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Changes in the annex to the annual procurement plan Open Data

Protocol of 21.11.19

Issued on 2019-12-09T08:57:16.143948Z

Changes in the annex to the annual procurement plan details >

List of objects owned by the territorial community in Halytskyi district of Lviv Open Data

Summary list of objects that are owned by the territorial community in Halytskyi district of Lviv ac

Issued on 2020-02-26T13:24:14.505660Z

List of objects owned by the territorial community in Halytskyi district of Lviv details >

Register of contracts for Kolomyia CRA Ü31 (01977607) for the second quarter of 2020 Open Data

Register of contracts for Kolomyia CRA Ü31 (01977607) for the second quarter of 2020

Issued on 2021-10-20T08:50:38.324366Z

Register of contracts for Kolomyia CRA Ü31 (01977607) for the second quarter of 2020 details >

Financial statements of economic entities of the state and communal sectors of economy Open Data

Information on the financial statements of economic entities of the State Forest Resources Agency of

Issued on 2021-05-12T19:29:00.703217Z

Financial statements of economic entities of the state and communal sectors of economy details >

Map for evaluation of publicity status and update of open data for 2019 of Kamianets-Podilskyi City... Open Data

2019 Open Data State Assessment and Update Card

Issued on 2020-09-01T13:26:22.348235Z

Map for evaluation of publicity status and update of open data for 2019 of Kamianets-Podilskyi City... details >

List of budget programs, including links to published resources on the Internet Open Data

The set contains a list of budget programs of the Department for work with assets of the Dnipro City

Issued on 2021-02-09T13:37:46.176321Z

List of budget programs, including links to published resources on the Internet details >

Information on service numbers of means of communication, e-mail address of SE "Tivriv rayagrolis"... Open Data

Information on service numbers of means of communication, e-mail address of SE "Tivriv rayagrolis" V

Issued on 2020-02-19T08:16:18.484090Z

Information on service numbers of means of communication, e-mail address of SE "Tivriv rayagrolis"... details >

Objects of communal ownership on the balance sheet of LKP "Iceberg" Open Data

Objects of immovable property of communal property that are on the balance sheet of LKP "Aisberg" (u

Issued on 2018-12-14T14:22:11.929211Z

Objects of communal ownership on the balance sheet of LKP "Iceberg" details >

The position of financial management of Novozavodsk district in Chernihiv councils Open Data

General provisions, tasks and functions of financial management, structure of financial management,

Issued on 2020-02-14T07:49:02.284034Z

The position of financial management of Novozavodsk district in Chernihiv councils details >

Planned and actual indicators of payment under lease agreements of communal property, placement of... Open Data

Planned and actual indicators of payment under contracts for placement of advertising tools

Issued on 2020-09-23T07:07:00.753596Z

Planned and actual indicators of payment under lease agreements of communal property, placement of... details >

Budget requests of the Executive Committee of Ternivsky District Council of Krivoy Rog Open Data

Information on budget requests for 2020. The dataset contains information on budget programs that ar

Issued on 2020-01-10T10:23:41.896958Z

Budget requests of the Executive Committee of Ternivsky District Council of Krivoy Rog details >

Rules of improvement, sanitary maintenance of territories, ensuring cleanliness and order in Slavuta Open Data

Decision of the Slavuta City Council dated January 31, 2014 15-38/2014 "On Approval of the Rules of

Issued on 2019-09-16T14:42:01.173898Z

Rules of improvement, sanitary maintenance of territories, ensuring cleanliness and order in Slavuta details >

Passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2019 Open Data

the passport,

Issued on 2019-07-16T10:56:30.494243Z

Passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2019 details >

Data on medical workers of health care institutions Open Data

Data on medical workers of health care institutions

Issued on 2019-08-01T10:37:47.381120Z

Data on medical workers of health care institutions details >

Information about the acquired property (equipment, software) within the framework of international... Open Data

Information about the acquired property (equipment, software) within the framework of international

Issued on 2019-07-31T12:27:33.356645Z

Information about the acquired property (equipment, software) within the framework of international... details >

