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Groundwater — Natural background values (NVFN) of boron — period 1987-2018 Open Data

Natural boron background values of monitoring stations in the upper confined water bodies of Apennin

Issued on 2022-01-21T01:22:00.998111Z

Groundwater — Natural background values (NVFN) of boron — period 1987-2018 details >

Groundwater — Natural background values (NVFN) of nickel — period 1987-2018 Open Data

Natural nickel background values of monitoring stations in the upper confined water bodies of the Ap

Issued on 2022-01-21T01:21:59.844627Z

Groundwater — Natural background values (NVFN) of nickel — period 1987-2018 details >

Urban agglomerations 200-1999 A.E. — 2011 edition Open Data

Areas of the Emilia-Romagna Region where the population and/or economic activities are sufficiently

Issued on 2020-09-08T08:14:32.822118Z

Urban agglomerations 200-1999 A.E. — 2011 edition details >

Diving areas of dredging materials of ports Open Data

Sea areas where dredged sludge is unloaded in regional ports

Issued on 2020-09-02T11:15:29.850128Z

Diving areas of dredging materials of ports details >

Reference river basins as per Dir. 2000/60/EC Open Data

Reference basins and river basins as per Legislative Decree 152/99-2009 update to Dir. 2000/60/EC

Issued on 2022-01-21T01:21:29.031941Z

Reference river basins as per Dir. 2000/60/EC details >

Hydrographic basins and sub-basins of natural temples tipised Open Data

Catchment areas of the basins and river basin sub-basins of natural auctions linked to the different

Issued on 2022-01-21T01:21:30.002742Z

Hydrographic basins and sub-basins of natural temples tipised details >

Bathymetries of the Adriatic — 2014 edition Open Data

Bathymetries of the Adriatic in front of the Emilia-Romagna coast with curves of level every meter —

Issued on 2022-03-15T16:21:33.670196Z

Bathymetries of the Adriatic — 2014 edition details >

Granting acts — year 2021 Open Data

List of acts granting grants, grants, grants and financial aids to enterprises

Issued on

Granting acts — year 2021 details >

Pedestrian circulation areas on the territory of the Municipality of Siena Open Data

Dataset containing the area intended for pedestrian circulation, it includes all sections of the roa

Issued on

Pedestrian circulation areas on the territory of the Municipality of Siena details >

Road area Open Data

Dataset containing the surface within the road boundaries. It is the plane formed by the roadway and

Issued on

Road area details >

Real estate and anthropisations Open Data

The layer “Buildings and anthropisations” collects the definition of all those objects that derive f

Issued on

Real estate and anthropisations details >

Cadastral parcels bound by forest fire Open Data

Cadastral parcels bound as a result of a forest fire (Regional Law No 39/2000 and as amended)

Issued on

Cadastral parcels bound by forest fire details >

Constraint Open Data

Areas subject to a binding regime provided for by law.

Issued on

Constraint details >

Landscape constraint D.Lgs 42/2004 Open Data

Areas subject to a legal obligation: Legislative Decree 42/2004 — Art.142 and Art.136

Issued on

Landscape constraint D.Lgs 42/2004 details >

Constraint Forest destination (Article 15 of Regional Law No 52/78) Open Data

Areas subject to the registration regime provided for by law — Regional Law No 52/78, Articles 14 an

Issued on

Constraint Forest destination (Article 15 of Regional Law No 52/78) details >

Polygonal limits of sites of Community interest Open Data

Polygonal perimeter of Sites of Community Interest

Issued on

Polygonal limits of sites of Community interest details >

Polygonal Limits of Special Protection Zones Open Data

Polygonal perimeter of Special Protection Zones

Issued on

Polygonal Limits of Special Protection Zones details >

Areas for the establishment of Parks and Natural and Archaeological Reserves and for landscape... Open Data

Areas for the establishment of regional parks and nature reserves and areas for the establishment of

Issued on

Areas for the establishment of Parks and Natural and Archaeological Reserves and for landscape... details >

Current or adopted Area or Sector Plans Open Data

Areas of Area Plans or Sector Plans in force or adopted pursuant to Article 3 of the PTRC and Articl

