income from employment by region, sex, age and income bracket. Year 2000 - 2020 Open Data

Income from employment by region, type of income, sex, age, income bracket, observations and year

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Income from employment by region, sex, age and income bracket. Year 2000 - 2020 details >

Household income structure broken down into decile groups per consumption unit by income components,... Open Data

Household income structure broken down into decile groups per consumption unit by income component,

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Household income structure broken down into decile groups per consumption unit by income components,... details >

Household income structure by age, household type and components, 2014 prices. Averages per k.e.... Open Data

Household type income structure by age, household type, income component, table content and year

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Household income structure by age, household type and components, 2014 prices. Averages per k.e.... details >

Income structure of households with persons aged 20-64 by income components and employment, 2014... Open Data

Income structure of households with persons aged 20-64 by income component, employment, table conten

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Income structure of households with persons aged 20-64 by income components and employment, 2014... details >

Income structure for households by income components, country of birth and number of years in... Open Data

Household income structure by income component, country of birth, table content and year

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Income structure for households by income components, country of birth and number of years in... details >

Household income structure by region and income components, 2014 prices. Averages per k.e. Year... Open Data

Household type income structure by region, income component, table content and year

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Household income structure by region and income components, 2014 prices. Averages per k.e. Year... details >

Total income for all households by income components, 2014 prices. Year 1991-2013 Open Data

Total income for all households, SEK million by income component, table content and year

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Total income for all households by income components, 2014 prices. Year 1991-2013 details >
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