Information on attraction, calculation of the amount of equity participation in the development of... Open Data

Agreements on payment of share participation in the development of infrastructure in Gorodok in 2019

Issued on 2019-11-15T08:27:46.627505Z

Information on attraction, calculation of the amount of equity participation in the development of... details >

Reports on the use of budget funds for the implementation of the program of implementation of the... Open Data

Use of budget funds

Issued on 2019-12-19T09:26:13.796609Z

Reports on the use of budget funds for the implementation of the program of implementation of the... details >

Reports of Berezne district state administration on satisfaction of requests for information for... Open Data

Report of Berezne district state administration on satisfaction of requests for information received

Issued on 2019-04-09T13:43:20.583254Z

Reports of Berezne district state administration on satisfaction of requests for information for... details >

Directory of the Executive Committee of Starokostiantynivka City Council Open Data

Directory of the Executive Committee of Starokostiantynivka City Council (Identification code, offi

Issued on 2019-09-05T12:48:28.410030Z

Directory of the Executive Committee of Starokostiantynivka City Council details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

Report on work with citizens' appeals

Issued on 2019-08-30T05:37:35.310365Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

Appeal of citizens to the Department of Education and Science Open Data

Generalized data on receipts of citizens' appeals for the I quarter of 2019

Issued on 2019-06-03T15:06:01.448185Z

Appeal of citizens to the Department of Education and Science details >

License register of licenses issued for retail trade of tobacco products Open Data

License register of licenses issued for retail trade of tobacco products The USREOU code and the re

Issued on 2019-06-06T08:57:33.587863Z

License register of licenses issued for retail trade of tobacco products details >

3.18. A set of data on investment projects in Vinnytsia City Council Open Data

A set of data on investment projects in Vinnytsia City Council, which is accompanied by the Departme

Issued on 2020-09-28T17:28:17.039510Z

3.18. A set of data on investment projects in Vinnytsia City Council details >

Register of issued, temporarily suspended, revoked licenses for retail trade in alcoholic beverages... Open Data

(In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 17, 2019, 409 "On

Issued on 2018-08-23T05:39:21.804481Z

Register of issued, temporarily suspended, revoked licenses for retail trade in alcoholic beverages... details >

Data on deputies of Vyshnevska village council, including contact details and reception schedule Open Data

The set contains identification, biographical and contact details of deputies

Issued on 2020-12-04T09:04:26.310297Z

Data on deputies of Vyshnevska village council, including contact details and reception schedule details >

Budget of the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for 2019 Open Data

Budget of the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for 2019

Issued on 2019-06-11T09:40:49.379243Z

Budget of the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for 2019 details >

Regulations on Methodical Council Open Data

Regulations on Methodical Council

Issued on 2020-02-14T08:00:43.735611Z

Regulations on Methodical Council details >

Register of published datasets owned by the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in... Open Data

Register of published datasets owned by the Main Directorate

Issued on 2019-04-23T10:05:37.958259Z

Register of published datasets owned by the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in... details >

Information on service numbers of means of communication, e-mail addresses of SE Trostianetsky VKSLP... Open Data

SE Trostyanetsky rayagrolis is located at the address Trostyanets str.Industrial ,2

Issued on 2019-11-04T09:08:44.183070Z

Information on service numbers of means of communication, e-mail addresses of SE Trostianetsky VKSLP... details >

reports CP_KNP_Voznesensky_MC_PHC Open Data

the report

Issued on 2019-09-05T08:11:00.161078Z

reports CP_KNP_Voznesensky_MC_PHC details >

List of special land plots in Slavuta allotted for the organization and implementation of activities... Open Data

List of special land plots in Slavuta allotted for the organization and implementation of activities

Issued on 2019-12-26T09:27:42.584122Z

List of special land plots in Slavuta allotted for the organization and implementation of activities... details >

List of communal property and housing stock Open Data

List of objects of communal property and housing of Klevan amalgamated territorial community