Issued on

Current or adopted Area or Sector Plans details >

Roman roads Open Data

Ancient traces visible or latent of Roman roads. Art.28 PTRC technical standards

Issued on 2012-01-31

Roman roads details >

Areas of Remediation and Irrigation Open Data

Areas of Area Plans or Sector Plans in force or adopted pursuant to Article 3 of the PTRC and Articl

Issued on

Areas of Remediation and Irrigation details >

Polygon of the perimeter of the historic center in force Open Data

Polygonal boundaries of the Historic Centre

Issued on

Polygon of the perimeter of the historic center in force details >

Polygons of spatial objects producing constraint or band of respect Open Data

Polygonal constraints

Issued on

Polygons of spatial objects producing constraint or band of respect details >

Respect bands Open Data

Bands of respect or servitude deriving from multiple sources of law

Issued on

Respect bands details >

Hydrography Open Data

Hydrography limit

Issued on

Hydrography details >

Added constraints — areas Open Data

Constraints not taken into account in the specifications and added by the municipality — Area

Issued on 2014-03-24

Added constraints — areas details >

Geological invariants — Geosites Open Data

A geosite is a locality, area or territory where it is possible to define a geological or geomorphol

Issued on

Geological invariants — Geosites details >

Invariants of landscape (areas) Open Data

Nature invariants Landscaping (areas)

Issued on

Invariants of landscape (areas) details >

Invariants of landscaped nature (LINEE) Open Data

Nature invariants Landscaping (LINEE)

Issued on

Invariants of landscaped nature (LINEE) details >

Environmental invariants (areas) Open Data

Environmental invariants (areas)

Issued on

Environmental invariants (areas) details >

Environmental invariants (lines) Open Data

Environmental invariants (lines)

Issued on

Environmental invariants (lines) details >

Environmental invariants (points) Open Data

Environmental invariants (points)

Issued on

Environmental invariants (points) details >

Invariants of historical munumental nature (areas) Open Data

Invariants of monumental historical nature (areas)

Issued on

Invariants of historical munumental nature (areas) details >

Invariants of historical munumental nature (lines) Open Data

Invariants of monumental historical nature (lines)

Issued on

Invariants of historical munumental nature (lines) details >

Invariants of a historical and munumental nature (points) Open Data

Invariants of monumental historical nature (points)

Issued on

Invariants of a historical and munumental nature (points) details >

Invariants of a productive agricultural nature (areas) Open Data

Invariants of a productive agricultural nature (areas)

Issued on

Invariants of a productive agricultural nature (areas) details >

Geological compatibility for urban planning purposes Open Data

Defines, for geological aspects, the attitude or otherwise of an area of the territory to building w

Issued on

Geological compatibility for urban planning purposes details >

Protection pursuant to Article 41 of Regional Law No 11/2004 Open Data

Areas protected by the Pat — L.R.11/2004 art.41

Issued on

Protection pursuant to Article 41 of Regional Law No 11/2004 details >

Areas which are particularly vulnerable in relation to their agricultural activity Open Data

Areas which are particularly vulnerable in relation to their agricultural activity

Issued on

Areas which are particularly vulnerable in relation to their agricultural activity details >

Identification of homogeneous territorial areas — A.T.O Open Data

Homogeneous Territorial Areas

Issued on

Identification of homogeneous territorial areas — A.T.O details >

Territorial areas to which the corresponding objectives of protection, requalification and... Open Data

Territorial areas to which the corresponding objectives of protection, requalification and valorisat

Issued on

Territorial areas to which the corresponding objectives of protection, requalification and... details >

Villas identified in the publication of the Regional Institute for Venetian Villas Open Data

Villas identified in the publication of the Regional Institute for Venetian Villas.

Issued on

Villas identified in the publication of the Regional Institute for Venetian Villas details >

Buildings and complexes of monumental witness value Open Data

Buildings and complexes of monumental witness value

Issued on

Buildings and complexes of monumental witness value details >

Appliances discovered to be protected Open Data

Appliances discovered to be protected. — Article 40(4) of Law No 11/2004

Issued on

Appliances discovered to be protected details >

Figurative contexts of monumental complexes Open Data

Figurative contexts in which monumental complexes are inserted.

