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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381081 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381081 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395092 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395092 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transformabilita_later_8 Open Data

The feature class MO_transformabilita_later_8 represents the punctual protection elements acquired f

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transformabilita_later_8 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RIR_Companies Open Data

The feature class MO_RIR_Companies represents companies that can cause risks.

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RIR_Companies details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PA07_structures_balneary_lines Open Data

The feature class MO_PA07_structures_balneari_linee represents the bathing facilities for the Molise

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PA07_structures_balneary_lines details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393124 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393124 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_disciplina_urb_poly_1 Open Data

The feature class MO_disciplina_urb_poly_1 represents the current urbanistic discipline, elements of

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_disciplina_urb_poly_1 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_CT104G_Strade_Sped Open Data

The feature class MO_CT104G_Strade_Sped contains the cadastral data for the Province of Isernia prod

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_CT104G_Strade_Sped details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393152 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393152 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Termometric Stations Open Data

The feature class MM_Termometric Stations is a punctual feature class that represents the stations w

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Termometric Stations details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393134 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393134 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geolithological_poly_1 Open Data

The feature class MO_geolithologica_poly_1 represents the geolithological elements acquired from the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geolithological_poly_1 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_costs_later_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_scostamenti_later_2 represents deviations and incompatibilities, point elements

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_costs_later_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Costa2003_20100318 Open Data

This layer describes the position of the sea coast in 2003. Data provided by the Molise Region

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Costa2003_20100318 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393153 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393153 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394134 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394134 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395051 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395051 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405163 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405163 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394112 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394112 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF194G_S_Croce_by_Magliano_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF194G_S_Croce_di_Magliano_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territo

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF194G_S_Croce_by_Magliano_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_hydrogeological_lin_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_hydrogeologica_lin_2 represents linear hydrogeological elements, acquired from

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_hydrogeological_lin_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_hydrogeological_poly_5 Open Data

MO_hydrogeologica_poly_5 represents the area-type hydrogeological elements acquired from hydrogeolog

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_hydrogeological_poly_5 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transformabilita_later_3 Open Data

The feature class MO_transformabilita_later_3 — represents the elements of transformability of the t

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transformabilita_later_3 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG279G_Riccia Open Data

The feature class MO_PRG279G_Riccia represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Riccia, the e

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG279G_Riccia details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406143 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406143 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF163G_Pietracupa Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF163G_Pietracupa represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Pietracup

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF163G_Pietracupa details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF228G_Sessano_Del_Molise_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF228G_Sessano_Del_Molise_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territor

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF228G_Sessano_Del_Molise_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395013 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395013 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393081 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393081 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF035G_Castel_San_Vincenzo Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF035G_Castel_San_Vincenzo represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF035G_Castel_San_Vincenzo details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF107G_Limosano Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF107G_Limosano represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Limosano, t

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF107G_Limosano details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sourcesCaptate Open Data

The feature class MO_SorgentiCaptate represents the springs captured the entire Molise Region. The d

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sourcesCaptate details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392141 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392141 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_infrastructure_lin_5 Open Data

The feature class MO_infrastrutture_lin_5 represents the infrastructures — linear elements acquired

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_infrastructure_lin_5 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_CL01G_Curve_Level Open Data

The feature class MO_CL01G_Curve_Level represents the level curves for the entire region provided by

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_CL01G_Curve_Level details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406061 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406061 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394142 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394142 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Geomorphology_elem_areali Open Data

The feature class MO_Geomorphology_elem_areali represents the geomorphological elements present in t

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Geomorphology_elem_areali details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF209G_San_Massimo Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF209G_San_Massimo represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of San Mass

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF209G_San_Massimo details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381014 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381014 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S382064 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S382064 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394123 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394123 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF189G_Rocchetta_Al_Volturno Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF189G_Rocchetta_Al_Volturno represents the urban zoning of the Municipality o

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF189G_Rocchetta_Al_Volturno details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_vegetation_poly_4 Open Data

The feature class MO_vegetazione_poly_4 represents the types of vegetation — range type — acquired f

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_vegetation_poly_4 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF060G_Cerro_al_Volturno_vinc_lin Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF060G_Cerro_al_Volturno_vinc_lin represents the constraints expressed as line

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF060G_Cerro_al_Volturno_vinc_lin details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmax_October Open Data

The feature class MM_Tmax_October, is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with maximum t

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmax_October details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393023 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393023 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404114 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404114 details >


The feature class MO_QU04G_10K_ contains the union of sheets of the CTR 1:10000 of the entire Molise

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_QU04G_10k details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406122 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406122 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF065G_Civitanova_del_Sannio_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF065G_Civitanova_del_Sannio_vinc represents some areas of the municipal terri

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF065G_Civitanova_del_Sannio_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geomorphology_lin_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_geomorphology_lin_2 represents geomorphology, linear elements acquired from the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geomorphology_lin_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RI01G_Nodo_Idr Open Data

Data on water nodes (start/end of water course or two course path connection).