Issued on 2020-01-03T06:41:32.619474Z

List of communal property and housing stock details >

Plan - a schedule for tracking the effectiveness of current regulatory acts for 2020 Open Data

The set contains a list of current regulatory acts with the value of the name, date, registration nu

Issued on 2020-02-25T13:04:58.347505Z

Plan - a schedule for tracking the effectiveness of current regulatory acts for 2020 details >

Data on pedagogical workers of educational institutions Kozelets village council Open Data

Information on pedagogical workers of educational institutions Kozelets village council indicating t

Issued on 2019-10-29T12:53:15.370113Z

Data on pedagogical workers of educational institutions Kozelets village council details >

List of investment agreements, applications, additional agreements and other materials to them,... Open Data

Register of investment contracts of budgetary funds manager. You can upload from the site E-DATA usi

Issued on 2020-01-13T15:59:02.213208Z

List of investment agreements, applications, additional agreements and other materials to them,... details >

Register of orders of Lviv mayor Open Data

Automatic loading of open data sets of Lviv City Council, Harvesting

Issued on 2018-12-14T14:22:31.691528Z

Register of orders of Lviv mayor details >

Data on issued construction passports Open Data

Data on issued construction passports of Terebovlyan City Council as of 25.07.2019

Issued on 2019-07-25T13:41:02.152337Z

Data on issued construction passports details >

Financial statements of the State Enterprise "CDC Ü1" for 2019 Open Data

Data on the financial condition of the enterprise

Issued on 2019-09-16T13:24:13.751193Z

Financial statements of the State Enterprise "CDC Ü1" for 2019 details >

Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the District Council of the UII convocation Open Data

The Protocol

Issued on 2019-12-27T11:14:21.554608Z

Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the District Council of the UII convocation details >

Register of published datasets owned by the Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in... Open Data

Register of published datasets

Issued on 2019-07-09T13:27:05.327168Z

Register of published datasets owned by the Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in... details >

Passports of budget programs Open Data

Passports of budget programs for 2019 and changes to them

Issued on 2019-07-29T10:15:23.586129Z

Passports of budget programs details >

Structure, staff and number of USZN Beregovo City Council Open Data

Structure of the State (number) of the Department of Social Protection of the Population Berehove Ci

Issued on 2020-04-01T13:53:26.472758Z

Structure, staff and number of USZN Beregovo City Council details >

Report of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation for 2018 Open Data

The report contains a register of projects that received funding from the Ukrainian Cultural Foundat

Issued on 2021-07-06T19:23:31.650829Z

Report of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation for 2018 details >

Directory of structural units Open Data

Directory of institutions of justice region

Issued on 2018-09-10T06:45:42.044855Z

Directory of structural units details >

Data on the use of equity funds Open Data

Data on the use of equity funds for 2019 as of 18.11.2019

Issued on 2019-11-18T15:16:54.416371Z

Data on the use of equity funds details >

12. Anti-corruption programs of ministries, other central executive bodies, state trust funds, as... Open Data

Anti-corruption programs of ministries, other central executive bodies, state trust funds, as well a

Issued on 2020-11-05T12:43:04.944402Z

12. Anti-corruption programs of ministries, other central executive bodies, state trust funds, as... details >

Financial statements for 2018 LKP "Lviv Lantern" Open Data

Financial statements for 2018 LKP "Lviv Lantern"

Issued on 2019-04-02T05:53:00.759192Z

Financial statements for 2018 LKP "Lviv Lantern" details >

Data on administrative services provided Open Data

Information about the list of administrative services provided

Issued on 2019-07-08T11:26:39.340714Z

Data on administrative services provided details >

Balance for 2020 Open Data

Balance sheet for 2020 and reports

Issued on 2020-07-31T12:05:00.677436Z

Balance for 2020 details >

Financial and Budget Reports Bakhmatsky District Center for Social Services for Family, Children and... Open Data

Financial and Budget Reports for 9 Months of 2020 Bakhmatsky District Center for Social Services for

Issued on 2020-04-15T09:13:48.505211Z

Financial and Budget Reports Bakhmatsky District Center for Social Services for Family, Children and... details >

