Italian Catalogue of metadata for Spatial Data Open data in a single API request

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2000 Historical Series — Resident population distributed by gender, reference age and age groups Open Data

The dataset contains eight files related to the 2000-2019 historical series the distribution of the

Issued on 2015-07-16

2000 Historical Series — Resident population distributed by gender, reference age and age groups details >

Historical series annual number contacts information offices and tourist accommodation Open Data

The dataset contains the total contacts related to tourist information and reception offices (IAT) d

Issued on 2017-01-30T13:13:54.789312Z

Historical series annual number contacts information offices and tourist accommodation details >

Historical Series Neighborhood Exercises Open Data

Aggregated list by Municipality of Neighborhood Exercises recorded since 30 June of each year, from

Issued on

Historical Series Neighborhood Exercises details >

Number of companies by company position 2008-2014 Open Data

Non-agricultural private sector enterprises and jobs. Number of enterprises broken down by holding p

Issued on 2016-02-19

Number of companies by company position 2008-2014 details >

Historical series annual average number of jobs and annual contributions 2008-2014 Open Data

Non-agricultural private sector enterprises and jobs. Average annual number of jobs and contribution

Issued on 2016-02-19

Historical series annual average number of jobs and annual contributions 2008-2014 details >

Historical series average annual job positions by area 2008-2014 Open Data

Non-agricultural private sector enterprises and jobs. Average annual number of jobs broken down by g

Issued on 2016-02-19

Historical series average annual job positions by area 2008-2014 details >

Authorised time series of IGC 2001-2013 Open Data

Time series authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni. Years 2001-2013 (January-June).

Issued on 2014-02-14

Authorised time series of IGC 2001-2013 details >

Historical population series of Matera by age group from 2001 to 2012 Open Data

Historical series of the population resident in Matera divided by age classes at “31 December of eac

Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:07.620410Z

Historical population series of Matera by age group from 2001 to 2012 details >

Historical population series of Matera by age group from 2002 to 2013 Open Data

Historical series of the population resident in Matera divided by age classes at “31 December of eac

Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:44.363418Z

Historical population series of Matera by age group from 2002 to 2013 details >

Historical series of resident foreign population. Open Data

Foreign population residing in the municipality of Matera by nationality and sex. The data are of IS

Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:54.951108Z

Historical series of resident foreign population. details >

Historical Series Appeals to the Prefect for Minutes to the Highway Code Open Data

The dataset contains 4 files relating to appeals brought before the Prefect against minutes for viol

Issued on 2020-05-08

Historical Series Appeals to the Prefect for Minutes to the Highway Code details >

Six-monthly historical series of authorised hours of cash integration gains in derogation — Years... Open Data

Report on social cohesion — Data on authorised hours of cash integration gains by derogation (CIGD)

Issued on 2012-01-17

Six-monthly historical series of authorised hours of cash integration gains in derogation — Years... details >

Six-monthly time series of authorised hours of extraordinary redundancy payments — Years 2007-2009;... Open Data

Social Cohesion Report — Data of authorised hours of Extraordinary Compensation Fund (CIGS) in the t

Issued on 2012-01-17

Six-monthly time series of authorised hours of extraordinary redundancy payments — Years 2007-2009;... details >

Six-monthly time series of total authorised hours of redundancy payments — Years 2007-2009; 1°... Open Data

Social Cohesion Report — Data of authorised hours of redundancy payments in the time series from 200

Issued on 2012-01-17

Six-monthly time series of total authorised hours of redundancy payments — Years 2007-2009; 1°... details >

Half-yearly historical series of total authorised hours of cash integration gains — Years 2007-2009;... Open Data

Report on social cohesion — Data on authorised hours of cash supplementation by region and geographi

Issued on 2012-01-17

Half-yearly historical series of total authorised hours of cash integration gains — Years 2007-2009;... details >



Issued on 2015-05-20T09:55:41.565750Z


Historical series typology infringement of the minutes of the Local Police of Matera Open Data

Historical series by type of minutes since 2008. The dataset contains the high reports from the spee

Issued on 2018-06-21

Historical series typology infringement of the minutes of the Local Police of Matera details >

Historical Series Sanitary Treatments Obligatori since 2014 Municipality of Lecce Open Data

Historical series of Compulsory Sanitary Treatments (T.S.O.) carried out in the territory of the Mun