Issued on

Figurative contexts of monumental complexes details >

Visual cones Open Data

Visual cones to enhance the visibility of particular contexts of pregiopaesaggistico-environmental a

Issued on

Visual cones details >

Historical Centres Open Data

Urban agglomerations which retain in the territorial organisation, urban planning or building struct

Issued on

Historical Centres details >

Areas of parks or for the establishment of parks and nature reserves of municipal interest Open Data

Areas of parks or for the establishment of parks and nature reserves of municipal interest — L.R.40/

Issued on

Areas of parks or for the establishment of parks and nature reserves of municipal interest details >

Natural values and protections — Local ecological network (areas) Open Data

Identification of the design elements of the Local Ecological Network on the basis of the completion

Issued on

Natural values and protections — Local ecological network (areas) details >

Natural values and protections — Local ecological network (lines) Open Data

Identification of the design elements of the Local Ecological Network on the basis of the completion

Issued on

Natural values and protections — Local ecological network (lines) details >

Natural values and protections — Barriere Open Data

Identification of discontinuity elements compared to class b0404021_Natural values and protections,

Issued on

Natural values and protections — Barriere details >

House numbers Open Data

Municipal civic numbering provided by the Ecographic Office

Issued on

House numbers details >

Cycling area Open Data

The longitudinal part of the road, duly delimited, reserved for the circulation of cycles.The cycle

Issued on

Cycling area details >

Vehicular circulation areas Open Data

Dataset containing the information of the area where it is possible to transit and stop vehicles, no

Issued on

Vehicular circulation areas details >

Roads Open Data

The ‘road’ is identified as the area for public use intended for the circulation of pedestrians, veh

Issued on

Roads details >

Potential linear connection areas of the watercourse network — Città Metropolitana di Firenze Open Data

Identification of the quality of potential linear link areas of the watercourse network. There are f

Issued on 2014-01-15

Potential linear connection areas of the watercourse network — Città Metropolitana di Firenze details >

PUMS — Evolutionary — Tramviary Transport — Metropolitan City of Florence Open Data

The Urban Plan of Sustainable Mobility (PUMS) is the strategic document that aims to guide urban mob

Issued on

PUMS — Evolutionary — Tramviary Transport — Metropolitan City of Florence details >

Paths ANPIL — Metropolitan City of Florence Open Data

Paths of the Protected Natural Areas of Local Interest (ANPIL) of the Metropolitan City of Florence.

Issued on 2012-07-09

Paths ANPIL — Metropolitan City of Florence details >

ANPIL — Metropolitan City of Florence Open Data

Perimeter of the Protected Natural Areas of Local Interest (ANPIL) of the Metropolitan City of Flore

Issued on 2013-01-10

ANPIL — Metropolitan City of Florence details >

PUMS — Project — Parking — Florence Metropolitan City Open Data

The Sustainable Mobility Urban Plan (PUMS) is the strategic document that aims to guide urban mobili

Issued on

PUMS — Project — Parking — Florence Metropolitan City details >

Offices of the URP Offices Relations with the Public (year 2014) — Città Metropolitana of Florence Open Data

Localisation of the offices of the Public Relations Offices (URP) of the local administrations of th

Issued on 2014-02-18

Offices of the URP Offices Relations with the Public (year 2014) — Città Metropolitana of Florence details >

Areas covered by fire (year 2014) — Metropolitan City of Florence Open Data

Map of the inventory of areas covered by fire. It is possible to verify the individual event distinc

Issued on 2014-01-15

Areas covered by fire (year 2014) — Metropolitan City of Florence details >

PTCP 1998 — Art.20 Mining Areas. Mines — Metropolitan City of Florence Open Data

PTCP approved by Presidential Decree No 946 of 15 June 1998 (Deliberation of the Provincial Council

Issued on 2014-03-13

PTCP 1998 — Art.20 Mining Areas. Mines — Metropolitan City of Florence details >

PTCP 2013 — Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 31 Railways and railway lines —... Open Data

Linear, punctual and range elements of the railway and railway network of the Province of Florence.