The provisions of the SSCFZN "Sport for All" Open Data

The position of

Issued on 2019-08-30T11:23:47.674177Z

The provisions of the SSCFZN "Sport for All" details >

Information about the organizational structure of the information manager Open Data

The decision of the Zhydychyn village council On approval of the structure the executive bodies and

Issued on 2019-07-15T13:24:59.847902Z

Information about the organizational structure of the information manager details >

List of concluded contracts (concluded agreements, other transactions, annexes, additional... Open Data

List of concluding rental contracts

Issued on 2020-08-13T07:52:28.479824Z

List of concluded contracts (concluded agreements, other transactions, annexes, additional... details >

Organizational structure of the Territorial Social Service Center Open Data

Contains information about the structure of the Territorial Social Service Center (provision of soci

Issued on 2019-12-19T14:00:27.939092Z

Organizational structure of the Territorial Social Service Center details >

Dynamics of Service Export Structure Open Data

Dynamics of Service Export Structure

Issued on 2018-10-22T10:53:02.848358Z

Dynamics of Service Export Structure details >

Data on provided urban planning conditions and restrictions Open Data

The set contains data on the provided urban planning conditions and restrictions on the territory of

Issued on 2019-12-28T09:36:00.427766Z

Data on provided urban planning conditions and restrictions details >

Decision of the Commission on Land Relations, Agro-Industrial Complex and Village Development for... Open Data

Decisions, Annexes, Protocol of the Commission on Land Relations, Agro-Industrial Complex and Villag

Issued on 2020-06-09T12:07:16.891345Z

Decision of the Commission on Land Relations, Agro-Industrial Complex and Village Development for... details >

Procedures for appointment and dismissal from the post of heads of enterprises (their associations),... Open Data

The order is appointment to the position and dismissal from the position heads of enterprises (thei

Issued on 2020-07-15T13:52:09.114308Z

Procedures for appointment and dismissal from the post of heads of enterprises (their associations),... details >

Passport reports Open Data

Reports on passports on the UCBRT Executive Committee of the BIS for 2018

Issued on 2019-09-16T05:54:43.684211Z

Passport reports details >

Annual Procurement Plans Main Territorial Department of Justice in Zakarpatska region Open Data

Annual Procurement Plan for 2019 (as of 02.07.2019)

Issued on 2019-07-03T07:21:36.739088Z

Annual Procurement Plans Main Territorial Department of Justice in Zakarpatska region details >

Registers of debt liabilities for the first quarter of 2020 Open Data

Registers of debt obligations Department of communal services for the first quarter of 2020

Issued on 2020-07-07T08:32:45.250524Z

Registers of debt liabilities for the first quarter of 2020 details >

Reports on receipt of requests for public information for 2019 Open Data

Requests for public information

Issued on 2019-07-19T08:39:10.984402Z

Reports on receipt of requests for public information for 2019 details >

Title list for the overhaul of houses in 2019. Open Data

The list of houses on the cap. repair for 2019

Issued on 2019-08-30T07:30:48.576951Z

Title list for the overhaul of houses in 2019. details >

Data on tariffs for utilities (Department of Environmental Policy of the Dnipro City Council) Open Data

The set contains a list of tariffs for municipal services for the removal (collection, transportatio

Issued on 2020-03-01T22:38:16.702295Z

Data on tariffs for utilities (Department of Environmental Policy of the Dnipro City Council) details >

Financial and budgetary reporting for 2019 of the Department of Social Protection of the Population... Open Data

Financial and budgetary reporting for 2019 of the Department of Social Protection of the Population

Issued on 2019-07-31T11:01:45.556435Z

Financial and budgetary reporting for 2019 of the Department of Social Protection of the Population... details >

Indicators of work of investigative subdivisions of the body exercising control over compliance with... Open Data

Indicators of movement and results of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings: Report 1-SLM

Issued on 2018-08-22T06:14:00.123709Z

Indicators of work of investigative subdivisions of the body exercising control over compliance with... details >