Issued on 2018-10-10

Historical Series Sanitary Treatments Obligatori since 2014 Municipality of Lecce details >

Historical series Verbali Code of the road in charge Open Data

The dataset contains 7 files relating to the sums entered in charge for the minutes, not oblates, el

Issued on 2020-05-11

Historical series Verbali Code of the road in charge details >

Historical series Verbali Code of the Local Police Road Matera Open Data

We publish the historical series, starting in 2008, of the total number of reports raised by the Loc

Issued on 2018-06-21

Historical series Verbali Code of the Local Police Road Matera details >

Historical Series Verbali for Road Code Infringements Open Data

The dataset contains 7 files relating to elevated reports as a result of infringements of the Highwa

Issued on 2020-05-12

Historical Series Verbali for Road Code Infringements details >

Residential Services in a Affiliated Canon (SACC) Open Data

Measures for the implementation and management of residential services for contracted fees (SACC) in

Issued on

Residential Services in a Affiliated Canon (SACC) details >

Services to prevent and combat violence against women and children Open Data

In 2015, to support and integrate the territorial network of structures and services in the field of

Issued on 2016-10-06T15:39:29.115796Z

Services to prevent and combat violence against women and children details >

Public Relief Services 2018 of the city of Matera Open Data

Full geolocated list of public rescue facilities. Consult the following: [__MAPPA__](http://www.arcg

Issued on 2018-09-03

Public Relief Services 2018 of the city of Matera details >

Public Hygienic Services 2018 of the city of Matera Open Data

Updated and geolocalised list of public toilets in the city of Matera. Consult the following: [__MAP

Issued on 2018-08-24

Public Hygienic Services 2018 of the city of Matera details >

Residential and semi-residential services Accredited for toxic dependence Open Data

List of accredited residential and semi-residential services for drug addiction

Issued on

Residential and semi-residential services Accredited for toxic dependence details >



Issued on 2015-10-21T10:21:09.376273Z


Car sector by number of years 2015 Open Data

the file contains the number of years relating to the car sector for the year 2015.

Issued on 2016-06-09T10:26:46.409139Z

Car sector by number of years 2015 details >

Section Linked OpenData Open Data

Section LOD managed by SisInf of the Polytechnic of Bari, relating to the Rock Churches of Matera.

Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:57.514983Z

Section Linked OpenData details >

Census Sections — year 2001 Open Data

Census Sections for 2001

Issued on 2021-03-30T10:28:00.499Z

Census Sections — year 2001 details >

Census Sections — year 2011 Open Data

Census Sections for 2011

Issued on 2021-10-27T09:16:06.610Z

Census Sections — year 2011 details >

Shape Municipal Administrative Limits 2019 with DbT/PGT line updates Open Data

The dataset contains the municipal boundaries of the Lombardy Region. The map service was updated in

Issued on

Shape Municipal Administrative Limits 2019 with DbT/PGT line updates details >

Shape Municipal administrative limits 2019 with polygonal DBT/Pgt updates Open Data

The dataset contains the municipal boundaries of the Lombardy Region. The map service was updated in

Issued on

Shape Municipal administrative limits 2019 with polygonal DBT/Pgt updates details >

Shape Municipal Administrative Limits 2020 with DbT/PGT line updates Open Data

The dataset contains the municipal boundaries of the Lombardy Region. The map service was updated in

Issued on

Shape Municipal Administrative Limits 2020 with DbT/PGT line updates details >

Shape Municipal Administrative Limits 2020 with updates DbT/PGT Poligon Open Data

The dataset contains the municipal boundaries of the Lombardy Region. The map service was updated in

Issued on

Shape Municipal Administrative Limits 2020 with updates DbT/PGT Poligon details >

Shape Administrative Limits Community Montane 2019 with DbT/PGT updates Open Data

The dataset contains the boundaries of the mountain communities of the Lombardy Region.

Issued on

Shape Administrative Limits Community Montane 2019 with DbT/PGT updates details >

Shape Administrative Limits Communication Montane 2020 with updates DbT/PGT Open Data

The dataset contains the boundaries of the mountain communities of the Lombardy Region.

Issued on

Shape Administrative Limits Communication Montane 2020 with updates DbT/PGT details >

Shape Administrative Limits Provinces 2019 with DbT/PGT updates Open Data

The dataset contains the boundaries of the provinces of the Lombardy Region.