Issued on 2013-01-10

PTCP 2013 — Charter of the Statute of the Territory Art. 31 Railways and railway lines —... details >

Groundwater bodies of upper free and confined plains — PdG 2010 Open Data

Cartographic water bodies are: foothills and Apennine beaches, Apennine alluvial conoids, both free

Issued on 2020-09-02T10:29:49.966556Z

Groundwater bodies of upper free and confined plains — PdG 2010 details >

Average diameter of beach sediments — 2012 Open Data

Spatial distribution of the average diameters related to beach sediments taken in 2012 along the Emi

Issued on 2020-09-02T10:57:07.462019Z

Average diameter of beach sediments — 2012 details >

Rainy days — Annual number — Climate 1991-2008 — ED.2010 Open Data

Average over the period 1991-2008 of the annual number of rainy days — precipitation exceeding 1 mm

Issued on 2020-09-08T08:13:59.389305Z

Rainy days — Annual number — Climate 1991-2008 — ED.2010 details >

Rainy days — trend in the period 1961-2008 — Ed.2010 Open Data

Trend over the period 1961-2008 in the annual number of rainy days — precipitation exceeding 1 mm —

Issued on 2020-09-02T10:34:42.135137Z

Rainy days — trend in the period 1961-2008 — Ed.2010 details >

Isokinetics — period 1992-2000 (lines) Open Data

Vertical ground movement speed in the period 1992-2000 — isolines (mm/year)

Issued on 2020-09-02T10:33:21.258303Z

Isokinetics — period 1992-2000 (lines) details >

Coastal Defense Works — 2011 Open Data

Works of defense from the sea present along the coast of the Emilia-Romagna Region

Issued on 2022-03-15T16:46:36.852208Z

Coastal Defense Works — 2011 details >

Provincial roads Open Data

The dataset contains the graph of the provincial roads. For complete information, the graph of the m

Issued on

Provincial roads details >

Social Services — Residential and semi-residential services Open Data

Territorial metadata compliant with CNIPA RNDT specifications

Issued on

Social Services — Residential and semi-residential services details >

Hotel facilities Open Data

The dataset contains the punctual location of the hotels (hotels, hotels garnì, villages — hotel and

Issued on 2016-08-02

Hotel facilities details >

MTB bans Open Data

The dataset contains the punctual location of prohibitions related to the provincial network of moun

Issued on 2016-08-02

MTB bans details >

Annual rainfall — variation between the periods 1991-2008 and 1961-1990 — Ed.2010 Open Data

Difference in the cumulative annual daily precipitation for the period 1991-2008 compared to 1961-19

Issued on 2020-09-02T11:10:39.164652Z

Annual rainfall — variation between the periods 1991-2008 and 1961-1990 — Ed.2010 details >

PPR — Inland river zone (Table P4-2021 UPDATE) Open Data

The figure is an update to that contained in Table P4 of the Ppr approved in 2017, as it incorporate

Issued on 2021-08-12

PPR — Inland river zone (Table P4-2021 UPDATE) details >

PPR — Periruban Contests of Regional Importance (Table P5) Open Data

The range includes contexts around major urban areas that are highly fragmented and compromised in s

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Periruban Contests of Regional Importance (Table P5) details >

PPR — Good ex DD.MM. 1/8/1985 (Table P2-2021 UPDATE) Open Data

The data, range, represents the goods identified pursuant to Law 1497/1939, Ministerial Decree 21/9/

Issued on 2021-08-12

PPR — Good ex DD.MM. 1/8/1985 (Table P2-2021 UPDATE) details >

PPR — Circuits of Interest Useful (Table P5) Open Data

The linear figure identifies the circuits of hills, valleys, foothills, greenways, etc. which form p

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Circuits of Interest Useful (Table P5) details >

PPR — Letter e) glaciers (tav. P2) Open Data

The data, punctual, is a reworking of the area data of the perennial snow glaciers of the BDTRE, in

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Letter e) glaciers (tav. P2) details >

PPR — Letter c) water bodies (Table P2)/Hydrographic system (tav. P4) UPDATE 2021 Open Data

The figure is an update of the one in the Ppr tables P2 and P4 approved, as it contains the changes

Issued on 2021-08-12

PPR — Letter c) water bodies (Table P2)/Hydrographic system (tav. P4) UPDATE 2021 details >

PPR — Letter b) lacual bands (tav. P2) Open Data

The data, range, represents the territories covered by the protected lakes pursuant to Article 142(1

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Letter b) lacual bands (tav. P2) details >