Register of datasets Open Data

Register of datasets that are in possession of management

Issued on 2019-08-16T07:41:01.671157Z

Register of datasets details >

Regulations on the State Archives of Kyiv region Open Data

Regulations on the State Archives of Kyiv region

Issued on 2020-09-16T12:11:29.210859Z

Regulations on the State Archives of Kyiv region details >

Reports on receipt of requests for public information in 2018 Open Data

Report on receipt of requests for public information

Issued on 2019-02-15T15:04:33.916659Z

Reports on receipt of requests for public information in 2018 details >

Passport of budget programs of the financial department Open Data

Passport of budget programs of the financial department of the executive committee of Pokrovsky dist

Issued on 2020-10-09T12:41:36.398399Z

Passport of budget programs of the financial department details >

Passports of budget programs for 2019 Open Data

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", public information in the form of

Issued on 2019-06-21T09:31:03.972287Z

Passports of budget programs for 2019 details >

Changes in the annex to the annual procurement plan Open Data

Changes 05.07.19

Issued on 2019-07-09T08:01:23.786665Z

Changes in the annex to the annual procurement plan details >

Data on the placement of public toilets Open Data

Accommodation of public toilets

Issued on 2019-06-13T13:15:58.323393Z

Data on the placement of public toilets details >

Staffing of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Solomyansky District in Kyiv... Open Data

Staffing of the Department of Social Protection of Population as of 01.06.2020

Issued on 2020-07-27T13:35:35.660058Z

Staffing of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Solomyansky District in Kyiv... details >

Tariffs for paid medical services provided by Mukachevo CRL Open Data

Tariffs for paid medical services provided by Mukachevo CRL

Issued on 2019-06-04T07:19:34.027617Z

Tariffs for paid medical services provided by Mukachevo CRL details >

Administrative data collected (processed) and subject to disclosure by the Ministry of Health Open Data

The set contains administrative data collected (processed) and subject to disclosure. In particular,

Issued on 2020-05-27T11:27:09.131290Z

Administrative data collected (processed) and subject to disclosure by the Ministry of Health details >

Financial statements of SE "Spetskombinat KPO" Open Data

The set contains balance sheet, financial results reports, cash flow reports, equity reports

Issued on 2020-03-02T13:59:40.383559Z

Financial statements of SE "Spetskombinat KPO" details >

Data on medical equipment of the CNP "Black Sea Hospital" of the Black Sea City Council of Odessa... Open Data

Data on medical equipment of the CNP "Black Sea Hospital" of the Black Sea City Council of Odessa re

Issued on 2020-01-13T12:00:15.689182Z

Data on medical equipment of the CNP "Black Sea Hospital" of the Black Sea City Council of Odessa... details >

Organizational structure of the Executive Committee of Kryvyi Rih City Council Open Data

The organizational structure

Issued on 2019-02-14T10:45:34.612352Z

Organizational structure of the Executive Committee of Kryvyi Rih City Council details >

Passports of the budget program for the UCBRT Executive Committee of the BIS Open Data

Passports of the budget program according to CPKVK 1517310,1511010 for 2019

Issued on 2019-09-16T06:12:22.483834Z

Passports of the budget program for the UCBRT Executive Committee of the BIS details >

Information on the functions and powers of the Vinnytsia Regional Prosecutor's Office Open Data

Contains information on the functions and powers of the Vinnytsia Regional Prosecutor's Office

Issued on 2018-11-29T14:18:12.206899Z

Information on the functions and powers of the Vinnytsia Regional Prosecutor's Office details >

Structure of the body authorized to carry out lease transactions of communal property as of... Open Data

Structure of the body authorized to carry out lease transactions of communal property as of 01.09.20

Issued on 2021-10-20T08:51:06.673427Z

Structure of the body authorized to carry out lease transactions of communal property as of... details >

Decision on reorganization Open Data

On Amendments to the Decision 39th Session of the 7th Convocation of the Vinnytsia District Council

Issued on 2019-08-14T08:19:50.745715Z

Decision on reorganization details >

Directory KNP "DTSPMSD 5" DMR Open Data

The resource contains the registration and contact details of the DNP "DTSPMSD 5" DMC. Including EDR