Issued on

Shape Administrative Limits Provinces 2019 with DbT/PGT updates details >

Shape Administrative Limits Province 2020 with DbT/PGT updates Open Data

The dataset contains the boundaries of the provinces of the Lombardy Region.

Issued on

Shape Administrative Limits Province 2020 with DbT/PGT updates details >

Shape Administrative limits Lombardy Region 2020 with DbT/PGT updates Open Data

The dataset contains the boundaries of the Lombardy Region.

Issued on

Shape Administrative limits Lombardy Region 2020 with DbT/PGT updates details >

Shape Matrix OD2016 — Passengers — Switzerland breakdown Open Data

Shape file of passenger movements for the territory of Lombardy Region — Switzerland breakdown (2016

Issued on

Shape Matrix OD2016 — Passengers — Switzerland breakdown details >

Shape Matrix OD2016 — Passengers — Internal Zones Open Data

Shape file of passenger movements for the territory of Lombardy Region (2016). The dataset to corre

Issued on

Shape Matrix OD2016 — Passengers — Internal Zones details >

Shape Matrix OD2016 — Heavy and commercial vehicles — Switzerland breakdown Open Data

Shape file of the movements of commercial and heavy vehicles of interest to the territory of Lombard

Issued on

Shape Matrix OD2016 — Heavy and commercial vehicles — Switzerland breakdown details >

Shape Matrice OD2016 — Commercial and heavy vehicles — Interior areas Open Data

Shape file of the movements of commercial and heavy vehicles of interest to the Lombardy Region (201

Issued on

Shape Matrice OD2016 — Commercial and heavy vehicles — Interior areas details >

Hedges in maintenance Open Data

Location hedges of the municipal territory of Bologna. For each row it is indicated: Type of SiepeDa

Issued on 2023-03-10T01:00:17.775Z

Hedges in maintenance details >


Offices and contacts of the mayors of the Lombard municipalities.Detailed information on the offices

Issued on


claims by nature accident 2019 Open Data

claims by nature accident 2019

Issued on 2020-12-30T11:24:23.911301Z

claims by nature accident 2019 details >

Claims for Via 2019 Open Data

accident statistics by route — lecce 2019

Issued on 2020-12-30T11:04:22.365235Z

Claims for Via 2019 details >

Local labour systems Regione Lombardia Open Data

The local labour systems (SLL) represent a territorial grid whose boundaries, regardless of the admi

Issued on

Local labour systems Regione Lombardia details >

Archaeological Sites Municipality of Matera Open Data

Archaeological sites bound by Ministerial Decree. The constraint areas have been perimeterd on a c

Issued on 2018-01-20T08:32:17.913159Z

Archaeological Sites Municipality of Matera details >

Situation of the municipal kennels of Matera updated as of September 2, 2014. Open Data

The dataset contains the location of the kennel, the dogs divided by sex, by breed, if bitten and/or

Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:02.792850Z

Situation of the municipal kennels of Matera updated as of September 2, 2014. details >

Elderly subjects living alone (age 65 and over) of the Municipality of Matera Open Data

The datasets contain the data of elderly people living alone by sex, marital status and age (the ref

Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:34.328158Z

Elderly subjects living alone (age 65 and over) of the Municipality of Matera details >

Public Money — Current Expenditure of the Municipality of Matera Open Data

Dataset connected with and then with SIOPE, the Payments Database regist

Issued on 2018-02-14T18:43:48.155052Z

Public Money — Current Expenditure of the Municipality of Matera details >

Sum of domestic labour contributions by type of report — quarterly figures 2015 Open Data

Domestic workers. Sum of workers’ contributions by type of relationship. Quarterly data year 2015

Issued on 2016-12-09

Sum of domestic labour contributions by type of report — quarterly figures 2015 details >

Sum contributions domestic workers divided by year, area, sex and age class. Historical series,... Open Data

Sum contributions for domestic workers divided by year, area, gender and age class (absolute values

Issued on 2018-05-08

Sum contributions domestic workers divided by year, area, sex and age class. Historical series,... details >

Sum contributions by domestic workers divided by trimeste, year, area, sex and geographical area of... Open Data

Total contributions by domestic workers divided by trimeste, year, area, sex and geographical area o