PPR — contiguous areas (Table P5) Open Data

The data, range, derives from the shape file of the protected areas of the Regional Biodiversity and

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — contiguous areas (Table P5) details >

PPR — River and lake landscape (tav. P6) Open Data

The data, range, identifies the main streams of Piedmont and the main regional lakes (Maggiore, d’Or

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — River and lake landscape (tav. P6) details >

PPR — Layered presence of irrigation systems (Table P4) Open Data

The linear figure represents the system of large artificial canals resulting from large reclamation

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Layered presence of irrigation systems (Table P4) details >

PPR — Periruban contexts of local relevance (Table P5) Open Data

The data, range, includes the contexts of the sub-principal cities with the recent strong developmen

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Periruban contexts of local relevance (Table P5) details >

PPR — Rural areas of specific landscape interest SV3 (Table P4) Open Data

The figure, range, represents rural country systems of significant variety and specificity, with the

Issued on

PPR — Rural areas of specific landscape interest SV3 (Table P4) details >

PPR — Main migratory routes (Table P5) Open Data

The linear figure identifies the main migratory routes derived from studies carried out for the regi

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Main migratory routes (Table P5) details >

Building SCOLASTICA — Buildings and School Areas Open Data

Localisation School Buildings located within the School Areas present in the Regional territory

Issued on

Building SCOLASTICA — Buildings and School Areas details >

PPR — Turin and centres of I-II-III rank (tav. P4) Open Data

The data, punctual, classifies Piedmontese centers in 4 historical ranks, distinguishing: Turin, fir

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Turin and centres of I-II-III rank (tav. P4) details >

PPR — Elements of linear criticality (tav. P4) Open Data

This data shows linear barriers consisting of land-based infrastructure and infrastructure (large ro

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Elements of linear criticality (tav. P4) details >

PPR — Characteristic elements of landscape relevance (Table P4) Open Data

The data, punctual, represents the built complexes relevant for form, position, morphology, and loca

Issued on 2017-10-20

PPR — Characteristic elements of landscape relevance (Table P4) details >

Bathing water monitoring network (D.Lgs.116/08) — 2017 update Open Data

Regional monitoring network of the bathing waters of Emilia-Romagna pursuant to Legislative Decree.1

Issued on 2020-09-02T10:34:02.669671Z

Bathing water monitoring network (D.Lgs.116/08) — 2017 update details >

Historical regional hydrometric monitoring network — period 1961-2008 Open Data

Location of the hydrometers of the historical regional network used for the elaboration of the maps

Issued on 2020-09-02T11:10:24.541666Z

Historical regional hydrometric monitoring network — period 1961-2008 details >

Historical regional rain monitoring network — period 1961-2015 Open Data

Location of the rain gauges of the historical regional network used for the elaboration of the maps

Issued on 2020-09-02T11:34:38.590551Z

Historical regional rain monitoring network — period 1961-2015 details >

Historical regional thermometric monitoring network — period 1961-2015 Open Data

Location of thermometers of the historical regional network used for the elaboration of maps contain

Issued on 2020-09-08T08:16:32.358461Z

Historical regional thermometric monitoring network — period 1961-2015 details >

WASTE: Undifferentiated waste — production per capita year 2019 Open Data

Per capita production of undifferentiated municipal waste (kg/ab) per municipality — 2020 edition —

Issued on 2022-01-05T14:42:32.175544Z

WASTE: Undifferentiated waste — production per capita year 2019 details >

WASTE: Urban waste — production per capita year 2019 Open Data

Per capita production of Urban waste by municipality (kg/ab) — 2020 edition — data updated to 2019

Issued on 2022-01-05T14:42:33.238780Z

WASTE: Urban waste — production per capita year 2019 details >

Sealine Methane and Petroleum Open Data

Sealine methane and oil connecting to the mainland. Data from the Ministry of Economic Development (

Issued on 2020-09-02T10:37:00.139994Z

Sealine Methane and Petroleum details >

Maximum Temperature — Annual Average — Climate 1961-1990 — Ed.2010 Open Data

Average over the period 1961-1990 of the annual average of the maximum daily temperature (°C)

Issued on 2020-09-02T11:34:37.438038Z

Maximum Temperature — Annual Average — Climate 1961-1990 — Ed.2010 details >
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