Issued on 2020-03-05T14:08:12.531230Z

Directory KNP "DTSPMSD 5" DMR details >

Passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data

Passports of budget programs of the local budget of the executive committee of the Varash City Counc

Issued on 2020-09-16T08:48:17.105283Z

Passports of budget programs of the local budget details >

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2019 Open Data

Reports on the implementation of passports of the budget programs of the local budget for 2019, the

Issued on 2020-09-02T08:01:56.750006Z

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2019 details >

Addresses of public toilets Open Data

Addresses of public toilets in Chornomorsk, serviced by KP "MUZHKG"

Issued on 2019-11-28T18:50:47.630132Z

Addresses of public toilets details >

Register of contracts under the CP Polygon Ecology for 2020, the cost of which is up to 50 thousand... Open Data

Kolomyia City Council

Issued on 2020-07-07T08:34:09.207479Z

Register of contracts under the CP Polygon Ecology for 2020, the cost of which is up to 50 thousand... details >

Disposal of agricultural land Open Data

Disposal of agricultural land in Chernihiv region

Issued on 2018-09-03T13:06:29.463662Z

Disposal of agricultural land details >

Chart of the effectiveness of the current regulatory acts of the Ulanivska Rural Council for 2020 Open Data

the set contains a list of existing regulatory acts with the name, date, registration number of the

Issued on 2020-02-25T13:31:50.910288Z

Chart of the effectiveness of the current regulatory acts of the Ulanivska Rural Council for 2020 details >

Financial Statement of KP "Kolomiya Parkoservice" for Q1 2020 Open Data

Kolomyia City Council

Issued on 2020-07-07T08:34:22.879897Z

Financial Statement of KP "Kolomiya Parkoservice" for Q1 2020 details >

The Financial Reporting Open Data

The Financial Reporting

Issued on 2019-11-13T13:31:07.758529Z

The Financial Reporting details >

Financial statements for 2018 LKP "Sokolnytske" Open Data

Financial statements for 2018 LKP "Sokolnytske"

Issued on 2020-02-26T13:27:10.499915Z

Financial statements for 2018 LKP "Sokolnytske" details >

Accounting data of citizens who need to improve living conditions (apartment accounting) Open Data

Accounting data of citizens who need to improve living conditions (apartment accounting)

Issued on 2021-04-29T07:22:30.507386Z

Accounting data of citizens who need to improve living conditions (apartment accounting) details >

Register of datasets owned by the municipal enterprise "Miskzelenbud" of the Dnipro City Council Open Data

The set contains the Register of datasets owned by the municipal enterprise "Miskzelenbud" of the Dn

Issued on 2020-02-26T08:42:05.281068Z

Register of datasets owned by the municipal enterprise "Miskzelenbud" of the Dnipro City Council details >

Information on the regulatory and legal principles of the CPC activity of the cerebral palsy Ü 2 DMC Open Data

Information on regulatory and legal principles of activity Utility non-commercial enterprise "Dnipr

Issued on 2020-02-26T13:20:25.548408Z

Information on the regulatory and legal principles of the CPC activity of the cerebral palsy Ü 2 DMC details >

Budget and Targeted Programs Open Data

List of budget programs

Issued on 2019-08-02T06:54:21.421047Z

Budget and Targeted Programs details >

1.11 Financial statements of the 1st quarter of 2021 Open Data

Financial statements for the first quarter of 2021 DETZ

Issued on 2021-07-01T03:21:57.736943Z

1.11 Financial statements of the 1st quarter of 2021 details >

Report of KP NMR "Environment" on the implementation of the financial plan Open Data

Infnormation contains a report of the CP on the implementation of the financial plan

Issued on 2018-09-25T13:33:24.272314Z

Report of KP NMR "Environment" on the implementation of the financial plan details >

Balance sheets for 2019 Open Data

Balance (quarterly)

Issued on 2019-07-11T07:46:30.932510Z

Balance sheets for 2019 details >
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