Issued on 2018-05-08

Sum contributions by domestic workers divided by trimeste, year, area, sex and geographical area of... details >

Sum of domestic worker contributions by type report — quarterly figures 2013-2014 Open Data

Sum contributions of household workers separated by type of relationship — quarterly data. Years 201

Issued on 2015-09-23

Sum of domestic worker contributions by type report — quarterly figures 2013-2014 details >

Sum of employee incomes and contributions divided by year, region of contribution, gender and type... Open Data

Sum of employee income and contributions divided by year, region of contribution, gender and type of

Issued on 2018-05-08

Sum of employee incomes and contributions divided by year, region of contribution, gender and type... details >

Sum of incomes and contributions of parasubordinate workers by year, region of contribution, sex and... Open Data

Sum of incomes and contributions of parasubordinate employees divided by year, region of contributio

Issued on 2021-05-19

Sum of incomes and contributions of parasubordinate workers by year, region of contribution, sex and... details >

Established/liquidated ICI sums Taxes 2010-2014 Open Data

Total amount of ICI assessments/liquidations issued by the Tax Sector in the period 2010/2014

Issued on 2014-06-20T13:06:40.584107Z

Established/liquidated ICI sums Taxes 2010-2014 details >

Sums collected by the Dogre dealership for TOSAP and Advertising Tax Open Data

Total amount of the sums collected by the concessionaire dogre s.r.l. for TOSAP and Publicity Tax 20

Issued on 2014-06-20T13:25:40.277997Z

Sums collected by the Dogre dealership for TOSAP and Advertising Tax details >

Matera 2019 Committee survey (by Datacontact) Open Data

Survey with data collected by Datacontact ( on the perception and expectations of

Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:47.521607Z

Matera 2019 Committee survey (by Datacontact) details >

Financial support for minors recognised by the mother alone (formerly a nurse). Open Data

Enumeration of evaded, new, suspended and excluded practices in the second quarter of 2014 concernin

Issued on 2014-07-22T08:33:19.940417Z

Financial support for minors recognised by the mother alone (formerly a nurse). details >

Grocery shopping at home Open Data

The Municipality of Bologna has created the georeferenced map that allows all citizens to know the c

Issued on 2021-05-28T07:18:51.967Z

Grocery shopping at home details >

Expenditure Social shock absorbers 2008-2012 Open Data

Expenditure Social shock absorbers 2008-2012. Table 2.1.7

Issued on 2014-02-14

Expenditure Social shock absorbers 2008-2012 details >

Expenditure Conv ATC ATS Open Data

This dataset provides information about the agreed pharmaceutical expenditure per capita weighed for

Issued on

Expenditure Conv ATC ATS details >

Conv expenditure per capita RL per ATC Open Data

This dataset provides information about the agreed pharmaceutical expenditure per capita weighed by

Issued on

Conv expenditure per capita RL per ATC details >

Convened EXPENDITURE for ATS Open Data

This dataset provides information about the agreed pharmaceutical expenditure per capita weighed for

Issued on

Convened EXPENDITURE for ATS details >

Agreed Expenditure for ATS and RL Open Data

This dataset provides information about the agreed pharmaceutical expenditure per capita weighed by

Issued on

Agreed Expenditure for ATS and RL details >

ATS DPC expenditure by ATC Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in distribution on behalf

Issued on

ATS DPC expenditure by ATC details >

DPC expenditure for ATS Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in distribution on behalf

Issued on

DPC expenditure for ATS details >

DPC expenditure for ATS and RL Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in distribution on behalf

Issued on

DPC expenditure for ATS and RL details >

DPC RL expenditure for ATC Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in distribution on behalf

Issued on

DPC RL expenditure for ATC details >

FF expenditure ATC 030 Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in the Lombardy Region F

Issued on

FF expenditure ATC 030 details >

FF ATC expenditure 321 Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in the Ats File F of the

Issued on

FF ATC expenditure 321 details >

FF expenditure ATC 322 Open Data

This dataset provides information about the per capita expenditure weighed in Insubria Ats File F (3

Issued on

FF expenditure ATC 322 details >

FF expenditure ATC 323 Open Data

This dataset provides information about the per capita expenditure weighed in the Mountain Ats File

Issued on

FF expenditure ATC 323 details >

FF expenditure ATC 324 Open Data

This dataset provides information about the per capita expenditure weighed in Brianza’s Ats File F (