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RI01G_Nodo_Idr details >


the feature class MO_DBP17G_Costa contains linear elemetes of the coast type DBP10k level 2. Data de

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP17G_Costa details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RF10G_fiorators Open Data

Tapers of the Molise sewerage system

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RF10G_fiorators details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA09G_bacinisott_monit Open Data

The feature class MO_PTA09G_bacinisott_monit identifies groundwater basins in the Molise region. The

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA09G_bacinisott_monit details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_tratturi_poly_1 Open Data

The feature class MO_vincolo_tratturi_poly_1 represents the elements with tractual constraint, eleme

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_tratturi_poly_1 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S380121 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S380121 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF077G_Ferrazzano_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF077G_Ferrazzano_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affect

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF077G_Ferrazzano_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393133 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393133 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404143 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404143 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF027G_Carpinone Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF027G_Carpinone represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Carpinone,

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF027G_Carpinone details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA27G_sources Open Data

The feature class MO_PTA27G_sources are the sources of the Molise territory for which polluting moni

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA27G_sources details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_immodif_temp_poly_3 Open Data

The feature class MO_vincolo_immodif_temp_poly_3 — represents the areas subject to temporary immodif

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_immodif_temp_poly_3 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP437G_Tratti_Ferr Open Data

The feature class MO_DBP437G_Tratti_Ferr contains the DBPrior 10k railway sections for the entire Mo

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP437G_Tratti_Ferr details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Pericolosita_Fortore Open Data

Feaure class MO_Pericolosita_Fortore — Synthetic information layer on the mapping of hydraulic hazar

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Pericolosita_Fortore details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG268G_Isernia_vinc_lin Open Data

The feature class MO_PRG268G_Isernia_vinc_lin represents the constraints expressed as linear element

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG268G_Isernia_vinc_lin details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393164 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393164 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393061 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393061 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393091 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393091 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF043G_Castelpetroso Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF043G_Castelpetroso represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Castel

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF043G_Castelpetroso details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF057G_Cercepiccola_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF057G_Cercepiccola_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affe

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF057G_Cercepiccola_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406023 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406023 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmin_December Open Data

The feature class MM_Tmin_December, is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with minimum

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmin_December details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmax_May Open Data

The feature class MM_Tmax_May, is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with maximum tempe

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmax_May details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF074G_Duronia Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF074G_Duronia represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Duronia, the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF074G_Duronia details >


The feature class MO_PTA12G_CISS_monit are the significant underground water bodies used for the cal

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA12G_CISS_monit details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_alteraz_degrado_poly_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_alteraz_degrado_poly_2 represents the elements of alteration and degradation, t

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_alteraz_degrado_poly_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_risk_hydrogeo_lin_5 Open Data

The feature class MO_risk_hydrogeo_lin_5 represents the hydrological risk — linear elements acquired

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_risk_hydrogeo_lin_5 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poly_7 Open Data

The feature class MO_sist_insediativo_poly_7 represents the settlement system, elements acquired fro

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poly_7 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392044 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392044 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404032 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404032 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S382102 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S382102 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404123 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404123 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC01G_abbazie_e_badie Open Data

The feature class MO_BC01G_abbazie_e_badie contains the locations of the abbeys and abbeys for the w

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC01G_abbazie_e_badie details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PC02G_Vincoli Open Data

The feature class MO_PC02G_Vincoli represents the areas of the regional territory affected by specif

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PC02G_Vincoli details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Immigration Open Data

Polygonal featureclass consisting of the municipalities of the Molise region; the immigration rate f

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Immigration details >

Land Cover Piemonte: Land use classification 2010 (vector) — HISTORY Open Data

Information layer in vector format of land use and cover. It is the vectorisation of the original ra

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Land Cover Piemonte: Land use classification 2010 (vector) — HISTORY details >

Protected Areas and Natura 2000 Network Geo-Service WFS Open Data

A WFS (Web Feature Service) is a service that produces spatially related maps of data from geographi

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Protected Areas and Natura 2000 Network Geo-Service WFS details >

AGEA 2015 — Ortophoto RGB — Geoservizi WMS and WMTS Open Data

The geo-services WMS and WMTS AGEA 2015 allow the visualisation of the colour orthophotos of the fli

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AGEA 2015 — Ortophoto RGB — Geoservizi WMS and WMTS details >

Plans of Protected Areas Open Data

Plans of Protected Areas: digital map in which you can consult some types of plan of the Protected A

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Plans of Protected Areas details >

BDTRE — Significant locations and cartographic writings — GEO-SERVICE WFS Open Data

A WFS — Web Feature Service is a standard Open Gis Consortium (OGC) service that allows the request,

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BDTRE — Significant locations and cartographic writings — GEO-SERVICE WFS details >

BDTRE — Reference Map Base — 2016 — WMTS (Raster 1:10,000) Open Data

WMTS geo-service that allows the display of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2016)

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BDTRE — Reference Map Base — 2016 — WMTS (Raster 1:10,000) details >

Regional hydrographic grid — DB Prior 10K — Water nodes (HISTORY) Open Data

Points corresponding to the nodes of the water element graph according to the specifications of the

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Regional hydrographic grid — DB Prior 10K — Water nodes (HISTORY) details >

Aerial recovery ICE 2009-2011 DSM Open Data

The DSM (Digital Surface Model) covers the entire regional territory and has been acquired with a un

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Aerial recovery ICE 2009-2011 DSM details >

Transformations of the forest to another use Open Data

Geographical data relating to forest transformations authorised pursuant to Article 19 of Law No 4/0

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Transformations of the forest to another use details >

Water Protection Plan — Specific flow data of deep wells Open Data

Specific flow data from pumping tests and deep well stratigraphs — PTA: Monographs of hydrogeologica

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Water Protection Plan — Specific flow data of deep wells details >

BDTRE — REFERENCE CARTOGRAFICAL BASE — 2017 — WMS (Raster 1:10.000) Open Data

WMS geo-service that allows the display of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2017),

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BDTRE — REFERENCE CARTOGRAFICAL BASE — 2017 — WMS (Raster 1:10.000) details >

BDTRE — REFERENCE CARTOGRAFIC BASE — 2014 — WMTS (raster 1:10.000) Open Data

WMS geo-service that allows the display of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2014),

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BDTRE — REFERENCE CARTOGRAFIC BASE — 2014 — WMTS (raster 1:10.000) details >

BDTRE — Road element (EL_STR) Open Data

It belongs to the theme “Roads”.The “road” is identified as the area for public use intended for the

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BDTRE — Road element (EL_STR) details >
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