Issued on

FF expenditure ATC 324 details >

FF expenditure ATC 325 Open Data

This dataset provides information about the per capita expenditure weighed in the Bergamo Ats File F

Issued on

FF expenditure ATC 325 details >

FF expenditure ATC 326 Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in the Brescia Ats File F

Issued on

FF expenditure ATC 326 details >

FF expenditure ATC 327 Open Data

This dataset provides information about the per capita expenditure weighed in the F-file of the Ats

Issued on

FF expenditure ATC 327 details >

FF expenditure ATC 328 Open Data

This dataset provides information about the per capita expenditure weighed in the Pavia Ats File F (

Issued on

FF expenditure ATC 328 details >

FF ATC expenditure for all ATS — ATS Consumption Open Data

This dataset provides information about the per capita expenditure weighed in File F of each ATS (He

Issued on

FF ATC expenditure for all ATS — ATS Consumption details >

FF ATC expenditure for all ATS — ATS Production Open Data

This dataset provides information about the per capita expenditure weighed in File F of each ATS (He

Issued on

FF ATC expenditure for all ATS — ATS Production details >

FF RL Expenditure for ATC ATS Consumption Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in File F of the Lombardy

Issued on

FF RL Expenditure for ATC ATS Consumption details >

FF RL expenditure for ATC ATS Production Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in the Lombardy Region F

Issued on

FF RL expenditure for ATC ATS Production details >

Expenditure File F_ residence Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in F files of each ATS (H

Issued on

Expenditure File F_ residence details >

Expenditure File F_dispenser Open Data

This dataset provides information about the expenditure per capita weighed in F files of each ATS (H

Issued on

Expenditure File F_dispenser details >

Expenditure Average Monthly Family Region Lombardy Open Data

Average monthly expenditure per household from 2001 to 2012. The data are related to the Lombardy Re

Issued on

Expenditure Average Monthly Family Region Lombardy details >

Pension Expenditure Inps Year 2012 Open Data

Pension expenditure inps. Year 2012 (EUR million). Social security expenditure: Includes pensions fo

Issued on 2014-02-14

Pension Expenditure Inps Year 2012 details >

Expenditure on social shock absorber and management 2010-2012 Open Data

Total expenditure (including figurative contributions) by social security and management (financial

Issued on 2014-02-14

Expenditure on social shock absorber and management 2010-2012 details >

Expenditure on institutional services INPS financial data Open Data

Expenditure on INPS institutional services financial data (EUR million). 2011 includes the pensions

Issued on 2014-02-14

Expenditure on institutional services INPS financial data details >

Current expenses Municipality of Lecce (Siope) Open Data

In relation to the government portal where there are current expenses of

Issued on 2018-08-05

Current expenses Municipality of Lecce (Siope) details >

Expenditure of Council bodies Open Data

The dataset concerns the collection of expenses incurred by each council body.In particular it is in

Issued on 2023-02-03T11:54:56.595Z

Expenditure of Council bodies details >

Bank branches of the City of Matera Open Data

Updated list of bank branches of the city of Matera year 2018. Consult the following: [__MAPPA__](ht

Issued on 2018-08-27

Bank branches of the City of Matera details >

Professional Social Secretariat Service Desks Open Data

The Professional Social Secretariat is universal. It is addressed to all Italian and foreign citizen

Issued on 2015-05-04T12:13:19.616664Z

Professional Social Secretariat Service Desks details >

Gateway for the socio-cultural health integration of immigrants Open Data

The gateway for the social and cultural integration of immigrants qualifies as an access welfare ser

Issued on 2016-10-06T11:12:57.613339Z

Gateway for the socio-cultural health integration of immigrants details >

Public stalls for the disabled Open Data

Public stalls for the disabled, made by the Municipality of Lecce at the request of the citizenship,

Issued on 2016-01-07T17:05:51.370526Z

Public stalls for the disabled details >

Antique Art prints preserved in the Museums Open Data

SMI Cards — Sheets of the “Antique Art Prints preserved in the Museums”

Issued on

Antique Art prints preserved in the Museums details >

Start-up of the Apulian provinces year 2017 Open Data

The file contains the list of start-ups of the provinces of Puglia broken down by division, sector,

Issued on 2018-06-05T10:42:03.394946Z

Start-up of the Apulian provinces year 2017 details >
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